Why do some people not signal when they are going to turn?

1 Answer

Answer :

That’s one of my pet peeves too. I do it all the time and it really bothers me when others don’t do it. Especially when they’re driving like maniacs and are all over the place. That’s why accidents happen. If you’re going to go into my lane and be a reckless driver at least give me a heads up you know?

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Last Answer : Here is a video , this is sorta what I am trying to say https://youtu.be/eWuK-fi-D_w Let me tell you from my view,I would be standing on the brakes,but I would be driving through them I ... the 2 in the video. Did you notice that idiot never even stuck around to see if those drivers were alright.

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Last Answer : I can understand why you endorse them. If someone handed me one, I would probably use it, but so far, I feel no compulsion to buy one.

Description : Would you rather drive a four lane divided highway, or a two lane curvy highway?

Last Answer : If time isn’t an issue I would prefer the two lane curvy road though not so much at night.

Description : Do you really have to shoulder check every 5 seconds?

Last Answer : Uh NO! Just shoulder check when changing lanes. constantly checking the road. mirrors, and other things but just shoulder check when changing lanes.

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Last Answer : Example, you are with a bunch of friends and decide to go some where, do you say let’s all jump in my Blazer and head out? Do you say let’s all pile in my suv and get going? Do you say let’s take the rocket and blast out there?

Description : What gadget did your vehicle come with that you like the most?

Last Answer : Not a gadget, but I appreciate the dark almost black windows. It’s a great boon in hot summers.

Description : At highway speeds do you feel safer with a transport truck in front of you, or behind you?

Last Answer : Behind me. If it is in front of me, the truck is blocking my view of what is ahead of me that I might miss such as a caution sign, or a road sign that I need to read. Also, he could lose ... other day there was a truck in front and beside me carrying machinery and a piece came off and hit my car.