Is there a new status symbol on gmail?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s been around for quite a while now and I believe it indicates the availability of video chat.

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Description : Have you switched to the new gmail version?

Last Answer : Found how to get back to the classic version from New Coke and now they both look weird!

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Last Answer : I see they have it explained here. But you can add to it anyway.

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Last Answer : It’s an option in your GMail settings. I get popups on my Mac.

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Last Answer : answer:More details please. Specifically where are you? - Are you using the browser version? Android? iOS? – Are you in a new compose window or viewing an old email?

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Last Answer : Mine added contacts that I had deleted years ago. No “hot young men” though. I’m thinking of ditching mine also. I don’t like all the bells and whistles, don’t need them and won’t use them. I just want an easy email address that I don’t have to think about.

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Last Answer : Not sure about that one. Mine’s shows up in Inbox with is a branch of All Mail.

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