On my Live Feed on Facebook, it says "No posts to display". Is this part of the switch to the new FB?

1 Answer

Answer :

No. I think there might be something wrong with your Face Book account. Maybe they are doing an update or something.

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Last Answer : At the top of your news feed is a “SORT:” drop-down (“Top Stories” and “Most Recent”). If you sort by “Most Recent”, you should really see a list of posts sorted by post date/time descending. The algorithm they use for “Top Stories” is a mystery to me. Your guess is as good as mine.

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Last Answer : answer:I hate those too. I also hate the mass ones about You don't care about those suffering from cancer ....blah blah blah .copy and paste. My ex, the kids' dad, posted one and it worried me. I sent ... need to select, I don't want to see posts like this. Don't know how much good it will do.

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Last Answer : If these are pages you “Liked” directly on Facebook and yet they aren’t showing up, or are dropping out of your list, I think you’ll need to ask Facebook support for help.

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Last Answer : Look and see if it shows up under your sent messages.

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Last Answer : There's a facebook app called Selective Twitter Status - you tell it your twitter screenname, and then anytime you end a twitter post with #fb, it automatically updates your facebook status. Beware, though - it ... are public - if they're private, it won't see them, so it won't update properly

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Last Answer : answer:DON'T DO IT! It might be a scam ! Also read this article about the permissions it requests. Here By the way I NEVER give my credit card for a service like that. If I need to supply a number ... and put $1.00 max on it. Bank of America does this for free . Maybe your bank does it too.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:It also ranks your interaction with that friend. And, the display depends on the platform you are on: my iMac shows it differently from my iPad which is different from my iPhone. My computer shows both my friends and my friends recent likes and postings.

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Last Answer : I’m thinking she was thinking ‘boys…lol.’ What specifically upsets you about that kind of pic? And please don’t say something vague about pedophiles.

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Last Answer : Why not just post it on your page and your friends will see it on their feed.

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Last Answer : Straighten it out or other people may be confused, too.

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Last Answer : The only way I get pop-ups is if I put my cursor over the news ticker in the upper right part of the FB screen. Is your cursor hovering over that area? Check that it’s not. When the cursor is over any other part, I don’t get pop-ups.

Description : Why does FB constantly change it's format?

Last Answer : Because there are some people that believe constantly changing is a good thing? I’d say they think it’ll be a good idea. I didn’t upgrade to the new profile this time and I have no intention to for now. I like the old one just fine.

Description : Have you ever unfriended anybody on FB, and under what circumstances did you do it?

Last Answer : I’ve never defriended anyone, even if I never really talk to them. I have been defriended before, though. Two occasions that I know of were both due to failed online relationships with friends of mine.

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Last Answer : Yep. When a notification gets posted to your wall, point your mouse to the right of that post (across from their name). An X will become visible when your mouse is on it, click that X. Then, you get ... choose Hide [Game]'. You can do this with any app whose posts you don't want to see anymore.

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Last Answer : Wait, I’m a bit confused. So your comments say ”The Page blahblahblahblah” when you write something?

Description : Have you heard of the fb app called Political Social Hub?

Last Answer : I’m going to go with a no.

Description : On fb, if the 'chatbox' say 2, does that mean they are online?

Last Answer : Really, it just means that they have a Facebook window open. I know many times I just have a tab open in my browser on Facebook. It doesn’t mean I’m actively surfing it or that I’m even at my computer.

Description : Is this FB group legit?

Last Answer : It’d be spam. I’m sure you could change your facebook layout with a plugin like greasemonkey or such, but not via group that makes you invite 75% of your friends… lol

Description : How do you use the stuff you buy and get as gifts in Cafe World on FB?

Last Answer : Seriously?......you just need to click your gift box(bottom right).....I asked my gf

Description : Dumb FB Question.

Last Answer : It’s most likely a part of that person’s privacy settings.

Description : In cases of disagreement do you unfriend a person,or simply set your privacy settings so they can't see your posts and you can't see theirs unless you go to their page?

Last Answer : Neither. My Friendbook page is largely for sharing petitions and issues, and I haven't unfriended anyone for disagreeing. That's how I get to keep knowing about the opinion that Trump is a god-sent ... our secret space defense fleet already hiding behind the Moon (or is it Mars or the Sun?).

Description : Facebook users - did this most recent move on Facebook's part (Trending) make any sense? To me, it makes it far less useful.

Last Answer : answer:When you hover on the trending topic, it displays a balloon with a fuller explanation. I hadn't really noticed the change and have never found the Trending stuff particularly useful. There was that ... news. The change may be related to that but the vagaries of FB are always a mystery.

Description : Why am I getting new message notifications for the ios facebook messenger app but there are no new messages?

Last Answer : Try to archive them and see if that helps.

Description : Has anybody had any problems with Facebook, regarding adding a specific recipient to receive your posts, but the recipient says they didn't/can't see the post?

Last Answer : I use email when I need to get the news out to people. FB can be a problem and not consistent in delivery. Continued good wishes.

Last Answer : 4 February 2004 In Facebook Discovery Is

Last Answer : Facebook On the page Like To increase For Most Good Being You The page Boost Please. A little In money A lot Like Getting Go. And In another way To do If you can On the page Friendlist Everyone Invite Please Or Profile Convert By Page Made Two Together Merge By Day.

Description : On Facebook, before I take the plunge and "Get the New Timeline," is there anything specific I need to know, or should do, before I'm totally exposed?

Last Answer : I’d like to hear the answer to this too as I haven’t done it yet either.