What little dog would you suggest me to buy?

1 Answer

Answer :

One that is currently in a shelter.

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Last Answer : Reading that article, Cato is part orangutang. No wonder he was mad when you started playing with that cute dog down teh street. p.s. I thought the Sagittal Crest was a ridgeline in the Sierra Nevada.

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Last Answer : Talk to her vet.

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Last Answer : Let your parents take the lead. Just sympathize with and listen to them. They know how to find a new puppy when they are emotionally ready, I hope they do something to memorialize the dog. Plant a ... . No one can predict how someone else will feel. And your mom and dad are two separate individuals.

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Last Answer : Yep, she can learn new stuff, but first YOU have to be able to tolerate her “upset”. She’ll calm down fast enough when she learns the new way life’s going to be for her. Best bet is to call a dog trainer (people trainer). You could start by watching dog training videos.

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Last Answer : answer:A swollen area near her ovaries? Internally? Or are you talking about her groin area? If she has a sausage like body , why do you think she's not overweight? And is there a reason she' ... lymph nodes or even hernias. Your best option is to take her in to her veterinarian for a check.

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Last Answer : It depends on if the animal is allergic to it. My last dog had severe skin allergies.

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Last Answer : answer:Not the dog I have now (we're still working on this one) but my last dog Tank did a really good play dead. But at some point he modified the trick (it's the only way I can ... understands covering her eyes, perhaps you can teach her to say her prayers. I think that's an adorable trick.

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Last Answer : answer:You should not assume it is just old age. That is not the likely cause. It could be a urinary tract infection or any one of several other conditions. In any case, the symptom of the urine leak ... going on, and where and when you notice the leakage. Good luck and let us hear how Katie is,

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Last Answer : Maybe try the well-known kennel clubs.They might be able to direct you :)

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Last Answer : people are lazy and grossed out by fecal. But, everyone loves a puppy.

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Last Answer : Fox terriers. What a beautiful movie that was.

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Last Answer : Smaller dogs tend to have been breed for their looks, not their ability to do a task, like herd or fetch and assist in hunting. Larger dog breeds were bred for these skills. Some smaller dogs, like some ... small dog, my son and I look at eachother and say, Little dog, Little brain.' and laugh.

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Last Answer : alcohol

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Last Answer : In those old cartoons, it was where the dog kept its martini’s.

Description : why is it the little dogs that are the most aggressive seeming often times?

Last Answer : Mostly they put on a big show of barking and growling, especially towards larger dog because they fear the larger dog and think they can scare it away with a show of aggression. However.. ... belligerent, and will try and prove their status by attacking other dogs quite viciously for no reason.

Description : Can you help me with this dog training question?

Last Answer : Hire a professional dog trainer.

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Last Answer : Rex-male Rose-female

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Last Answer : answer:Sometimes just washing the rug or mopping with the usual cleaner is not enough to remove all of the odor. It's good enough for our noses, but not the dog's. I have found using some of ... are willing to let her use it, then perhaps placing some puppy training pads will make clean up easier.

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Last Answer : answer:I had one for fourteen years. He was a doll - not very bright, but placid and lovable. You could even take his food away while he was eating and he wouldn't snap or growl. The person ... were excitable and could be jumpy and incontinent. I think you have to look carefully at the breed line.

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Last Answer : answer:No. It is the result of canine social hierarchy and ancient dog/human cooperation. It is reversible, but you should consider the ramifications from the animal's point of view. You are the supreme ... it will be easier for you to make a decision based on how your dog sees the situation.

Description : Will you help me decide whether to adopt a second dog?

Last Answer : answer:Cost is definitely a concern, of course, but I tend to share all your other feelings. Have you considered adopting a slightly older dog? A puppy can be really hard on an older dog, all the romping ... I hope to never have to do that again. Good luck with this decision and please let us know!

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Last Answer : Hasso

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Last Answer : I am not a hunter, but I consider myself something of an outdoors person in all other respects. I always try to avoid hunting areas; that being said, where firearms are concerned, I don’t see any such thing as too much safety. The more visible, the safer.

Description : How can I train my dog to not sleep up against me in bed after I've fallen asleep?

Last Answer : answer:I sleep on the couch where there’s no room for invasive snuggling. How about leaving the TV on when you fall asleep or rubbing some meat on your hubby?

Description : Dog with ear infection won't let me put drops in his ear?

Last Answer : You need to call the vet back. Perhaps a tranquilizer would help. Maybe doggie’s ear hurts, and a pain killer would help as well. Also suggest you put a muzzle on dog before you try doing anything else with the ear.

Description : Can you help me identify this lost dog?

Last Answer : Awww poor guy. Are you just trying to find his breed, or his home?

Description : What breed of dog is the best-suited for me?

Last Answer : Sometimes a good old mutt from the pound will surprise you, I am in Southern California and we can go on line to see who is in the pound. I too lost my babies, all 3 in a nine month period ... retired police or rescue dogs you might like to check into. Would love to know what you end up getting.,

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Last Answer : Time is your answer

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Last Answer : Some dogs are more body-sensitive than others. I’m just speculating, but it sounds like the extra handling may be frightening him. Does he flinch when touched?

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Last Answer : I have a 2 year old schnauzer, we bought him a few months after he was born and he is the EXACT same way. He is a fearful dog, and we kind of just accepted that, so long as he seems ... you can really help her improve. Here is a website that might help!--> http://www.fearfuldogs.com/index.html

Description : Does anyone have a leather couch and can tell me if they've had good luck with it and their dog?

Last Answer : We have a leather Chesterfield and some side chairs but the dog is not allowed on them - he isn't allowed on any furniture. He has the floor, referred to by family members as the Dog Shelf . ... areas of the house where he is allowed and he understands where they are and won't go anywhere else.

Description : What is the breed of dog for me?

Last Answer : Off the top of my head, I think a terrier breed would be good for you. They tend to be small and have a lot of energy. As for the not shedding too much, you’ll probably want to choose a terrier breed with longer hair, as short-haired dogs tend to shed more.

Description : What advice can you give me about adopting a 5 year-old Papillon dog?

Last Answer : I would suggest delaying the adoption until your house is empty, so that you and the dog have a chance to bond. If the dog is not spayed, please arrange that immediately. It is the humane thing to do, ... more, but I will just say that I hope your new dog will bring you years of love and pleasure.

Description : Neighbor's barking dog is driving me nuts. Any suggestions?

Last Answer : Leaving the dog outside all day in winter weather is animal abuse. Does he have any shelter?

Description : Can you help me name our dog?

Last Answer : Lady…? i’m going disney…

Description : Why is it that after my dog gets away from me and runs in traffic, and survives that, that my first instinct is to beat the snot out of her for scaring me?

Last Answer : To hug the dog. She doesn’t understand what she did wrong. And I’m not sure if being mean to the animal isn’t actually pushing the blame on her, when in fact, it’s up to US to realize they’re animals and might do stuff like that.

Description : How do I train my dog to not accept food from anyone but me using only positive reinforcement?

Last Answer : What about asking someone to offer her food, and you sharply say NO? Then give her some food and some praise when she does as you ask. Or you could try putting something bitter on the food your friend ... the idea only to take food from you, and doesn't think the food is only bad from one person.

Description : Would I be a bad person for not confronting my aunt about her use of a pronged collar on her dog?

Last Answer : Are the prongs facing outward, or digging into the dog’s neck?

Description : Should I take my dog to the vet?

Last Answer : I’d automatically say yes but I’m not a vet. My dogs have streams. I think we have a vet tech here, hopefully she see’s this soon. :)

Description : When encountering a dog for the first time, is it a good idea to extend your palm?

Last Answer : It is better to extend your hand palm down, so the dog is not feeling threateend by your open palm and can snoff the back of your hand. If you offer your palm, the dog does not know if you might slap them.

Description : Why does my dog, Cato, start shivering,almost violently, when he realizes that we're going to leave him in the house, or the camper, when we go to eat?

Last Answer : Sounds like anxiety.

Description : When a dog gets sprayed by a skunk do they learn to stay away from them?

Last Answer : I think it depends on the dog. I used to have a goofy Chesapeake who never really got the hang of leaving skunks alone. I should have bought stock in tomato juice companies. All my other dogs have been pretty canny about skunks. Ugh ugh ugh, sorry you have to deal with this.

Description : Are raised hackles on a dog always a sign of agression?

Last Answer : That’s what I have always heard, hence that old expression “Don’t get your shackles up”. But it’s a new environment and new people for him. Possibly he thought the lady was a threat. Just speculating.

Description : What should I do with an escape artist dog?

Last Answer : My dog was a very powerful German Shepherd. If I tried to chain him with a large, heavy duty guard dog choke chain, he would just pull on it until the large rings on the end elongated, ... be more difficult because the dog can get tangled on more stuff. I would suggest the buried concrete block.

Description : Do you like retractable dog leashes?

Last Answer : No I don’t like them. In some jurisdictions there is a maximum length (like 5 feet) that includes retractable leashes with 15 feet cords. No leashes over 5 feet.

Description : What can be done to save this neighbor's dog?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but I sure hope someone can help, at least by suggesting the best search keywords or avenues to local pet rescue agencies. This is a very sad story.

Description : What is your favorite dog breed?

Last Answer : That’s difficult to answer because each breed has their own characteristics that make them special. For me, Jack Russell’s are one of my favorites. Gamey little loves.

Description : What is the latest dog breed?

Last Answer : I think that’s a question for Google.

Description : How long does it take for a dog with shoes to walk normally?

Last Answer : I don’t know anyone who persisted in upsetting their dogs by leaving them on, true story. My dogs came off within the first three minutes and we never tried again.

Description : How did your dog learn to enjoy water?

Last Answer : I had a cocker who never liked the water. Maybe instead of trying to get them to like water, you can look at the problem as how to keep them cool. Any air-conditioned dog friendly cafes you can ... I would imagine having lots of drinking water available to them would help but I'm sure you do that.