Is it possible to fully integrate my Blogger blog into the home page of my website?

1 Answer

Answer :

This is pretty simple to do. I actually already have the code for it. The server just needs to have PHP installed. It will output something like this. You can stick that anywhere and style it how you want. The source is here All you really to do is change one line to your RSS feed. $rss = fetch_rss( ‘’ );

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Description : How do you track visits to your blog on Blogger/Blogspot?

Last Answer : You could use Google Analytics. It’s a bit of work to set up, but it’s free and incredibly powerful.

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Last Answer : This could turn into a CSS mess. And from a usability standpoint I would never do it. There is a reason why sidebars are on the right. We read left to right and something on the left makes it easy to ... on? Multiply that by ten and that is what happens when content is on the left of the main text.

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Last Answer : When you’re writing a blog post, on the right-hand side you’ll see a “schedule” tab. Set the day/time there.

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Last Answer : Starting a blog on blogger is really easy. I've have a few myself. I also have adsense on one of them and I don't really make any money-you have to have quite a bit of traffic (more than just your ... much from it. You can also use wordpress to start a blog (as well as a number of other sites).

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Last Answer : Never mind. After 45 minutes of googling, I found a solution.

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Last Answer : well, on a mac you could save it to a PDF (just print, and then save to pdf), i’m sure there must be something like that on windblows as well

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Last Answer : Sign in to Blogger. On the left, click the Down arrow . Click New blog. Enter a name for your blog. Click Next. Choose a blog address or URL. Click Save.

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Last Answer : I have a free blog on blogger and I did not do anything in terms of design aside from choosing from the free templates that Blogger offers. You have a variety of premade templates that you can choose ... choose any theme and you can replace it with a different one if you change your mind later on.

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Last Answer : First of all congrats. You are doing a wonderful thing. What you want is doable but difficult to do. I'm not sure how much control you have over a site on blogger but if you hosted your own site with ... RSS feed this would be possible using Magpie RSS and some php-fu. A pain in the ass, but doable.

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Last Answer : answer:You can add searchability by tags rather than by date… let me see how I did it on mine. Design>Add A Gadget>Basic>Labels This creates a listing for searching posts by how you tag each article

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Last Answer : answer:It shouldn't be too hard- you'll probably want to apply the CSS to the page that is retrieving and displaying the information, not the page you use to enter it. Whatever code is generating your ... CSS classes, id tags, and DIVs to. It's hard to get specific without actually seeing the code.

Last Answer : mine According to Blogg Can Because Them All have configration Google Ad To get Can Easily And in wordpress, Good A little That's right To do Is However Now Almost website wordpress

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Last Answer : If someone tries to get a file on your blog and the file isn’t on the regular server, this server (the “missing files host”) is where your main server will look next for the file. Here is a link to a help file that explains it for Blogger.

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Last Answer : Does this help with what you want? edit :: and note the part in the code that says count=10 You could probably bump that up to a bigger number. Say like count=25.

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Last Answer :  B.Blog

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Last Answer : B. A blog

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Last Answer : B.A blog

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Last Answer : answer:This should help you: If you still can’t figure it out on your own with this hint, I should be able to help you further, but I’m at work right now.

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Last Answer : answer:Yep, you'll need integration by parts! Two rounds of it. Lucky you :P Start by choosing one term to be u and one term to be dv. You'll have to take the derivative of u and integrate dv. The important thing is to always choose ... xe^x - x^2e^x - e^x + 2xe^x - 2e^x -x^2e^x + 3xe^x -3e^x Done!

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Last Answer : answer:You could always go by the old standby – Wordpress. Otherwise, Drupal is indeed not a bad alternative as well. For a hundred bucks, they’ll be happy with either of those, especially since they’ve got a brand new website to boot.

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Last Answer : I think he’s saying you can see and appreciate the beauty of nature but never own it?

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Last Answer : Just install WP and add the content you already have, no reason to combine it with something WP has all you need and it’s simple to use.

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Last Answer : TIFF is lossless and uncompressed Big files, with all the original detail. JPEG is lossy and compressed Small files, trading detail for smaller files For on-screen use, JPEG is almost always preferred, because the TIFF files are really huge, 10X the size of JPEGS.

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Last Answer : Look at .NET options and the Sharepoint API.

Description : How to integrate social web sites together?

Last Answer : You can convert your blog to a planet then load the RSS feeds. You can aggregate the information on Plaxo Pulse, FriendFeed or similar websites (and perhaps aggregate those into your blog). Yahoo! Pipes might ... edge and lend me a hand in testing my software that's designed to do exactly this ;-)

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Last Answer : Well, the answer to this problem is sin(x^3)/3+C. When you differentiate this function, the chain rule comes into play, so the derivative of sin(x^3) is cos(x^3)(x^2)3, and you need to ... of intuition, educated guesswork, and luck. So, good luck, and feel free to message me if you need more help.

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Last Answer : allows you to do this. You could dig through the source (you can download it there) and figure out how they did it. Or you could just install net2ftp and have them use that instead.

Description : How does foreign trade integrate that markets of different countries? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Integration of Foreign markets: . Producers reach beyond the domestic market. . Producers compete with markets located in other countries of the world . There is expansion of choice of goods beyond the domestic market. . Produces in the two countries closely compete against each other.

Description : How does foreign trade integrate the markets of different countries? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Through trade, goods can travel from one market to another. (ii) Choice of goods in the markets rises and prices become equal. (iii) Producers compete closely with each other