Does having money, after a poor life, make you a better person or just the opposite?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Going to be the same person. With money. That person not knowing how to deal with the new found wealth. Or they think they do. THAT always gets them into trouble.

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Last Answer : $15,000 time 7 = 105,000 + 2000 = $107,000 then again I’m only 33

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Last Answer : PayPal is your friend here.

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Last Answer : I’m guessing the gov’t gets it.

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Last Answer : It sounds like you need to get a credit card. Just pay most of the balance off every month (I think keeping a small balance is better than paying the entire balance off every month, but I'm not 100% ... . If you have a cell phone bill, rent, utilities, etc., that's another way to establish credit.

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Last Answer : Writing code, being an auto mechanic, building dry walls, playing the banjo, selling insurance, for starters.

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Last Answer : Not always. Sometimes it just aggravates the problem. See a debt counselor first.

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Last Answer : I use my bank's ez pay system. It's worked great for me for years. In the past our company ran into a problem with a credit card processing vendor who initiated a BS withdrawal from our bank (we ... them to submit a bill to your bank and the bank will pay the amount submitted if you set that up.

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Last Answer : answer:First things first: barter and capitalism are not mutually exclusive, so the extended discussion of a total barter system doesn't really help you out at all here. In any case, most of the people ... people to recognize that there is a problem before you can even start to work on a solution.

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Last Answer : Better to pay off. Bankruptcy puts a big mark on you credit report, no one wants to get left holding the bag when you opt out of your debt. Bankruptcy takes the legal obligation away, but does not clear your record.

Description : Do you use cash or cards more? Is one better than the other assuming there's no fees to use the card?

Last Answer : Cash is more controllable. When your pocket is empty you stop spending. A card doesn’t give you that instant feedback. You can run up a bigger bill than you realize or empty your bank account before you know it. I use cash whenever possible.