How do I make really nice color copies of old pictures?

1 Answer

Answer :

Have someone take what is called an internegative with very good lighting, from a stand, of the image you want to duplicate, and then you can have prints made from the new negative in any format you wish. The process does not hurt the original, because you are merely photographing it.

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther!!! Your brother is a dick because that's what older brothers do best. He's at the age where most teens feel better or smarter than everybody else. They're NOT; but, you can ... overwhelming personality & begin to develop your own. Life's NOT easy so be responsible for your own!!!

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : I would go for the free subscription, with the tailored ads.

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Last Answer : Right now you are a single mom, and with three little ones, don't even bother trying to be anything else. Mommy and Daddy split up, and those kids need all the stability you can be for them. That means ... . In the words of the shrunken head on the Harry Potter movie, You're in for a bumpy ride!

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Last Answer : I have 3 older brothers. My middle one died 3 years ago. He and my youngest brother would be people I would absolutely hang out with. Other than my youngest brother liking Trump (no one is ... love him, but prefer to just text as a way to communicate with him. Good thought provoking question!

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Last Answer : Was there other fruits available ?? I can actually see both sides of your argument on this, and would be horribly embarrassed if there was that same fruit available , but if not can sorts see where your uncle was coming from as well.

Description : Why does my family just think they can take over my life?

Last Answer : We have a moving day coming up this weekend for our disabled grandmother and elderly great-gandmother, so I sympathize. Our whole family is getting together to go in and move them. You need to be clear with your family that they must help!

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Last Answer : If your Q is the one in red, at the top, my answer is: pretty poorly. I moved closer to mine to help, and did a lot before my dad passed. My two older sisters, who live ... most comprehensive senior center near you, they can probably steer you towards advice and resources. Good luck with this!

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Last Answer : My first reaction was, “Yippee!” But then I would start searching for answers.

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