Why Do You Employ Sarcasm if Ever?

1 Answer

Answer :

I employ sarcasm because he needs the money to pay for child support. If I don’t employ him, he will be out on the streets.

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe it’s a defense mechanism. Some people like sarcasm. Some people love sarcasm, I’m sure. I don’t, personally, but that doesn’t mean that my opinion is necessarily right. If it is bothering you, work to change it, if not, then just accept that you will never be able to please everyone.

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Last Answer : answer:Trump would definitely want to apply it to everybody-but himself, of course. His sarcasm is as compulsive as his habit of inventing the truth. Will it work here? I doubt it. The ... under arrest would work ourselves to death trying to feed the other 350 million sarcastic bastards in lockup.

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Last Answer : Sarcasm is the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to express—whether that be to insult, to show irritation, or just to be funny. It can also be a cover for affection, as I learned growing up. My dad used it a lot.

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Last Answer : answer:Americans aren’t sarcastic at all. Just trying to get some obvious one liners out of the way.

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Last Answer : I think you're exactly right. They are both unattractive traits. Whole groups in society may communicate with sarcasm, each trying to one-do the other. They pass it of as humor. Passive-aggression ... not be at all aware that what they are doing is aggressive. They make excuses for their behavior.

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Last Answer : I prefer to give appropriate answers to the questions asked. Sometimes it’s short and to the point, others are long and involved. I don’t try to give sarcasm, because that’s just mean, but satire may work it’s way into an answer if I go on to long, if it seems appropriate to the topic.

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Last Answer : answer:Sarcasm is something said sharply or bitterly. Cynicism is the doctrine of the Cynics. Irony is to say something and mean the opposite.

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Description : Yeah right, like we're really going to celebrate that Sarcasm got 10k? Pffffttt!

Last Answer : I think he is a complete asshole. *

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Last Answer : No, I think everyone is sarcastic to a point. It makes a person witty a fun.

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Last Answer : Most of us on Fluther use the tilde. Sort of an informal rule that popped up. :) This squiggly thing: ~ Usually after sentences, like so.~ You can find a list of the accepted markup here!

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Last Answer : like LOL ? (except SAR)?

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Last Answer : Related reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm_mark

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Last Answer : answer:being sarcastic im pretty sure thats as close as youll get

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