Here's another one, what's fair here? (please see details)

1 Answer

Answer :

Specify children’s ages?

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Last Answer : I think it depends on three things: 1) the angle of the kick 2) distance from where the kick is taking place to the goal 3) the kicker's reputation for making free kicks and a fourth possibility ... have enough players to try and control any rebound or follow-up plays that came from a missed kick.

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : Thanks! And happy holidays to you!

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Last Answer : Don’t have time to answer right now, but I thought this article by Scott Adams (the Dilbert guy) was pretty interesting.

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Last Answer : I would say anything that your veterinarian offers will be safe, for the most part. The only drawback to the collars are that cats are explorers, and they are prone to getting the collar hung up. If you ... awesome, and I'm sure Milo the Magnificent will be the happiest cat, living at his granny's.

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Last Answer : A nut for a jar of tuna.

Description : An Online Web Survey Is Quick and Easy - Here's Why?

Last Answer : Sometimes these costs have outweighed the benefits of making a survey. Surveys were usually completed by customers with pen and paper, or even more recently, by phone. However, surveys are now ... will help you meet your required participant number much more quickly than any other survey method.

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Last Answer : answer:According to Lord Google, a dollar bill is .0043 inches thick. (ten 100 dollar bills is hardly a “brick”)