What countries is it easy to get working papers for Americans and/or Mexican Citizens?

1 Answer

Answer :

Depends on the work you do.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, this probably isn't what you wanted, but my nephew helped put himself through UCB by working in a meat packing plant near there. It was a night job, wasn't fun, very hard ... be at the ice cream factory over there. Think 24 hour businesses such as restaurants, hospitals, factories.

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Last Answer : answer: American = United States in every way. North/South America are just that. (e.g. What are Canadians then, Canadian Americans ?) My question is why are so many people confused about this? It seems ... seem to have a hang-up with it - as if it was like World Series , which is incorrect.

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Last Answer : Native Americans could become U.S. citizens if they gave upaffiliation with their tribe

Description : Could Native Americans could become U.S. citizens if they gave up affiliation with their tribe.?

Last Answer : Native Americans could become U.S. citizens if they gave upaffiliation with their tribe

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Last Answer : My granddaughter was approached for the same thing. I suggest you ask the modeling agency. They should have all that sort of information. Before you start saving for college or a car, you might want ... , so you might ask relatives for help perhaps a Christmas present that would keep on giving.

Description : The tool used by auditor to monitor and control the progress of audit work is– (A) Engagement diary (B) Audit programme (C) Audit working papers (D) Audit notes.

Last Answer : Answer: Audit programme

Description : A CPA is criminally liable if he a. Refuses to turn over the schedules or working papers prepared by the client staff to the client. b. Performs an audit in a negligent manner. c. Intentionally ... be stated in a financial statement. d. Was not able to submit the audited financial statements on time

Last Answer : Intentionally allows an omission of a material fact required to be stated in a financial statement

Description : A CPA is criminally liable if he a. Refuses to turn over the schedules or working papers prepared by the client staff to the client. b. Performs an audit in a negligent manner. c. Intentionally ... be stated in a financial statement. d. Was not able to submit the audited financial statements on time

Last Answer : Intentionally allows an omission of a material fact required to be stated in a financial statement.

Description : Working papers prepared by a CPA in connection with an audit engagement are owned by the CPA, subject to certain limitations. The rationale for this rule is to a. Protect the ... d. Establish a continuity of relationship with the client whereby indiscriminate replacement of CPAs is discouraged.

Last Answer : Provide the CPA with evidence and documentation which may be helpful in the event of a lawsuit.

Description : A successor auditor is required to communicate with the previous auditor. The primary concern in this communication is a. Information which will help the successor auditor in determining whether the client ... a more efficient audit. d. To save successor auditor time and money in gathering data.

Last Answer : Information which will help the successor auditor in determining whether the client management has integrity.