If you are not your mind or your body, but some consciousness/energy in between, what are you?

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Last Answer : I D G

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Last Answer : C. Self-Awareness 

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Last Answer : A) Introduction of physical sciences in education 

Description : What is the measured constant that ties consciousness to energy and mass?

Last Answer : I call it vizm. Vizm equals eq * consciousness squared.

Description : Does it hurt your consciousness to lose something that was never yours, but you longed for it?

Last Answer : Not because even if it wasn't mine in the first place, I just wanted nothing to lose

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Last Answer : Because the ghost and Scrooge are nearly seeing visions of thepast and the people in those visions could not see them

Description : Which countries of the following say that the western idea of civil and political rights are nothing but hollow promises to give the false consciousness to the people that they are living an empowered ... life? a) Capitalist Countries b) Socialist Countries c) Communist Countries d) None of them

Last Answer : b) Socialist Countries

Description : A patient who demonstrates an obtunded level of consciousness a) sleeps almost constantly but can be aroused and can follow simple commands. An obtunded patient stays awake only with persistent ... not respond to environmental stimuli. A comatose patient does not respond to environmental stimuli.

Last Answer : a) sleeps almost constantly but can be aroused and can follow simple commands. An obtunded patient stays awake only with persistent stimulation.

Description : If a friends instigates you to participate actively in the strike but you disagree with them, then how will you react in this situation? Options: A) You indirectly co-operate them but not ... duties then something else D) You will launch a movement against your friends to resolve the conflict

Last Answer : C) You first do your duties then something else 

Description : ________ is a study of human consciousness and individuals’ experience of some phenomenon. a. Phenomenology b. Ethnography c. Grounded theory d. Case study research

Last Answer : a. Phenomenology

Description : What is the nature of consciousness?

Last Answer : Consciousness is the state of being aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. The nature of consciousness is not fully understood and remains a topic of ongoing debate and research in fields such as neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy.

Description : Have you noticed that the word "woke" is the new way to disparage people with social consciousness?

Last Answer : There are two sides of everything. On one hand you have people who are uncomfortable with having their flawed morality questioned and resort to call anyone who demand a different treatment woke . On the other ... respecting them, like the people who made this and this. I'm not from the US btw.

Description : What is collectivistic consciousness?

Last Answer : The correct term is collective consciousness. When I googled it, I got lots of entries. Wikipedia has a nice description. Let us know if you need further help.

Description : What does it feel to have nosebleed and lose consciousness?

Last Answer : answer:When I had a nosebleed I felt like my nose was running really badly and I put my hand up to stop it dripping and got a bit of a shock when my hand came away covered in blood. Apart ... is too painful to swallow and when I eventually have to swallow, it feels like broken glass in my throat.

Description : If a robot could be programmed to act in a way indistinguishable from human behavior, would you say it has consciousness?

Last Answer : I’m not yet convinced that a majority of humans is conscious.

Description : Is there a single word that captures human level consciousness, sentience, sapience and self-awareness?

Last Answer : “pathetic”

Description : Is the Turing test valid for detecting consciousness?

Last Answer : answer:Of course. That is the same way you judge humans to be conscious. It would be hypocritical to apply different standards to another life form than you use for yourself. And no, but it is a ... , also taking into account slang, puns or references to popular culture. The AI won, by the way.

Description : Do you ever wonder what consciousness is?

Last Answer : answer:Nice article. And from time to time, yes, I do wonder. The article said some things are observable, brain neurons firing, planets orbiting and that's the easy part. But getting a first ... another form of being with a higher if not complete understanding of how things really are and why.

Description : How did consciousness arise from the brain?

Last Answer : Define consciousness please.

Description : If we managed to create computers that had consciousness, how would we know?

Last Answer : The computer would have to refer to itself as I. It would be self-aware of its existence.

Description : What is the global consciousness?

Last Answer : Good question. If you figure that out, let us know. Telepathically, of course.

Description : Which would be the bigger miracle, Consciousness arising from Non-Consciousness, OR Consciousness arising from Eternal Consciousness?

Last Answer : answer:Well we both agree that conscience sprung forth. That being said you claim it was from an all knowing being, and I claim it was because of random chance. Random chance has been ... mans intelligence. Either way we both believe intelligence sprang from nothing. I just skip the middle man.

Description : Is your country one of health-consciousness and fitness? Why?

Last Answer : answer:Haha, here in the Netherlands, we talking about the people Americanizing , i.e. obesity getting more common. (Though, Americanizing is often also used for other negative influences from the US, e ... common to cycle from A to B, due to the general absense of mountains and natural slopes.

Description : What is false consciousness? and what it means culturally and examples in our society?

Last Answer : Like when a group of people experience mass brainwashing – happens in cults.

Description : Are there different levels of consciousness?

Last Answer : I think there are different levels of attention in the different states you mentioned. I don’t know if there are such things as “levels” of consciousness. Consciousness is rather a binary state, don’t you think?

Description : I have a question about levels of consciousness regarding wake and sleep states?

Last Answer : answer:it sounds like typical hypnagogic experiences. most people don’t experience this but some do. I have from time to time. also, you don’t have to capitalize “psychology”. it doesn’t need capitalization.

Description : Do you have an Enemy or particular Bugbear that occupies your consciousness more than is healthy?

Last Answer : As a Ranger I have a permanent +4 against Bugbears. Seriously, I really don’t have a major beef like that with anything

Description : "Consciousness is an awareness of existence. I am aware that I exist. My question is "Where do I exist?"?

Last Answer : You might do well to meditate on this topic. Also, I think you’re referring to sentience. Animals have consciousness too.

Description : What are the implications of the brain making decisions rather than consciousness?

Last Answer : What that showed is that 6 seconds before the motor function, some process took place. I wouldn’t extrapolate a theory of mind/brain dualism on that sort of evidence.

Description : How can I make sure my weight consciousness doesn't turn into an eating disorder?

Last Answer : Many teens struggle with body image issues. You just have to remind yourself that those people you see on tv, in movies, and in magazines look like that because they spend their entire life worrying ... start looking at the positives. If this still doesn't help, I would consider therapy. Good luck!

Description : How do you attain higher consciousness?

Last Answer : You don’t.

Description : What is the meaning of saying that the consciousness of the past weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living?

Last Answer : There is no such popular saying. Someone might have said it, but is not profound in any way. It would depend entirely on what the past consciousness was related to.

Description : What is a human 'consciousness' made of?

Last Answer : I beleive we are mad up of 3parts body soul and spirit maybe that has somthing to do with it

Description : What happens to consciousness during anesthesia?

Last Answer : answer:I hope you get a comprehensive answer to this. Sounds fascinating. I'm not sure if this will help, however it might be worth looking at. More than 100 years ... The Biophysical Journal; Thermodynamics of General Anesthesia. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3938/is_200705/ai_n19430579

Description : What do you think this whole consciousness thing is all about?

Last Answer : Its a scam I tell ya.

Description : What faith do you identify with if any and what do you hope/want/wish/expect would happen to your consciousness when you pass?

Last Answer : None. I hope there is nothing when I die. I hope my consciousness ceases to exist and my body is recycled.

Description : Question 3: Explain the need for consumer consciousness by giving two examples. -Economics 10th

Last Answer : Two examples are Reji’s suffering and Amritha’s waiting. In case of Reji, a hospital, due to negligence of the doctors and staff in giving anaesthesia, crippled him for life. ... for appointment. Thus, there is a need for consumer consciousness to protect their interests successfully.

Description : Early Nationalist aroused national consciousness by exposing true character of British Imperialism. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Considering all the circumstances we easily can believe that the early nationalists did yeoman service to their motherland. If India could attain her independence without much bloodshed, it was ... Indian masses. The people forgot that the British Government ever had any benevolent character'.

Description : " Consciousness 71" Who is the architect of the sculpture ?

Last Answer : Md. Moinul Islam is the architect of " Chetna 71" sculpture.

Description : Who is the architect of "Eternal Life in Consciousness" ?

Last Answer : Mahbub Shamim is the architect of the sculpture "Chiranaya Chiranjeev".

Description : What is the opposite of consciousness ?

Last Answer : The opposite of the word conscious is unconscious.

Description : What did Buddha say to consciousness ?

Last Answer : Buddha calls consciousness action.

Description : Who wrote the whistle in the submerged consciousness ?

Last Answer : Written by Shis Selina Hossain in Magna Chaitanya.

Description : How long after an operation does the patient regain consciousness ?

Last Answer : It depends on the medicine applied by an anesthetic doctor. Prior to the operation, a doctor decides the patient's physical condition based on the type of operation and how many hours of medication he ... to take. And that doctor can tell in how many hours the patient's consciousness will return.

Description : How to write a novel in the genre of consciousness ?

Last Answer : : The present experience , the memories of the past and the imagination of the future flow together in the human mind. Novels of the genre of consciousness are written with the linguistic description of this flow.

Description : What is the opposite of consciousness ?

Last Answer : The opposite of consciousness is ignorance

Last Answer : Consciousness is a religion or feature of the mind that is considered to be the sum of many other mental features , such as self-consciousness , self-consciousness , empathy , the ... . Consciousness is studied extensively in the philosophy of mind , psychology , neuroscience, and perception.

Description : What will happen to our soul or consciousness after we die??

Last Answer : In truth or in reality nobody can tell you this for sure. There hasn't been anyone who has actually died for a few years and come back to life. There are some people that had their heart stop for a ... to us when we die. But until this happens nobody knows for certain what is on the other side.

Description : Stream of consciousness is an effective technique for?

Last Answer : writers who want to let a reader into their emotional world.

Description : Balanced General Anesthesia includes A. Skeletal muscle relaxant B. Loss of consciousness C. Analgesia D. All of the above

Last Answer : Ans: D