Would you have designed any superheroes costumes differently,what ways would you have improved any existing brand?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Pride: Dr. Manhattan Shame: Aquaman

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Last Answer : answer:Theoretically . Sounds like a good time for a conversation about the difference between the spirit and the letter of rules and laws. She's followed the letter, but not the spirit. If he's ... wouldn't fly. worth noting that he still needs to be the adult in the situation and explain himself

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Last Answer : Are you going for a particular one? Because there’s a lot of things you could add depending on the goddess. Also, please don’t just go with a toga, that’s lazy.

Description : Best Halloween costumes?

Last Answer : Flapper

Description : Persons of heavy ethnic descent, how do you feel about halloween and peoples over all lack of compassion towards certain costumes?

Last Answer : Doesn’t bother me in the least. Abolish Halloween. Problem solved.

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Last Answer : I am so doing it up! I got a $700 wedding dress at a thrift store last January for $40, and OH the things my daughter and I have done to it. Basically, it will look like I was thrown out of ... , attaching it to a plastic chain around my ankle, and a bucket of fake blood. Pics to follow for sure.

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Last Answer : Just to clarify, do you mean fancy dress as in the English meaning which would be what we call a costume in the States? To the best of my understanding, fancy dress in the States would be very formal clothes but in England it means a costume such as you would wear on Halloween or to a costume party.

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Last Answer : Bum, belly dancer or gypsy, ghost.

Description : What is your favorite online store for Halloween costumes?

Last Answer : Golly, I don’t know of any that have a huge selection with low prices too! Can you recommend one?

Description : Costumes that start with the letter "A"?

Last Answer : Apple. :P

Description : Does anyone know a site or company that makes TOP QUALITY Professional costumes?

Last Answer : My friend in Winnipeg works for a company that does costumes. Her parents own the place. They do good work, but it isn’t cheap. http://www.harlequincostume.com/ edit :: I know their website is dated, but they do good work.

Description : creative halloween costumes?

Last Answer : Any character from The Princess Bride is always great. I am a fan of obscure/abstract costumes, like going as a phylogenetic tree of a particular animal clade but that's just me. If you have ... Jem and the Holograms, or possibly Voltron. Or anything else from my childhood (early 80s TV shows).

Description : Halloween Costumes?

Last Answer : Well name some stuff you liked dressing up as / saw that you wish you had thought of… and I’m sure we can give you a better suggestions

Description : When a firm uses one of its existing brand names as part of a brand name for an improved or new product, the branding is called ____________ 1. individual branding 2. overall family branding 3. line family branding 4. brand-extension branding 5. none of these

Last Answer : brand-extension branding

Description : ) When a firm uses one of its existing brand names as part of a brand name for an improved or new product, the branding is called __________. A)Individual branding B)Overall family branding C)Line family branding D)Brand -extension branding

Last Answer : D)Brand -extension branding

Description : Can you help me?

Last Answer : Hmmm speaking of painting your head, you could do a rainbow theme on it. Or if you sew, maybe find a pride flag and whip up a costume, or just drape it across your luscious bod and paint your ... we're not even close. I pictured you with luxurious wavy chestnut hair. I know you're just gorgeous!

Description : Have you ever done anything for Halloween that actually made little kids scream and run away?

Last Answer : I walked up to a toddler and he looked up way up to me and fell over. No costume needed. I was 198cm tall. It is not rare.

Description : [Fluff time] When you were young what did you dress up as most for Halloween?

Last Answer : A zombie, complete with holes in my hands, and a thorny wreath on my head, groaning “I will swallow your soul”.

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Last Answer : My neighborhood is full of little girls, I’m guessing there will be 0 political figures and a bunch of Disney princesses.

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Last Answer : I agree largely because our PC society has deemed any reference to a culture that does not include EVERYONE is offensive, racist and bigoted. Gawd forbid you wear a costume or have a mascot that ... in our history of a stoic and honorable culture/heritage no matter what the race or religion.

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Last Answer : Elminster looks ok maybe because people belive that smart people are like Einstein with bad hair I spend more time reading than combing my hair. Wizards typically have high intelligence and average charisma or looks.

Description : Is it always insulting for a white person to portray a black person?

Last Answer : There is not a pillow big enough Having said it No more insulting than men dressing as women and women dressing as men. But it also depends on who is complaining. Some people are more ... some people are regarded, for some reason, as being more justified than others for complaining. Oh well.

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Last Answer : Nope.

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Last Answer : answer:“A Toast!” I’ve always been a fan of lame puns :P

Description : Does anyone else think that men in capes or long jackets are awesome?

Last Answer : A- not so much; B- I think Alan Rickman would look good in almost anything! C- not so much, again; Did you realize C and D are the same link? E- no and F- see my answer on B:-) I do ... image to link; I mean the kind of coat with the little mini cape thing that just covers the top of the shoulders.

Description : What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever seen?

Last Answer : answer:I have several favorites that were relatively low-cost options. One was a hospital gown (open in back, of course) with the person wearing a big plastic butt. Fuzzy slippers made the outfit ;-) ... Where's Waldo is another easy-to-achieve look with a the right sweater, cap and glasses.

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Last Answer : It’s a codpiece.

Description : How to wear armor to a convention? (For those with cosplay experience)

Last Answer : Can’t you put it on after you get there?

Description : What are you being for Halloween this year?

Last Answer : I went to a party Sunday night and wore the zombie costume that I wore when my grand kids threw me a plants vs zombies birthday party.

Description : How to do 50s-style curls with naturally curly hair?

Last Answer : Do you have a hairdresser you go to and could ask to style your hair for you for this occasion? I did that one year and was charged about 10 dollars.

Description : What should my Halloween costume be?

Last Answer : This one Shave your head, get a barcode tattoo on the back of your head, and carry a silenced pistol.

Description : How do I make this costume?

Last Answer : answer:Could you perhaps go as Tesco’s value product? The simple blue and white stripes, etc Something like this as a basis for your idea…. For those unsure/interested, Tescos is a supermarket in the uk – similar to Target.

Description : Would this be offensive? (Please see details).

Last Answer : Well, at least it matters to you that it might come off as offensive. It's a tough call. I would say that since she's actually a black character and you're not dressing up as her in a manner ... who you ask. I understand however the simple urge to be dressed up as a character and to be authentic.

Description : What is the weirdest Halloween costume you've ever seen/worn?

Last Answer : answer:This year I tried to go as Elvira. Unfortunately it was a huge disaster because the dress I had was button down velvet with loose button holes., and it unbuttoned itself a bit too far. ... giving them a peep show. I may never do Halloween again after that one. I was totally mortified.

Description : Did you notice Dr J (is that his name?) is wearing a halloween costume?

Last Answer : He does look quite handsome. He could bite my neck any time!

Description : What should I wear for a quick Halloween costume?

Last Answer : Any old black dress, slightly torn. A broom & a black cat, stuffed or living.

Description : What should I be for Halloween?

Last Answer : I had a friend who came to a party as a spider one year. She sewed and stuffed the spider legs and then rigged them on a frame of wires.

Description : Why do you love Halloween so damn much?

Last Answer : I think for me it’s the opportunity to be a kid and play pretend. Dressing up, and watching the wee ones eyes light up.

Description : What's the wildest Halloween costume you'd wear if you dared to?

Last Answer : A jellyfish. Or Lady Gaga.

Description : What type of clothing do you wear to something that is themed "Arabian Nights"?

Last Answer : This or this?

Description : Which superhero (in your opinion) has the best/worst costume?

Last Answer : Worst: Green Lantern (it’s 100% CGI).

Description : [Fiction question] What would a well-dressed woman have worn to the ballet in San Francisco in 1910?

Last Answer : answer:This web site has a lot of excellent vintage photograps of the era you are interested in. There are images with hats, headdresses and full gowns. I have purchased many of the collections so if you want to see any in particular pm me. :D

Description : What are costume wigs made of?

Last Answer : 100% PET (poly(ethylene terephthalate))

Description : How can I make a Beaker Muppet costume for next Halloween?

Last Answer : Follow these instructions to make a beaker muppet costume

Description : What are some cheap, last minute Halloween costume ideas?

Last Answer : Go as a hobo. Old clothes, old hat, belongings tied up in a hanky that is carried on a stick.

Description : What is the best costume to wear for Halloween?

Last Answer : I would love to see a woman in a Princess Peach from Mario Bros. costume. But that’s a personal fantasy. For myself, I’m thinking of going in drag as Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Description : What's your Halloween costume?

Last Answer : I’m screaming at the sight of you, check out my avatar.

Description : Halloween Q: What's with perfectly straight men dressing up as women?

Last Answer : That would be worthy of a Master’s thesis.

Description : How can I make my skin whiter (quick, for costume)?

Last Answer : I would use white face makeup that they sell around Halloween.If it is too white,mix it with a flesh-toned makeup until you get the color you want.

Description : What are you dressing up as for halloween?

Last Answer : answer:I am dressing like the goddess Artemis. My husband (King Diamond) and I will be taking our son (Conan the Barbarian) trick-or-treating. We're also having a pre-Halloween costume party on the 29th. ... problem with it, they can shove it. ^_^ You're never too old for costumes and free candy.

Description : Any Costume ideas?

Last Answer : Machiavelli? Mary Poppins? Madeline (from the children’s book)?