Why should it matter if homosexuality is biological?

1 Answer

Answer :

It shouldn’t. Makes no difference to me why people are they are – they still deserve respect and acceptance like anyone else. Someone should find a straight gene and call it a mutation, we’ll see how the homophobes like that. But, in all seriousness, no it doesn’t matter to me.

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Last Answer : c) Sex

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Last Answer : answer:I’ve always found it as silly as thinking that hetero-sexuality is a lifestyle. Except in the teen years, for boys, when it’s all they can think about.

Description : What is your position on, the scientific theory epigenetics possibly being used explain homosexuality?

Last Answer : plausible

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Last Answer : Let us throw in a third option C: the gay gene can only be identified, but not modified. If the parents found out that their offspring had this particular gene, would it, or should it, be their right to terminate the pregnancy instead of bringing such a child into the world?

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Last Answer : How are you and he defining harmful? For example, if a homosexual rejects Christianity as part of their coming to terms with their sexuality, is that considered harmful?

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Last Answer : answer:He may be very deep in the closet and self-loathing. I actually worked with a guy like that.

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Last Answer : True Christians are supposed to love thy neighbor and not be hate mongers. I have no opinion, nor do I even think about someone that spreads such vicious hate.

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Last Answer : answer:Since homosexual behavior does not lead to the propagation of the species it can be considered something that exists solely for the gratification of it's participants. But we humans with our sophistication ... fur) on venison will get us fed. But only humans could conceive of Civet de Cerf.

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Last Answer : No. Then again, it’s not like humans are the only species where homosexuality occurs.

Description : What is your reaction when anti-gay activists say that homosexuality will lead to population decline?

Last Answer : Laugh was my first thought too. Seriously, get a real agenda.

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Last Answer : Why should homosexuality be considered a mental disorder?

Description : If you're against homosexuality (some Christians), and feel as though I shouldn't act on my homosexual feelings, does this mean that I'm supposed to be miserable for the rest of my life?

Last Answer : Not necessarily miserable, but yeah. Mostly we’d be content if you’d leave the culture alone. Though it’s not unreasonable for the unsaved to act unsaved, so…

Description : What are your thoughts on homosexuality? How have your thoughts changed over the years?

Last Answer : answer:Homosexuality: don’t knock it until you try it. (I guess I may have been “grossed out” by it when I was little, but I can’t clearly remember a time when I thought that it wasn’t legitimate or whatever.)

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Last Answer : answer:Using the same “theory”, you might as well argue that society would thrive better if there were only clones, each identical to the other. Makes just as much sense (if not more). By the way, that wasn’t a “documentary” that you were watching. That was proselytizing.

Description : Can homosexuality be inherited?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think it's been even remotely proven or dis-proven. It's a big, complicated question, and rather than try to simplify it, I would just say start reading. Biology and sexual ... he's right-handed. I'm not criticizing the question, I am just adding a small personal anecdote.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know how the LGBTQ community feels about it. But I was always under the impression that a bi-sexual wasn't any different than a gay or straight person. I don't find it impossible ... gays and straights, but I tend to think what society thinks as a whole isn't very credible, usually.

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Last Answer : In both my niece and nephew’s case I would say that is true,but I don’t think it is the same for everybody by any means.

Description : Could you link me the studies that show homosexuality is likely genetic?

Last Answer : answer:(1) Let's define what you/he mean by genetic. You mention genes and gene expression -these are two separate things. Genes themselves are the wording, so to speak, of the ... gay and straight men-of particular interest because the hypothalamus is involved in sexual behavior. How's that?

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Last Answer : I would .They teach so much more to a young kid. I don’t think they preach about sexuality to cubs.

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Last Answer : Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. And thus, phobias often lead to hate.

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Last Answer : Wait until the moderation process is over, and then see. It was sent back for editing. Perhaps it needed editing.

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Last Answer : You are mistaken. It is ubiquitous in nature.

Description : Where does homosexuality come from?

Last Answer : I’m guessing that you’re heterosexual? Where do you think that comes from? Do you think it should be frowned upon?

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Last Answer : Well, my life partner is gay, so I would be absolutely confused and verklempt

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Last Answer : I am opposed to Prop 8 so I don’t think his views are right…he has the right to his opinion and I have the right to mine…

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Last Answer : Because there are former “gays” that aren’t gay no more but repented of that lifestyle.

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Last Answer : As far as I can see, the only effect would be an increase in the eyebrow dyeing market. Oh, and razor blades for shaving off one’s eyebrows.

Description : What do you know about the religious condemnation of homosexuality?

Last Answer : Ridiculous!

Description : How do Freemasons perceive homosexuality?

Last Answer : I’m a mason, a member of the Beverly Hills lodge and I do not mince words about my sexuality.

Description : Me and my friend have been arguing about whether or not homosexuality is a choice or genetics can you help me out?

Last Answer : I think your just born that way. Maybe if u were raised in a antihomo family ur feelings would change because u were nvr able to think freed and would end up strait. I think that its genetics but its ur choice to let it be ur true identify of if u will not tell anyone.

Description : How to teach children about homosexuality?

Last Answer : Eh…I don’t like the idea of “teaching” anything to children about such a controversial issue. If you just give them the facts and such they’ll decide for themselves. Unless of course you have an obvious agenda in mind.

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Last Answer : The possibility of continuous uniform distribution is an uninterrupted arrangement , which has the same probability of any interval of the same length . If an evenly arranged random variable only takes a value between a to b , where a

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Last Answer : Equivalence ' means: together , together , together.

Last Answer : The number of prefixes in the word 'homosexuality' is four.

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Last Answer : (3) Both (1) and (2) Explanation: Eutrophication is the ecosystem response to the addition of artificial or natural substances, such as nitrates and phosphates, through fertilizers or sew-age. It leads not only to increased levels of nutrients, but increased Biological Oxygen Demand as well.

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Last Answer : (2) Composting Explanation: Composting is the depomposition of plant remains and other once-living materials to make an earthy, dark, crumbly substance that is excellent for enriching soil. It is the chief way to recycle wastes.

Description : Boys are good at math and science and girls are good at language and history. It is a matter of a. Gender. b. Sex. c. Biological. d. None of the above.

Last Answer : a. Gender.

Description : Girls are gentle; boys are rough. It is a matter of a. Sex. b. Biological. c. Gender. d. None of the above.

Last Answer : c. Gender.

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Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

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Last Answer : (D) None of these

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Last Answer : (b) 1 and 2 only

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Last Answer : (A) Their ability to absorb the chemicals that contribute to depletion of ozone layer.

Description : Eutrophication of a water body enhances (1) Organic matter production (2) Biological oxygen demand (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Neither (1) nor (2)

Last Answer :  Both (1) and (2) 

Description : The biological process in which both aerobes and anaerobes degrade organic matter is (1) Manuring (2) Composting (3) Digesting (4) Nitrifying

Last Answer : Composting