How many big American-owned plants are in operation in Mexico?

1 Answer

Answer :

there’s a big water transmission facility in monterey that’s american owned. it’s staffed by americans though

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Last Answer : CARLOS SLIM is Hording all the profits. He is the richest non criminal in the world at about $80 or so billion dollars.

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Last Answer : answer:Former Gov. Jesse Ventura one of the greatest governors of modern time lives in Mexico. He's written the following books: I Ain't Got Time to Bleed: Reworking the Body Politic from the ... Me! (co-authored with Dick Russell) American Conspiracies (March 2010), co-authored with Dick Russell)

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Last Answer : If it's a wall that's been there before trump and being repaired or reinforced I think it's a nothing burger. Obrador probably should just shut up and instead work on improving the economy and ... that region so their people wouldn't have to run for their lives seeking refuge from another country.

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Last Answer : answer:No. Mexico and the United States have had wars of various types for two hundred years. Ever of the Mexican American war? The U.S. Marien Hymn “From the Halls of Montezuma…? Pershing’s skirmishes with Pancho Villa? And, there has been anti-immigrant feeling towards Mexicans for over 100 years.

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Last Answer : Import taxes.

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Last Answer : I'm a bit confused about what your asking? How do you quantify strength of heritage? Your maternal grandmother is Mexican. That IS your heritage from this side of your family. You have a heritage ... well. I guess the strength of your heritage would depend on how strongly YOU identify with it.

Description : Why do people think it's weird that I celebrate my Mexican heritage because my Abuela(Grandmother in Spanish) is from Mexico and not me?

Last Answer : Lots of Americans celebrate the culture of their ancestors. Where I live there are often cultural festivals, such as Irish, Italian, Polish, Puerto Rican, Greek, Japanese, etc. The people who try to deny your right to celebrate your cultural heritage are being narrow-minded.

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Last Answer : Here is a discussion of the politics and history of that era.

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Last Answer : I do know that Obama would really get the heat for that one lol. You thought they were hard on him now…

Description : ICE agents killed in Mexico. What action do you believe President Obama will take, in this incident?

Last Answer : Not sure how much he really CAN do unfortunately. I would say he could send out some kind of clandestine police force, but you're a fool if you think that we don't already have them in ... majorly beef up border security, but the killings were IN Mexico so the argument doesn't really make sense.

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Last Answer : answer:You need to be at least 60 and have worked for at least 500 weeks. See here (in Spanish).

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Last Answer : answer:Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like the French were having enough trouble subduing the Mexicans on their own, let alone sending help to the Confederacy. Not to mention their combined ... drawn in the British . and possibly other major European powers of the time, most notably Prussia.

Description : Is it legal to not only transport airsoft guns into Mexico, but use them for target shooting in Mexico too?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt that there would be much spirit-of-the-law trouble; airsoft guns are rather popular in Japan which, like Mexico, has very strict gun laws. * roffles quietly about Mexico ... routinely get shipments of smuggled toys and clothes, usually from churches in the Southwestern United States.)

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Last Answer : I am mexican and i would not recomend you to fix your car over there, it might be cheap, but it could also result in cheap quality repair, even here in the USA whenever I need to take mycar to the ... name like Car-x, Meineke, that could give me some warranty on the job, then i have peace of mind

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Last Answer : The illegals are doing work here that alot of us would NOT want to do. So I say legalize them, give them equal opportunities, then tax them.

Description : What do you think of the flying humanoid sightings in Mexico?

Last Answer : I am furious I want a jet-pack, too!

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Last Answer : I seriously doubt that.

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Last Answer : Since most of those drugs end up in the US… and some of the violence is spilling across the border (not to mention the fear of violence severely impacts the economy of border towns on both sides of the border)... i would think it’s a GREAT idea.

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Last Answer : MIGRATION: The Rufous Hummingbird has the longest migration of any hummingbird, more than 5,000 miles a year. It flies from central Mexico to Alaska and back again. Hummingbirds migrate, not in flocks, but ... the far shore and perish at sea. Ref: yay google

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Last Answer : I don’t see a problem with this providing you have the software or the website your using ready. The location really shouldn’t matter.

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Last Answer : Is this a homework question?

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Last Answer : Given time I think that there will become a world currency. Not sure if an Amero type currency will proceed it.

Description : I'm mexican, what is my race?

Last Answer : You are white with Latino/Hispanic ethnicity. Other people, like Dominicans are black and Latino/Hispanic.

Description : How important are new guns to organized crime in North America?

Last Answer : Depends on what you mean by how important . But in general, I am confident that while new guns, especially new unregistered guns, are useful to organized crime, and enable violence that would ... up in accurate unbiased articles that are framed in ways that are directly relevant to your questions.

Description : Can Trump pay for the border wall himself?

Last Answer : No. But if enough people/Republicans got the funds together themselves, I think they could do it. Naming rights would not be a good idea. The wall will be ugly enough without advertising strewn across it from end to end.

Description : Will non-legal immigration stop when the country being fled to becomes more of a cesspool when compared to the fled country?

Last Answer : Interesting concept, but gang killing and raping all the ten years old. Ya the USA has a little way to go but not much. You cannot back charge another country, Trump tried that for the all ... Mexican government but by the drug cartels. In a perfect world @RedDeerGuy1 there would no reason to flee.

Description : What are sone examples of localized conflicts in Mexican history?

Last Answer : Cinco de Mayo the Battle of Puebla against the French 1862. It is not Independence Day for Mexico which in September.

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Last Answer : answer:What you speak of is called a pattern. There’s no reason to believe that his behavior won’t continue… He also is at war with the press and his /US intelligence agencies. And anyone who doesn’t agree with him….

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Last Answer : The team was made up of Trique Indians, a tribe that lives in Mexico, but are not, per se, ethnically Mexican.

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Last Answer : It’s just a stereotype. They’ve probably just never truly thought it through. It happens to the best of us.

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Last Answer : We supplied the cartels with thousands of weapons a couple years ago. I don’t think any incursions into their territory will go well now.

Description : When is the last time a Super Moon fell on May 5th?

Last Answer : answer:According to Richard Nolle, who claims to have defined the phrase Super Moon', it appears that Earth experiencing a Super Moon on Cinco de Mayo is a first or hasn't happened for ages. In perusing ... It looks like I may be camping out in the back yard tomorrow night. Thanks for the heads up.

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Last Answer : I never really thought much about it. The politician is dead. The guy who killed him is in jail. Period. End of story.

Description : Would you deem this statement, "This is our continent we were here first" as a good or bad argument for one trying to defend that there is no such thing as an illegal alien?

Last Answer : answer:In my opinion, no one group of people can lay claim to any nation-sized tract of land. Earth belongs to God, who has chosen the human race as husbandmen ( which has largely turned out to have ... a nation, is to be held in trust for future generations of mankind, not for just our own progeny.

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Last Answer : I certainly remember him and heard him on the radio and I can still hear that cragly, gravel voice of his in my head and picture that cragly bearded face of his in my mind like I knew him personally ... Anyone of a certain age knows exactly who he was, what he sounded like and what he looked like.

Description : Do photographs or Daguerrotypes exist of Antonio López de Santa Anna?

Last Answer : Here’s one.

Description : Why are US citizens referred to as Americans?

Last Answer : answer: American = United States in every way. North/South America are just that. (e.g. What are Canadians then, Canadian Americans ?) My question is why are so many people confused about this? It seems ... seem to have a hang-up with it - as if it was like World Series , which is incorrect.

Description : I need advice about hotels in Playa del Carmen.

Last Answer : Define “reasonably priced”.

Description : How do you think Christianity affects Mexican culture?

Last Answer : The picture of all the cartel gangsters and murdered victims all seem to show them wearing a crucifix.