Why do people say 'if you love someone, let them go'?

1 Answer

Answer :

Love is not ownership and if the person you love doesn’t love you back set them free, don’t keep trying to make them love you.

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Last Answer : did you ever seek grief counseling? it’s really important, and immensely helpful. We all feel very guilty when we lose someone. It would really help you to come to terms with your feelings.

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Last Answer : http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Thinking-Too-Much http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Worrying-and-Start-Living Idk if the second relates as much maybe that will help? My father is similar in many ways. He ... just let it happen. Go ahead and think, but take in your environment, relax, maybe read something.

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Last Answer : I would check for the lists online via a web search , or try calling the banks yourself as you maybe be able to get more of the direct information you need that way .

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Last Answer : I do that as a catch all to say that I was stupid. It works 99% percent of the time. You are 14 and I am 32. Your over-thinking the plate of beans reminds me why I stopped dating women without a diploma.

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Last Answer : I think it depends from person to person. The fairytale is supposed to disappear. When everything is new and shiny and wonderful in the beginning of a relationship, it's called infatuation . It never ... off and for you to become comfortable and settled with your partner. It's a part of life.

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