Problems with an adult male cat being aggressive towards a 9mo female kitten.

1 Answer

Answer :

The only recourse is to separate the two. Any cat can become pregnant, and all cats will engage in copulation when they are allowed contact.

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Last Answer : Aw….. :) He probably doesn’t know that the kitten it trying to suckle from a teat, he’s most likely just tolerating her all over him because he’s a sweet kitty.

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Last Answer : sure we fed our cat purina cat chow from kitten until his death. He was always healthy and lived to be 14 years old.

Description : How to tame an aggressive kitten?

Last Answer : When she’s in heat, it will be obvious. A lot of meowing and backing up with their rear stuck in the air. It’s fairly disgusting. Anyway, just squirt her or something when she acts up. It usually works in my experience.

Description : Do male cats become more aggressive with women when the woman is due to menstruate?

Last Answer : I’ve never noticed anything like this in a life time of cat ownership. Highly doubtful, especially if the cat is neutered too.

Description : Why does my male cat smell the spot where the female cat was sitting?

Last Answer : I believe that there’s still scent-marking going on, even amongst the fixed. Might be that.

Description : Help! My new male cat is attacking one of my female cats.

Last Answer : Is the male cat neutered? Neutered cats are a lot more mellow and have fewer behavioral problems.

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Last Answer : I like to have two cats, one male and the other female. In my experience, this is a good thing because they can keep each other company without fighting over territory. They kind of balance each other out ... cat from its breed, but if you're adopting a cat they are often not of a single breed.

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Last Answer : How about Jackie?

Description : I have a male unneutered kitten (who will be neutered on Tuesday). Would you say that these are the beginnings of "face shields"?

Last Answer : He looks a bit young to be developing “tom” face. He’s probably just round-headed.

Description : How can a baby kitten transmit feline aids and feline leukemia to adult cats?

Last Answer : FeLV and FIV are spread through bodily fluids – blood, urine, and saliva. Fighting, hissing, or even grooming could potentially transmit the viruses.

Description : Why does my cat start screaming and then have an extremely aggressive outburst right after?

Last Answer : Yes, cats sometimes make noises that sound like children being murdered. It can be very disturbing.

Description : Would a younger cat (possibly kitten) or a more mature cat be a better choice in this situation? Please see details.

Last Answer : Maybe get a one-year-old?

Description : How common is it for a cat or kitten to race outside when you open your door?

Last Answer : Cats who run under the sofa are just being shy. Cats who run for the door are being curious. I had a cat who would meow and meow at the bedroom door until I let her out and closed the door, then she meowed and meowed to get back in. She simply wanted to be on the other side, not in or out.

Description : Is my cat trying to harm my new kitten?

Last Answer : answer:This might help. Some cats can get very aggressive when protecting their territory. It is normal behavior, and the tips in the article above can help you get past the worst of it.

Description : What are the advantages of adopting a full-grown cat instead of a kitten?

Last Answer : answer:It can be harder to bond with them, but it isn't always. It depends a lot on the pre-existing personality of the cat, and if they are open to new people, and if they can sense that this ... re taking in a cat that might otherwise go to the shelter; kittens are much more likely to get a home.

Description : How much does it cost to declaw a cat/kitten?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on the Vet, there are some that will charge more because they don't believe in declawing and there are some that will charge a standard rate. It's hard to find a price because declawing a ... to call a Vet/Pet hospital and get a tighter price range. Sorry I couldn't help more :(

Description : When does a kitten become a cat?

Last Answer : I have a permakitten, (my word for permanently a kitten,) she’s 18.

Description : My cat had one kitten aroung 2:30 pm it's now 7:30 pm where I live should I expect more kittens?

Last Answer : answer:5 hours is a long time between births, she may only have had a single kitten, but if you are bothering her a lot, she feels stressed, she may be delaying labor. Is she still showing signs ... will know by her behavior, and, if this is the case she will need emergency attention. Let us know!

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Last Answer : answer:One of my cats when he was just a little kitten was the same exact way. He was a crazy little guy and would attack and play with everything. I remember one time I woke up in the ... sure his energy level will decrease. And if you are still having problems, maybe you should consult your vet.

Description : How long should I wait to get another kitten? Does it dishonor my cat that just died if I get one so soon? I miss her terribly, and know I will never replace her, but I miss the companionship.

Last Answer : Grieve first. Now’s not the time to get another. Not yet.

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Last Answer : There is a product called a scat mat that gives them a small electric jolt (like a static discharge) - it doesn't harm them (I've stepped on them plenty of times myself), and I guarantee you ... to put something offensive smelling to the cat in the area (citrus, pine, mint, etc) as a repellent.

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Last Answer : My vet told me to keep the kitten in a room with a closed door for a week to let the other cat be curious, but not threatened. (They said the older cat might kill the kitten.) We kept the ... staying. This allowed the older cat to establish who will be the dominant, or Boss cat, in the household.

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Last Answer : If there was really a problem, he’d be hissing and spitting, and his fur would be raising every time he saw her. It sounds like they’re just playing.

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Last Answer : [C] Male and female sexual activity

Description : How can I make a female cat stop being horny?

Last Answer : Have the cat spayed.

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Last Answer : Probably something territorial

Description : Why do people get weird about calling a neutered male cat "it?"?

Last Answer : answer:Uhm, it’s still a male, it just doesn’t have testicles anymore. If we cut your balls off, you’d still be a boy, right?

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Last Answer : Is she a ‘percher’? That is, is she perching on the edge of the litterbox so the poo goes on the floor right next to it?

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Last Answer : One thing for certain. He isn’t a stray. He’s too well fed and cared for to be a stray. Three months ago? Is your cat spayed? He may have smelled her when she was in heat.

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Last Answer : answer:Um vet right now!! She may have her period if she’s not spayed, but I have no idea!

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Last Answer : answer:I’d say try another vet. Other than that there is not much you can do. Maybe put down puppy pads. I have a $10,258 cat. That $258 was just last month. She’s only nine. I justify it by saying she is cheaper than a kid.

Description : Why does my 5 year old female cat keep having this recurrent problem where her urine has blood in it?

Last Answer : Lots of times cats have bladder problems because of the food they get. I did a quick search on Google and came up with a large number of references about dry food vs. wet food and ... males, and a lot more information. Here's one link.

Description : Have you had a cat get Lyme or a related disease (erlichiosis, for example) from an embedded and engorged female deer tick?

Last Answer : From the way your worded this, I thought the cat did have these symptoms. Then I read on, and see you are merely worried that it could happen. So, keep catching those ticks and assume the best.

Description : Is this behavior normal for a kitten?

Last Answer : Kittens play like that and it is a normal thing for them. I usually kept two in order that they can play together. But when I had cats/kittens we didn’t cut there claws since they are very pliable still.Usually there claws get naturally cut back by allowing them to climb on tress etc.

Description : Is there anything I need to know about the development of a kitten with no littermates?

Last Answer : Mittens and Dobbs were adopted. Dobbs was a mature cat and Mittens (Dobbs daughter) was was adopted 24 hours after being old enough to be fixed. I got them both!! Dobbs actually had five kittens and ( ... / But yeah.. The litterbox thing isn't hard. They naturally go to it.

Description : How should I go about introducing my new kitten to my dog?

Last Answer : answer:Also, This is Oscar

Description : How can I be sure my Chosen Kitten is going to be Large?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe, maybe not. Your best bet if you want a service type cat is to purchase a large and mellow breed like the Rag Doll. My guy is 18 lbs, huge bones, super mellow and not skittish ... Shy, outgoing, bold, timid, curious, aggressive, likes being handled, doesn't like to be handled, etc.

Description : My kitten discovered fire in the form of a candle on my coffee table and melted her eye-whiskers...

Last Answer : answer:Let it sort itself out. She has nerves in them and won’t thank you for the trim. They will grow out on their own.

Description : How to show my kitten that my bed is my territory?

Last Answer : I think cats like to sleep on the bed for two reasons: 1. They like to be up high, when possible, which comes from predatory instinct and a way to stay away from danger. 2. they like to be next to our warm bodies, not on a cold, drafty floor.

Description : What do I do about a kitten that has just appeared on my front porch?

Last Answer : Adopting this kitten, whom you seem already to care for, doesn’t have to lead to feeding “every stray in the neighborhood.” Why not take him/her in and save its life? I’m a cat lover/owner, so it’s hard for me to suggest anything other than that.

Description : Who wants to play the kitten game?

Last Answer : answer:Walk in the front door saying hello in a loud voice. Cat opens half an eyelid, twitches tail end once, goes back to sleep.

Description : What could be wrong with this kitten?

Last Answer : Sent to our resident vet for a response.

Description : How do you potty train a kitten?

Last Answer : Just place down a litter box and place the kitten inside to show him/her. Cats naturally go in sandy areas where they can bury their waste. If for some reason the kitten first poops somewhere else, ... kitten will know to use that from now on. Dogs you have to potty train. Cats train themselves.

Description : Kitten has watery eyes and discharge coming from both his eyes and nose. Any suggestions?

Last Answer : answer:Aww, poor baby. My Schrodinger had a pretty horrible eye infection as a baby. I wiped his face a few times a day with a warm washcloth. Treated it the same as I would one of my ... the antibiotic eyedrops I already happened to have for myself. The baby needs medicine if his eyes are infected.

Description : Bringing home a 7 month old kitten. Any tips on starting out on the right foot?

Last Answer : First, pick a name and stick with it. (Hey, Jude).

Description : Kitten name ideas based on Greek Mythology?

Last Answer : answer:Eurydice (from Orpheus and Eurydice) Persephone Leda (as in Leda and the Swan) Aphrodite Athena Artemis Helena Clytemnestra I came up with these then found this web site Leda’s my favorite story- I made artwork out of her story as well as Orpheus and Eurydice’s story.

Description : What kind of kitten is the best?

Last Answer : The best kitten to get is a pound kitten. The one that is homeless and will be put down if someone doesn’t adopt him.

Description : I'm trying to find a name for my kitten. Can you please help me?

Last Answer : Male, orange? Garfield! Not cute, but two out of three ain’t bad….as Meatloaf once said.

Description : Should I (Gasp!) declaw my kitten?

Last Answer : Pass the cat on to someone who cares for the cats welfare & wellbeing, you’re obviously not cut out to care for this critter… Give it to someone who is, without the amputation :-/

Description : Is there something wrong with my kitten?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like she may have been bitten by something or eaten something that has caused an allergic reaction or she may have ingested poison. You might want to call this 24/7 emergency animal ... let them know the kitten's symptoms and get their advice on whether you should bring her in.