A blow to the mandible resulted in deviation to the left on opening; x-rays show unilateral fracture,  where would you expect the fracture:**
A. Neck of the left condyle
B. Neck of the right condyle
C. Body of the left condyle
D. Body or the right condyley

1 Answer

Answer :

A. Neck of the left condyle

Related questions

Description : Blow to mandible causing fracture in molar’s right side region, you expect a second fracture of: A. Sub condylar of right side B. Sub-condylar of left side C. Fracture of symphysis

Last Answer : B. Sub-condylar of left side

Description : Patient received heavy blow to the right body of the mandible sustaining a fracture there. You should suspect a second fracture to be present in, A. Symphysis region B. Left body of the mandible C. Left sub-condylar region D. Right sub-condylar region

Last Answer : C. Left sub-condylar region

Description : When there is a fracture of condyle, the muscle responsible for elevation of condyle is: A. Lateral pterygoid muscle B. Medial pterygoid muscle C. Masseter muscle

Last Answer : A. Lateral pterygoid muscle

Description : When the neck of the condyle is fractured; what muscle determines the movement of the superior segment: A. Lateral pterygoid B. Medial pterygoid C. Masseter D. Temporalis E. Mylohyoid

Last Answer : A. Lateral pterygoid

Description : When the neck of the condyle is fractured; what muscle determines the movement of the superior segment: A. Lateral pterygoid B. Medial pterygoid C. Temporalis D. Mylohyoid

Last Answer : A. Lateral pterygoid

Description : Loss of sensation in the lower lip may be produced by,CHECK ADC M07 A. Bell’s palsy B. Traumatic bone cyst C. Trigeminal neuralgia D. Fracture in the mandible first molar region E. Ludwig’s angina

Last Answer : D. Fracture in the mandible first molar region E. Ludwig’s angina

Description : A patient suffers a blow to his maxillary central incisor without resulting in fracture. The pulp may: A. Show immediate necrosis B. Become non-vital but only if treatment is delayed too long C. Become non vital irrespective of treatment D. No changes are seen later if fracture does not occur

Last Answer : C. Become non vital irrespective of treatment

Description : muscle used for opening the mandible 1) temporalis 2) ant. Belly of diagastric 3) mylohyoid

Last Answer : 2) ant. Belly of diagastric

Description : What is the Bilaminar Zone:** A. Formed of, or having, two laminae, or thin plates. Which is the distal attachment of superior hard lateral plate B. A vascular, innervated tissue that plays an important role in allowing the condyle to move foreward

Last Answer : B. A vascular, innervated tissue that plays an important role in allowing the condyle to move foreward

Description : What interferes with a maxillary denture in the posterior vestibular fold: A. Coronoid process B. Condyle C. Masseter muscle

Last Answer : A. Coronoid process

Description : Ankylotic primary second molar in the mandible is not always a good space maintainer because of: a. Mesial inclination of the 1st permanent molar. b. It does not keep up with the rest of occlusion. c.Dull on percussion.

Last Answer : b. It does not keep up with the rest of occlusion.

Description : As far as localised alveolar osteitis is concerned; which one of the following is true? A. The incidence in the mandible and maxilla is similar B. The prophylactic prescription of antibiotics ... and irrigation is mandatory E. Zn oxide eugenol and alvogyl dressing promote a rapid bone growth

Last Answer : C. Excessive fibrinolysis is the likely aetiology

Description : Which of the following DOES NOT cause depression of the mandible: A. Contraction of lateral pterygoid B. Contraction of temporalis C. Contraction of the suprahyoid muscles D. Contraction of the ... E. Relaxation of all muscles so that the only forces on the mandible are the forces of

Last Answer : B. Contraction of temporalis

Description : The growth of the mandible at about year 5 and 6 is mainly at: A. Depth B. Width C. Length

Last Answer : C. Length

Description : .The places for newly erupted mandibular molars are created by: A. Resorption of anterior ramus and apposition posteriorly B. Apposition of alveolar process C. Apposition of inferior boarder of mandible

Last Answer : A. Resorption of anterior ramus and apposition posteriorly

Description : Which of the following is NOT TRUE in regard to lateral periodontal cyst** A. It is more common in anterior region B. It occurs more in maxilla than mandible C. Probable origin is from ... . Encountered in the cuspid-premolar region of the mandible, derived from the remnants of the dental lamina

Last Answer : A. It is more common in anterior region B. It occurs more in maxilla than mandible

Description : The first molars are extracted in both arches: A. The bone resorption will be the same for both arches B. Resorption is more on the palatal side of maxillary molars C. Resorption is more on lingual side of mandibular molars D. The ridge height resorbs more in maxilla than mandible

Last Answer : C. Resorption is more on lingual side of mandibular molars

Description : The first thing to do after surgical removal of an impacted 3rd molar in the mandible is:

Last Answer : Cold application from the outside 

Description : After the age of 6 years, the greatest increase in the size of the mandible occurs: A. At the symphysis B. Between canines C. Distal to the first molar

Last Answer : C. Distal to the first molar

Description : Ameloblastoma occurs MOST frequently: A. Near the angle of the mandible B. In the maxilla

Last Answer : A. Near the angle of the mandible

Description : The SNA angle on cephalogram, best signifies the relationship of, A. Mandible to cranial base B. Maxilla to cranial base C. Maxilla to mandible D. Mandible to porion E. Maxilla to Frankfort plane

Last Answer : B. Maxilla to cranial base

Description : As far as localised alveolar osteitis (dry socket) is concerned; which one of the following is true? M07 A. The incidence in the mandible and maxilla is similar B. The prophylactic ... diagnosis and irrigation is mandatory E. Zinc oxide eugenol and alvogyl dressing promote a rapid bone growth

Last Answer : C. Excessive fibrinolysis is the likely aetiology

Description : The tonsillar lymph node is situated at the level of, M07 A. Angle of the mandible B. C6 vertebrae C. Jugulodigastric crossing D. Clavicle E. Jugulo-omohyoid crossing

Last Answer : A. Angle of the mandible

Description : A middle aged woman gives a history of intermittent unilateral pain in the sub mandibular region, most probable cause is, A. Calculus in the salivary duct resulting in sialolithiasis. B. Ranula C. Cyst D. Mucocele

Last Answer : A. Calculus in the salivary duct resulting in sialolithiasis.

Description : Unilateral swelling in the floor of the mouth occurs frequently with meal; what is the possible diagnosis: A. Ranula B. Sub-mandibular sialolith C. Cyst D. Mucocele

Last Answer : B. Sub-mandibular sialolith

Description : Which of the following is NOT CHARACTERISTIC of trigeminal neuralgia?** A. The pain usually last for few seconds up to a minute in the early stages of the disease B. The pain is usually ... of the forehead E. It is a paroxysmal in nature and may respond to the treatment with Carbamazepine

Last Answer : D. An attack of pain is usually preceded by sweating in the region of the forehead

Description : Predictors of difficult intubation include A. Short muscular neck B. Prominent upper incisor C. Protruding mandible D. All of the above

Last Answer : Ans: D

Description : In the head and neck: a. the lymph from the upper lid drains to the parotid and submandibular lymph nodes b. the facial nerve comes from the first pharyngeal arch c. branches of the ... e. an unilateral cleft lip is a failure of the maxillary process to fuse with the medial nasal process

Last Answer : branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve supply the skin of the scalp as far backward as the vertex

Description : Caries which is close to the pulp chamber; on x rays you find ‘dens in dente’; the right treatment is: A. Zinc oxide eugenol cement and amalgam B. Pulpectomy C. Pulpotomy D. Calcium hydroxide on pulp and amalgam

Last Answer : B. Pulpectomy

Description : An 8 years-old child who has sustained a fracture of maxillary permanent central incisor in which 2mm of the pulp is exposed presents for treatment three hours after injury. Which of the ... - Pulpotomy using formocresol. d- Pulpectomy and immediate root filling. e- Pulpectomy and apexification.

Last Answer : a- Remove the surface 1. 2 mm of pulp tissue and place calcium hydroxide

Description : What indicates for a periapical surgery: A. Where performing an endodontic treatment on existing root canal filling may lead to fracture of the root B. When root canal treatment is faulty C. When ... bony defect is so extensive that the edges of the incisors will collapse E. None of the above

Last Answer : A. Where performing an endodontic treatment on existing root canal filling may lead to fracture of the root

Description : Reduced occlusal area means: A. More fracture potential for amalgam B. Less fracture potential for amalgam C. Pulpal involvement D. Perio involvement E. None of the above

Last Answer : B. Less fracture potential for amalgam

Description : The most common cause of fracture at the isthmus of class II dental amalgam restoration is: A. Delayed expansion B. Inadequate depth at the isthmus area C. Inadequate width at the isthmus area

Last Answer : B. Inadequate depth at the isthmus area

Description : In maxilla fracture, if intra cranial pressure increases:** A. It is normal B. Typically associated with tachycardia C. Associated with blood pressure D. Usually subsides spontaneously E. Typically associated with constricted and un-reactive pupil

Last Answer : C. Associated with blood pressure

Description : A patient has a small incisal fracture of the maxillary incisor. Which is the best material to resist fracture at the acid etched tooth composite interface: A. Micro-filled composite B. Hybrid composite C. GIC D. Silicate

Last Answer : B. Hybrid composite

Description : A major difference between light cured and chemical cured composite is that during setting or in function the light cured material tends to:******** VERY IMP A. Seal the margins better and ... on time C. Undergo greater colour change D. Shrink more rapidly E. Posses greater fracture toughness

Last Answer : D. Shrink more rapidly

Description : A child with a fracture of a tooth at the apical third of the root, what would be your first decision: A. Wait and recall after one month and observe for any necrotic or radiolucency B. Root canal treatment C. Extraction D. Apiectomy

Last Answer : A. Wait and recall after one month and observe for any necrotic or radiolucency

Description : What is the most common fracture of Class II amalgam restorations: A. Isthmus because of insufficient depth B. Internal fracture C. Marginal ridge site

Last Answer : A. Isthmus because of insufficient depth

Description : When repairing a fracture of a lower complete denture, which statement is correct: A. Self curing will distort the denture B. Cold curing will not be strong enough because of small area of attachment C. There is a possibility of occlusal disharmony

Last Answer : C. There is a possibility of occlusal disharmony

Description : A cusp fracture immediate to Class II inlay can be BEST detected by, A. History B. Visually C. Radiograph D. Percussion E. Touching the tip of the cusp / Pressure on the cusp/

Last Answer : E. Touching the tip of the cusp / Pressure on the cusp/

Description : 8 years old child who has sustained a fracture of maxillary permanent central incisor in which 2mm of the pulp is exposed; presents for treatment three hours after injury. Which of the ... C. Pulpotomy using formocresol D. Pulpectomy and immediate root filling E. Pulpectomy and apexification

Last Answer : A. Remove the surface 1-2 mm of pulp tissue and place calcium hydroxide (Cvek pulpotomy, apexogenesis)

Description : What is the common appearance of vertical tooth fracture?* A. Perio abscess like appearance B. Displacement of fragments

Last Answer : A. Perio abscess like appearance

Description : Why do you extract lower 8’s by directing the extraction lingually:** A. Because of the roots direction B. Thinner bone C. Lingual deviation

Last Answer : B. Thinner bone

Description : Which of the following statements are true? 1. Cytokinins promote stomatal opening 2. Sprays of indole -3 acetic acid can inhibit premature fruit fall 3. The growth movements caused by a unilateral stimulus are known as nastic movements 4. The ... 4 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1, 2, and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3, and 4

Last Answer : Ans:(a)

Description : A raised dot on X ray films is to: A. Orient exposure side B. Differentiate between left and right side C. Dip during developing

Last Answer : A. Orient exposure side

Description : Has anyone else suffered a femoral neck fracture from a skiing accident?

Last Answer : Nope, but feel better and get well soon. Welcome to fluther.

Description : How do treat the cause of airway obstruction: A. Extension of the neck B. Flexion of the neck

Last Answer : A. Extension of the neck

Description : Which of the following is NOT a complication of radiation to head and neck area:** A. Xerostomia B. Mucositis C. Increased caries D. Heightened taste sensation E. Increased risk of osteomyelitis

Last Answer : D. Heightened taste sensation

Description : What would not cause an airway obstruction A. Laryngeal muscles paralysis B. Flexion of the neck C. Airway obstruction D. Extension of the neck

Last Answer : D. Extension of the neck

Description : The beam that leaves the target is called, A. The primary X-ray B. The electrons ( from the cathode) C. The secondary rays (scattered radiation) D. X-ray photons no

Last Answer : A. The primary X-ray