Hi Jellies! Could you help me with a graduation gift idea for two family members?

1 Answer

Answer :

What are their interests/hobbies?

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Last Answer : We recited the Pledge of Allegiance every day in high school and during graduation and the awards ceremony. At the awards ceremony, they made a special recognition to the students going into the military. A standing ovation was given.

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Last Answer : Hi! Welcome to the community! My grad class didn’t pick an official song or anything. We were boring that way. Actually, I recently posted something similar about it here.

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Last Answer : Visual art or all art? Greek play themes have been copied and carried over throughout the centuries in literature and performance art. I f I had the memory for it I would cite examples, but at the moment ... dumber than dirt thing. Sorry. If you can relate this to popular culture, they'll eat it up.

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Last Answer : answer:I am starting to think the government believes it can do anything it wants to. Which is too bad. But having said that, if they put me in charge, I would make a mandatory year 13 ... education that adding more years would be an even more egregious waste of taxpayer money than it already is.

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Last Answer : Happiness

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Last Answer : answer:Relax. Again, relax. You really aren't messing up that bad and pretty much everyone who's ever used email has screwed one up. Now list the things you think you'll need for applications, ... your first college course. The first two years of classes are pretty much that same process. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:Once when I was in 9th grade and not doing well in School my Dad took me to Microsoft to visit my aunt. At the time I also wanted to design video games) While there I met all ... or math will not prevent you from learning to code or learning how to design graphics in whatever application.

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Last Answer : I don't know in that app how you can block the chat group but I would certainly do that. Group chats are annoying anyway with their constant dinging but if they bring up bad memories, there is no ... one. If it makes you feel easier, you could congratulate the bride to be and then block the chat.

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Last Answer : answer:Ha, you are me 20 years ago. My advice is the advice always given. It sorts itself out. Cliche but true. You will find what you are looking for once you stop looking. Things worked for me and I am a horrible person.

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Last Answer : answer:Believe it or not, there is a lot of politics involved in HS sports. It is like my mother always says It's not what you know but who you know . I have seen it happen over and over again. ... so their kid gets the playing time. I cannot give you any advice as to what to do about it. Sorry.

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Last Answer : answer:Practice practice practice. do you know your formations backwards and forwards? Do you know where everyone in your section is supposed to be? Is it possible to ask over the summer when the selections will be made, and if there are auditions? Let him know you are interested.

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Last Answer : Tell us why you want to run for this role and what you plan to do should you win. That might help.

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Last Answer : Are you male or female?

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Last Answer : answer:It has to do with the identity. So: -50 / -2 = (50 * -1) / (2 * -1) (50 * -1) / (2 * -1) = (50/2) * (-1/-1) :. 25 * 1 = 25. That last bit about the -1 / -1 = 1 ... any real number x: x / x = 1 So 50 / 50 = 1 12.382379827398723872397823 / 12.382379827398723872397823 = 1 -1 / -1 = 1 That help?

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Last Answer : I would just tell them what just told us and add a smile and possibly a wave bye-bye.

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Last Answer : I delivered pizzas for a while than I became a security guard.

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Last Answer : In grade school we sometimes had 21 year olds teaching class. Only three years older than some high school students. Fresh out of university Bachelor of education degree graduates.

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Last Answer : Link View a few lectures in an online course and see what you think. I find that a high level view of organic chemistry is interesting but, at some point, keeping track of all the details is more than I care to know about.

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Last Answer : Access to resources of all kinds and adequate leadership.

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Last Answer : Be prepared

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Last Answer : Everything requires maths to learn.

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Last Answer : Righteous, man, righteous…

Description : Kavanaugh related Q: Is everything bad we said as 15 yr. old, or whatever age, about someone else factual?

Last Answer : Of course not. If you asked me whether I liked by 9th grade teacher or not, I would say she was mean to me because that's what we felt when we were 15 years old. With the passage of 40 years, ... level of a fact. However, if someone tried to rape me when I was 15 - that I would remember. Vividly.

Description : Which graduating class will celebrate the 100th year anniversary?

Last Answer : Depends on what they're marking. Opening of the school? First graduating class? If the first school year was 1922-1923, then the class of 23 would mark the 100th anniversary of the first graduating ... both classes could celebrate. Why not? They could also celebrate the 94th (or 95th) right now.

Description : What do you think of this approach to solving mixture algebra problems?

Last Answer : Perhaps I should have introduced weighted averages with GPAs, which most people are familiar with. We have w1 s1 + w2 s2 + ... + wn sn = s, where the wi weights of tests are determined in advance and the si ... for x in w1 s1 + w2 s2 + ... + wn x = s. This is a fairly straightforward calculation.

Description : How important is the ACT?

Last Answer : Well, it’s really important if you’re trying to get into an ivy league school. Not so important if you’re just going to a state college. This looks like it may be of some help. And good luck!

Description : What would you change in order to modernize education?

Last Answer : Spelling and reading comprehension are part of the test. SO . . . bringing something to correct bad spelling to the exam would be frowned on.

Description : Why can't I improve my grade 12 diploma exam grades without running out early due to anxiety attacks?

Last Answer : Sorry for being scattered. I can’t focus on one problem at a time. I would like to have fun back in learning. I feel tremendous amount of pressure to succeed.

Description : Do you favor a law that subjects high school students to random drug testing if they participate in extracurricular activities or drive to school?

Last Answer : No I would be against it. I would be more in favor of affording students access to mental health support. Kids are under a ton of pressure both in school and out of school and I am ... many kids could unknowingly or knowingly using drugs and alcohol to self medicate to deal with stress and anxiety.

Description : What can we do to make university education special again?

Last Answer : How would you restrict it?

Description : Do any of you hear of the passing of a teacher you had in high school and end up in tears?

Last Answer : answer:Not tears. But I have been deeply saddened by life events that happened to old teachers. My high school class has a facebook page set up for our last reunion, and since then it has been an ... college, one of teh few teachers I'd had that made one feel that he wanted you to succeed.

Description : If you were to start from scratch what would you make the dropout age to be?

Last Answer : answer:We tried this around 1994. In Roseburg they had a thing where you could totally walk away from school at 16 with some sort of diploma that said Nice Try . If you wanted to stay in school ... find a job it is nearly impossible to legally rent a apartment. This plan lasted less than a year.

Description : What do you do with a principal who sent (if fact) student home without his winter coat in the freezing cold?

Last Answer : I don’t know of any school that releases a child early without parental pickup. My immediate thought is “What did the parent do about it?”

Description : How many people try out for the Chicago All-Star ARML Team?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Appropriate pick up time for kids after school?

Last Answer : answer:Wow, that sucks. There's not a school bus route that takes you within walking distance of home? I mean, back in the day I would have loved it, as the school library stayed open until ... . (oh, memories ) Alternately, are there any after-school clubs or activities you might take part in?

Description : Why am I not retaining info from my math movie?

Last Answer : You’re in charge. You get to decide. Since you’re not doing this for a grade and absolutely no one is going to check up on you, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with skipping whatever you decide you want to skip.

Description : What are some cures, or tips, for high school and beyond math anxiety?

Last Answer : answer:Math is a subject that builds on itself. So it is important to master each lesson before moving on to the next. That means every bit of homework needs to be done. And if one does not grasp a concept, help from the instructor should be sought as soon as possible.

Description : Do you have any regrets from high school?

Last Answer : Oh shit… where do I start!? Spent way too much time on boys and not enough time learning. I may have graduated National Honor Society and with a good grade point average, but I should have taken more math and science.

Description : What are some realistic career goals?

Last Answer : A bit too general. It depends on what they like and are good at, and maybe what kind of subjects they learn at high school.

Description : What are the steps to becoming a career advisor ?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but that seems like the perfect job for you.

Description : Would it be beneficial to take a university math course?

Last Answer : It would probably only improve your life if it’s something you enjoy. I’m not sure how else it would benefit.