Do baby snapping turtles bite?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, and wash your hands after handling them.

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Last Answer : I'm not sure you have these things in your home, but vanilla extract on your pulse points works. (Not the imitation stuff, has to be genuine.) So does lavender you can use the oil or the actual ... same effect, but you should dilute that before applying. Eat garlic. That's all I've got good luck.

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Last Answer : How to Stop Biting Your Nails Biting your nails can cause more trouble than you think. Not only does it look bad, but you can risk transmitting bacteria and viruses from your hand to your mouth. ... well. Once you've kicked the nail-biting habit, you can reward yourself with a home manicure.

Description : How long are alligator snapping turtles at birth?

Last Answer : When young alligator snapping turtles hatch, they are two to three inches long.

Description : How long are alligator snapping turtles at birth?

Last Answer : When young alligator snapping turtles hatch, they are two to three inches long.

Description : How can we take care of a baby snapping turtle in a college dorm?

Last Answer : answer:It has been a long time since I took care of a baby snapping turtle, but I remember that we stabbed flies with toothpicks, broke off the point of the toothpick so it wasn't too sharp and ... turtle. I admire your desire to protect the turtle, but it would probably be best not in your care.

Description : How to rear baby slider turtles at home?

Last Answer : Slider turtles can grow up to 11 inches in size, and need materials to burrow in. In nature, they like wet, slimy areas. Four turtles in one tank is probably too many. You need to keep the water in ... A heat lamp in the tank, along with a rock where they can sun themselves would keep them happy.

Description : How can society keep people from snapping?

Last Answer : Society, is the reason most people probably snap. We can try to prevent it. More resources should be put into mental health. That’s one issue in the US.

Description : What are they snapping when they "snap peas"?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I have snapped peas. Fresh pea pods are crunchy and they snap when you flex them to free the peas. FREE THE PEAS!!

Description : Why is my neck snapping?

Last Answer : do you keep a wallet in your back pocket? I switched to a front pocket one a few years ago, it really helped with my back pain. I also do roman chair exercises a few times a month, really good exercise ... try not to sleep with your arms above your head, if you do, that helped me as well. Good luck

Description : What makes the snapping sound when you snap your fingers?

Last Answer : The sound is made from the percussive strike of your fingertip against the base of your thumb.

Description : How do you say snapping turtle in native American Indian language?

Last Answer : There are around 200 different Native American languages -please pick one and ask again.

Description : How many chromosomes does a snapping turtle have?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Can baby blue tangs bite?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Fluff time: are Jellies like Monarch butterflies, salmon, sea turtles, and bears, they drift away but something they can’t explain always draws them back to their home area, pond, or region?

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Description : While we're on the topic of water filters, what are some possible ways I can help the water filter in my turtles' aquarium?

Last Answer : The best filter I ever had was an undergravel filter. There was a raised plate under the gravel and the aerators pulled the water down through the gravel and recirculated it. That was the healthiest tank I ever had. I don’t know if you can even find them today,

Description : Owners of pet turtles: What kind of setup does your turtle tank have?

Last Answer :

Description : How to extend the water changing time in an aquarium for two juvenile red eared slider turtles?

Last Answer : answer:No. It's like having to scoop a litter box. It is just part of the maintenance of pets. Since turtles can carry Salmonella bacteria clean conditions are important. I have a pair of pet ... surroundings. Don't neglect your little turtles, take pride in providing a great habitat for them. :-)

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Last Answer : It wouldn’t be pretty.

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Last Answer : When you put the meat back together I imagine it would look more like a creation of Dr. Frankenstein than a turtle.

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Last Answer : Maybe some sort of crayfish or crabs?

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Last Answer : We used to keep musk turtles, I don’t remember any smell, so it must not be too bad.

Description : The world is on a turtle's back - book series?

Last Answer : Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, YAY!! Read as many as you can!

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Last Answer : Where do you live? Turtles are a very good omen according to this site

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Description : content:

Last Answer : Pick up your turtle very carefully so as not to frighten or drop it. Look at the tail and plastron - the bottom shell. If the shell is slightly concave it is usually a male. Male turtles' ... gender. Males may have longer claws than females. In some species, adult females are larger than the males.

Description : My turtle seems to stay underwater for a long time. It seems like he even sleeps underwater. Can he breathe underwater or is he just really good at holding his breath?

Last Answer : Turtles don't actually breathe underwater in the way we think of as breathing. They can absorb air through different parts of their bodies. Many species are able to hold their breath underwater ... can even hibernate underwater for up to 4 months with their body functions slowing down considerably.

Description : I'm thinking about getting a turtle. Do they have a bad odor?

Last Answer : They can be smelly if not cared for properly. Turtles are messy eaters and the tank needs to be spot cleaned daily, removing waste and uneaten food. Waste and leftover food left for a while are the ... tank every week. If you like, you can use a separate tank for feeding to keep odors away.

Description : I was thinking about getting my turtle a toy. Do they play with toys? If yes, what are the best toys to get them?

Last Answer : I'm not sure exactly what toys they like, but some will play with them. But turtles don't usually get obsessed with playing with toys, I think they will just push it around. But they like it! :)

Description : When I look at my turtle, I don't see any ears. Do they have them? Can they hear?

Last Answer : They don't have ears like ours that stick out on the sides of the head. But they actually have 3 "ears", 2 little holes in the sides of their head and one on the nose. And they ... Turtles have very strong senses of smell and vision and rely mainly on those senses, making hearing not as important.

Description : How do I deter bees from coming to our pond and landing on our cork bark( for our turtles) they seem to love it?

Last Answer : can you change to some stones instead...........cork attracts something that is attracting the bees.....try some flat stones........I understand, I am severly allergic to bees, I ... throat closes. I have to keep liquid benydryl available, I can't take the shot................

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Last Answer : They can't run home.

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Description : who is the leader of turtles?

Last Answer : Paul Edward Slade

Description : how much should i feed turtles?

Last Answer : If your turtle is still juvenile, feed it every day. Once it reaches adulthood (around 7 years old), you can feed it every other day—or about 4 to 5 times a week. Stick with around 1 cup of food per day, then increase or decrease that amount depending on how your turtle responds.

Description : do turtles have tongues?

Last Answer : No,They have a small tongue that they use as bait. When the fishcome to investigate SNAP the turtle has its dinner.

Description : Do turtles have arms and legs?

Last Answer : No, they just have legs, four legs no arms.

Description : Do turtles have hands?

Last Answer : No!

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Do turtles eat Ducklings?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What contient do green sea turtles live?

Last Answer : Green sea turtles can be found in more than 80 countries aroundthe world.

Description : Are turtles independent?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : What 3 thing penguins turtles and crabs have in common?

Last Answer : they all have something to protect them like fur or ashell,turtles and penguin's have hard mouths or beaks and crab hashard mouth also.

Description : How many turtles did the band mana save?

Last Answer : 1000000

Description : Do all turtles have feet?

Last Answer : Yes, as all spicies of turtle have feet. hope u find thishelpful

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