Is Our national Debt Immoral?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Odious debt Maybe that will take the edge off.

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Last Answer : I can’t say in the abstract. I would like to think so but there are times I have found myself to be incredibly brave and other times when I could kick myself for my silence.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m going to feel like shit no matter who I save because of those I left to die. I might as well feel like a rich shit. The rest of them can try to save each other if they can’t save themselves. ;-) Either way, I’m taking the money.

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Last Answer : I’d blow the train’s whistle and hope all seven workers don’t happen to be oblivious

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Last Answer : The degree to which you are bound to a promise made to a star is exactly the same as that of any promise made to anyone or anything. Basically, it is a balance between how much not fulfilling ... the promise will cause you inconvenience, hassle, grief etcetera. It's a call only you can make.

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Last Answer : answer:Why is that a conflicting viewpoint? I hate my government, but I love my country. Does that seem like a contradiction? I assure you that it isn’t. “The government” is not “my country”. Johnny Cash could entertain troops in Vietnam because he knew that most of them never chose to be there.

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Last Answer : Put me bloody clocks back. Bugger, there always has to be something going on ;¬}

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Last Answer : answer:Well, a good place to start would be to answer where you think your morals derive from. For instance, do you feel that your morals/values are derived mostly from within yourself? Your family? Your religion? ... for sure? I'm sure she won't mind if you have to ask her a couple of questions.

Description : What are they going to do with the oil recovered from the leaking pipe? What should they do?

Last Answer : I think they should put it all in a huge vat, heat it to boiling, and place all the BP execs and anybody else who had a hand in this mess in it.

Description : What is the difference between ethics and morality?

Last Answer : I slept with George Michael’s ethics teacher, not his morality teacher.

Description : Is it selfish to be kind to others if feeling good about yourself is your motive?

Last Answer : i dont think that it is selfish because you are not recieving an ACTUAL reciprocation of what you are giving. If you help an old lady carry groceries and she pays you its not just a good deed, but ... a good deed. feeling good isnt realyl something that THEY give you, its just a nice side-effect :)

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Last Answer : Morality has nothing to do with taxes.

Description : How do you feel about an objective moral compass?

Last Answer : there is no objective morality, but there is a moral compass. the moral compass is pointing towards ' dont do things to hurt the tribe you belong to'' there is no objective morality ... another in your argument, or without using any emotionally based arguments. morals are most certainly subjective.

Description : Is honesty always the best policy?

Last Answer : yes,honesty is the best policy. if you cant trust someone then it is almost impossible to have a relationship of any sorts with them. but then again we lie to our kids about Santa! but i guess thats ok

Description : What form of ethics do you follow?

Last Answer : I think I would fall under the category of naturalist however I’d have to look more into it.

Description : Is Faith an important virtue to hold?

Last Answer : Of course it is. This entire life is all about faith and nothing but faith. Even science is only there to lead you back to the very essence of this life: The five-lettered word: “F.a.i.t.h”.

Description : Do you have a friend you only keep because of pity?

Last Answer : definetely not. you can sometimes pity a friend, but never ever be a friend out of pity. that’s just wrong…and where does it get you? or the person you’re “befriending”? nobody gets anything out of a situation like that.

Description : Lesbian women,does one hit back?

Last Answer : Yes. Gender doesn’t matter. If they hit you, they deserve to be hit. A vagina doesn’t absolve you of personal responsibility and give you a free pass to be reckless.

Description : If you there were two people, both bound to die, but in order to save one, you have to kill the other, what would you do and why?

Last Answer : I’m not killing anybody unless they are either shooting at me or stalking my family or hurting my dog.

Description : What is your moral standards based on?

Last Answer : Utilitarianism.

Description : When it comes down to it, are morals and ethics just personal preferences?

Last Answer : Some morals and ethics are universal, I think. Murder for example. I'd wager that the only people (outside of war) who disagree with the statement Murder is wrong' are mentally ill. Then there ... Some feel certain that it is never ok to lie, but others feel that it depends on the circumstances.

Description : Is there always a right thing to do?

Last Answer : There is only the best thing to do.

Description : What is the worst thing you have ever done? Do you think you can ever forgive yourself?

Last Answer : Every time I consider the worst thing I’ve ever done, it turns in time to be the best thing that ever happened.