Do you feel compelled to tell people they are full of shit and you know it?

1 Answer

Answer :

say nothing, keep walking

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Last Answer : Yikes. What a bad situation. Maybe try something like this: “Friend, I’ve really enjoyed having you here, but too much company really drains me. I need to get back on my regular schedule. Can I help you find a hotel?”

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Last Answer : answer:My child hood was banal. I have no shining moments that I can think of. I have a lot of not-so-shining moments, though. I had really bad grades in high school, until I realized I wanted ... I saw it as me finally coming to the level of the average person and no longer being a dumbass.

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Last Answer : answer:They just switch off and in the best case they utter a mmmmm or uh huh sporadically. There isn't much eye contact. They may interrupt you and rush in to say their experience ... bit interested but I sit and suffer through it, partly listening and actually thinking about my own problems.

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Last Answer : answer:I've never been, but my best friend has and I'll never forget him gloating non-stop for weeks about bungee-jumping some 710 feet from one of the bridges, Bloukrans Bridge (not entirely sure ... I know that the bridge does exist!). There's also a list here which you may find interesting!

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Last Answer : answer:Depending on the circumstances, my husband, my children, my best friend, my bosses. Sometimes, my husband only thinks I'm wrong, until I convince him that he is. Ditto on the children. It' ... why I'm right - refining my stand, but also to share those thoughts with someone who disagrees.

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Last Answer : Rose colored glasses. Definitely rose colored. And, real glass.

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Last Answer : Okay, I’m telling you straight up, “You are not the only one who feels this way.”

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Last Answer : More information needed. Why do you keep running into this person? Do you work with them? Are they family? Do they phone you unexpectedly? Is it someone living nearby who comes knocking on your door?

Description : What do you wish you could tell someone?

Last Answer : To my fellow Ask-publicers, to stop complaining about the auto spell-correction on the iPhone. At least you have an iPhone on which to Ask-public. I’m stuck on a Blackberry that’s so 2003.

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Last Answer : Is this a good thread to admit I crush on at least two of the mods, but haven’t made an advance because I know they are married?

Description : Could someone please explain to me why it is, after having politely turned down the romantic advances of a person who really cares and thinks the world of you, that they then turn around and talk shit about you?

Last Answer : I would venture to say that the person is embarrassed and hurt that you don’t feel the same way, therefore, shit-talking you is the easiest way to retaliate. Unrequited love is not fun and can make a person crazy…

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Last Answer : Yep. Just talk to them or the person you are with in that language! Great fun and giggles!

Description : Do you feel you have to add your input on questions that have been asked a million times?

Last Answer : Like dogs with fire hydrants, some folks. Or this: I know, sometimes I get sucked in too, but I do try not to. What bugs me more than this is the guys who, instead of ... dared to ask them personally that question. Hey, you can just skip a question if it's not to your liking.

Description : When you are a pedestrian do you feel you don't have to pay attention to traffic, because it's the drivers job to look out for you?

Last Answer : You would think with distracted driving becoming such an epidemic pedestrians would clue in but I guess distracted walking is just as bad.

Description : Do you feel that you have good instincts?

Last Answer : answer:Absolutely. No question.

Description : How do you feel about censorship in the media?

Last Answer : answer:Depends on the profanity and nudity. Do I want to see two men humping on one girl during prime time when I'm watching TV with my kids? No. Do I want my kids to hear some ... during prime time? Censorship is there because people want it. There area plenty of stations that aren't censored.

Description : Do you feel like you are "invisible" to society?

Last Answer : Due to the fact that I have a tendency to feel quite alienated from my environment, I also can feel very invisible. A few years ago, I discovered that my invisibility is directly related to my inability to see other people. When I am able to really see people, I find that others really see me.

Description : How do you feel when there are no other ethnicities around beside your own?

Last Answer : I don't notice. Well, one time I did. We were in Dodge City, Kansas. Its major industry is a meat packing plant. It's a filthy, dangerous, gross job and most white people won't do it, not ... people and that was at a Mexican restaurant! After 3 days of hardly seeing any white people, it felt odd!

Description : Do you ever feel the need to get away from everyone and everything for a while?

Last Answer : Yes. I call it Thursday.

Description : Opinionated soul, do you ever feel like you are stomping over other people's worldviews?

Last Answer : answer:Only if the person is elderly, very young, or mentally impaired in some way. With these folks, I almost always just nod and smile. I also feel bad if a friend states something I disagree ... more circumspect and even-toned in recent years, for which I think I have Fluther to thank, partly.

Description : I am part dolphin. Obviously I am not - but I feel that way sometimes. You?

Last Answer : answer:There was a time during life-saving training at the local YMCA that I may have achieved a Dolphin status, but no, I don't feel that way. Each summer, when I attempt to go out and play with ... they keep their distance. Have you ever seen the movie, The Big Blue? If not, you might enjoy it.

Description : Will saying 'dirty words' during hard times make you feel better?

Last Answer : When you hurt or are really pissed, it helps reduce the pain if you swear.

Description : Do you follow your gut when you feel something is off or ignore it and hope nothing happens?

Last Answer : I trust my feelings and know if something is not right. I try and follow that feeling and do what I think best at the time. It has worked for me.

Description : What part of your body do you feel anxiety over, when touched, or looked at or both? And why?

Last Answer : answer:I don't like my smile. I have one top front tooth that is set back a bit, and I never got braces, so I just don't ever show my teeth when I smile. I don't like having my arms ... I have this weird sensitivity in them that makes a light touch hurt which is weird, because a firm touch doesn't.