Any tips on flying intercontinental with a 1,5 y.o.

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I suggest you purchase a ticket for the child and the adults that are traveling with you. It is nearly impossible to hold a child that long. I doubt an airline will allow you to bring any kind of child bed aboard. Call the airline as soon as you can and talk to their customer service representative. They will answer all your questions about traveling with children.

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Last Answer : and are where I’ve found my best deals. You simply tell them your departure, destination, and arrival and they will list all available flights over several airlines.

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Last Answer : Ask matt.

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Last Answer : If you have a AAA card, it can get you a discount

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Last Answer : Yes! I had a great time there on a trip last winter. what kind of place are you looking to stay in & how much are you willing to spend? we stayed in a b & b called Vrabac that was very ... It's a walking city so bring good shoes because you will want to walk everywhere to take in all the sites.

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Last Answer : Go in the summer! I went right about this time (well, early April) and it was still a bit on the chilly side. It was nicer than the weather on the US East Coast, but it was a bit chilly still.

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Last Answer : answer:Bring an empty sippy cup and fill it once you are on the plane. If your toddler get very cranky while the plane is ascending or descending, it may be the discomfort caused by the pressure ... Zune, portable DVD, etc.) and prepare a few cartoons for your toddler to watch during the flight.

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Last Answer : What kind of job are you looking for? How old are you? Where are you from?

Description : Any travel tips for Cape Town, South Africa?

Last Answer : answer:I realize that your trip occurred in March of 2008, but I don't like to see any question go unanswered, if I can help it, so I'll offer this website URL, which has tips for travel ... .com/blog/southern-africa/summer-travel-tips-for-cape-town I hope that your trip was both safe and enjoyable.

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Last Answer : answer:In the past decade I've worked / lived / studied in mainland China, Poland, London, Philadelphia and Paris.. each at least a year, and as much as four. (Now I'm back home in Hong ... come to experience the community and develop an affection for the place in a way that a tourist never will.

Description : any travel tips to south korea?

Last Answer : I recommend using something like (or some other user rated website) to research places to stay. I used this web page for an unplanned 2 month wander around Europe and found it very ... love reading up on cities/provinces/countries on I hope this helps, and good luck!

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Last Answer : answer:Well, if you can get a passport, the Canadian side is actually a bit better. Partly because the best view is from the Canadian side, and also it's more developed. To be fair, it is kind of a ... you get close to the falls, and get sprayed with water, but they give you a poncho to keep dry.