Tipping landscapers?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Without a doubt, they’ll be happy for anything. 10–20 bucks a piece would do fine. Even more than cash tips, I know my husband brags on forever about homeowners that offer lunch and iced tea on a long day.

Related questions

Description : Tipping gas station attendants?

Last Answer : I’ve pumped my own gas since I started driving. Full service gas stations are rare to non-existent around here. To answer your question, yes. I believe that it is proper tipping etiquette to tip the gas station attendant.

Description : What's the tipping etiquette here?

Last Answer : It really depends on if you’re splitting the check evenly, or divvying it up based on who ate what. If you’re only paying for what you ate, then you don’t need to tip as much. But if you’re all paying equally, then you need to tip equally.

Description : Holiday Season Tipping-- who do you need to tip and how much/what gift is appropriate?

Last Answer : Hah, that’s funny because I need to get my hair cut, but I’m waiting until after Christmas so I don’t have to tip my hair dresser more. I wasn’t sure you really had to, but I figured you should. She’s already basically out of my budget, but she’s awesome!

Description : Is restaurant tipping of 20% applied to all checks regardless of amount?

Last Answer : As a former waiter, I can say that if you think the service was good, 20% is the right percentage regardless of total bill. Traditionally, 15% is a normal tip for normal service (again, regardless of total bill ... $1.50 an hour). So when you stiff a waiter, you are really docking his or her pay.

Description : Tip question #1: In this instance, would you give the body shop owner a tip?

Last Answer : No tip. Unless you tip the actual guy who did the work. And if you do, do it in cash. The guy will appreciate it more.

Description : Tip question #2: When you tip the hairdresser a holiday tip, is her regular tip included or extra?

Last Answer : Well, I tip $5.00 but the cut is only $15 so….

Description : How much do you tip for this (see details)?

Last Answer : I don’t have mine groomed, BUT, my sister in law had hers groomed and usually tipped 20 percent. Here, they have these bread trucks set up as a grooming facility complete with bathing facilities, and come to your home. So worth not having to haul the dog to the groomer.

Description : If you have firewood delivered, do you tip the guy?

Last Answer : Who’s delivering it? Is it the seller of the firewood? If it’s the owner, I wouldn’t tip him. If it’s a worker and he stacks it, maybe $10 – $15.

Description : Do you give a tip for a to go order that you go in and pick up?

Last Answer : Yes. I like my food without spit.

Description : What kind of holiday tip do you give to the hairdresser, mailman and other service people who help you in your life?

Last Answer : answer:My hairdresser gets a 20% tip every time I see her. If I have an appointment around Christmas, I will take cookies or brownies for her to share with her husband and sons. We're friends ... were regulars at a bar or restaurant, those people would simply get bigger tips during the holidays.

Description : What is the standard tip for a manicurist (or other professional, for that matter)

Last Answer : I usually tip the person who waxes my brows 20–25%. So, I pay $24—$25 for a ~20 minute procedure. I assume this rate would work for a manicurist as well.

Description : What is a decent tip for "carhops" that bring a burger and Coke to your car?

Last Answer : I tip them the same as I tip any other server: 15% – 20%. Why should they be any different? (Unless you’re in Canada).

Description : Is he fishing for a tip?

Last Answer : answer:Fairly new, is how new? A few weeks, a few months? I wouldn't necessarily see his sending a Xmas card or writing Thanks for your business as fishing for a tip, more just good PR and as a newer ... or tip him $50 or $100, $25 would be decent enough. A tip can be anything, not only cash.

Description : When receiving service, such as at a hotel, dining out, etc. what do you consider ”good service” worthy of a generous tip?

Last Answer : answer:While I am of a camp that tips 20% in a restaurant, 25% or more for excellent service, I don't tip housekeeping at a hotel at all. Table serves that merits a higher tip is attentive but not ... check when the plate is cleared, but I don't want to ask for it after two cups of coffee.

Description : Do you cheat delivery people out of their tip, just because a delivery charge is included? Would you be a part of someone else doing so?

Last Answer : I like the way you responded. The delivery person does not get the delivery fee, the restaurant does. He most likely works for tips, not the pay from the restaurant.

Description : Why was there no acknowledgement of my tip-?

Last Answer : answer:It's a little odd, but don't make a big deal out of it. Tips don't carry an obligation of acknowledgement. If you don't like that they didn't say thank you, next time don't tip ... Tips are not generally given to people who are contracting a service. They might not have been sure what to do.

Description : Do you tip tailors?

Last Answer : So you pay him and tip him? What’s the point of paying him?

Description : How much to tip for newspaper delivery?

Last Answer : I’d give them $25. That’s 50 cents per week, maybe I am cheap, but considering there is no interaction with them, I think it is plenty.

Description : How do you know when a tip is appropriate and when it's unnecessary?

Last Answer : answer:Tipping etiquette is complicated, IMHO. This is how I determine when/where to tip-but there may be an authority who is more knowledgeable. I tip for personal services: hair dresser/manicurist; wait staff; ... I leave in a hotel room. It is complicated-so I'm not sure I've helped ;-)

Description : What is a good tip for the mattress delivery guys?

Last Answer : answer:What is a good tip for the delivery guys? Hmm… I guess: “Exercise regularly so you don’t throw your back out with all that heavy lifting.” Sorry couldn’t resist. But yes I think 10 dollars per person is very reasonable considering the delivery and service is often built into the price.

Description : What percentage should you tip the guy who details your car?

Last Answer : Tip the guy? I don’t understand. Doesn’t he already charge you for his services?

Description : What is a fair tip for a haircut?

Last Answer : sounds fine to me!

Description : If I am not going to the hairdresser during the holiday season, should I still give her a "holiday tip?"?

Last Answer : answer:I think that depends on what your relationship with her is like, and what you’re willing to do. It’s a tough year for a lot of people. If you have a little extra, it’s a nice gesture.

Description : How much to tip a caregiver that has only worked 2 months?

Last Answer : answer:If the caregiver will be working Christmas week, then wait until the last day before the holiday that she is working. For a personal caregiver who has been there a whole year, the recommendation is one week’s salary. I would think you could make it one sixth of that. So a day’s pay?

Description : What is a fair tip for a haircut?

Last Answer : sounds fine to me!

Description : Should you tip at a curbside restuarant pickup?

Last Answer : If you want to yes, if you don’t, no. It’s your life so up to you what you do.

Description : Do I tip a stylist who is an owner?

Last Answer : Yes. I tip my barber, and he owns his own shop.

Description : What do you think of the tip jars at places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts?

Last Answer : Maybe its like a bonus for the employs to give better service.

Description : Should I tip a plumber?

Last Answer : If you think the work was outstanding and the bill was/is within reason, I see no reason not to tip.

Description : I accidently left a huge tip for the women that cut my hair this afternoon. How should I proceed?

Last Answer : go back to her… i would imagine she’ll know that its a mistake…(but probably won’t let you know that because she might not want to embarrass you)

Description : Are you supposed to tip the AAA driver?

Last Answer : Why bother? You already pay them an outrageously large sum of money every month…

Description : tip counter people or not?

Last Answer : I don't understand the purpose of tipping absolutely everybody, anyway. I've heard all the arguments, and none of them really convinces me that it's the right thing to do.

Description : How much should I tip a pizza guy?

Last Answer : I usually tip them about 15%. It’s a hard, crappy job that does not pay well.

Description : Im goin on holiday soon and all the reviews at my hotel are goin on bout leaving tips for the cleaner. where do i leave the tip coz i dnt wanna leave money in the hotel and they take it thinkin it a tip lol help plz?

Last Answer : Put your tip in clean envelope labeled “Housekeeping,” and put it in a conspicuous place.

Description : Why do we as a society tolerate loud landscapers?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll give you two corny adages “You gotta break some eggs if you wanna make an omlette du fromage.” “The world doesn’t revolve around you.”

Description : Which trimmers get the highest reviews from professional landscapers?

Last Answer : Echo Gas Trimmer Gt-200r is a model that professionals choose.

Description : What is your household salary tipping point for savings?

Last Answer : My only discretional income is from food. If I don’t order out in a month then it goes to savings. I have no car, house, mortgage, wife or kids.

Description : Can someone explain what's up with the tipping culture in America?

Last Answer : To impress a pretty young girl woman.

Description : Have you had your major tipping point in life yet?

Last Answer : What do you mean by “your life’s major tipping point” @HC?

Description : How do I deal with under tipping my stylist?

Last Answer : answer:I would: Go back to the salon with $12 in hand. Apologize for under tipping with the explanation that you didn't know how much to tip. Offer the $12 to cover the difference. I was in a ... I forgot to tip a server at a restaurant. I did what I suggested above and everything worked out fine.

Description : What are some problems that are at tipping points right now?

Last Answer : Police brutality. The guy in Baltimore I can’t imagine how that could be justified.

Description : Car tipping replacing Cow tipping?

Last Answer : I don’t know about on campuses, but it’s happening on the streets in San Francisco.

Description : What is your formula for tipping?

Last Answer : I pretty much tip regardless at about 20%. If I am with a party of people, about $2 per person comes pretty close to the same. As an added treat for me, I will adjust the amount to make my total come to an even amount.

Description : What do you know about cow tipping?

Last Answer : Ah the drunk redneck sport. It’s real, wait til dark, knock the sleeping cow over & run like hell. Kinda dumb & mean.

Description : A question about tipping?

Last Answer : Depends on who’s fault it is… I would still tip. The waiter(es) needs the money to put her/himself through college.

Description : How did the tipping point in your life manifest itself?

Last Answer : Getting my own apartment and a divorce changed my life for the better. Lost lots of so called friends but that’s ok. Well worth it.

Description : Should we get rid of mandatory tipping in the US?

Last Answer : You hate it, just don’t do it. Why ban it (as if you could!) and deprive those of us who enjoy leaving a little extra when we feel well served?

Description : List the job titles associated (legitimately) with tipping.

Last Answer : If I understand your question right, are you wondering who gets tipped well even though they are paid very well? The beauty industry – hairstylists, facialists, waxers, etc.

Description : Does the scale of justice have any set judgment if it is presented tipping right or left?

Last Answer : Wait, what’s happening? Can you clarify?

Description : Is tipping, as in giving a gratuity, expected in Scotland?

Last Answer : No service charges are incorporated into the bill but feel free to tip if you feel you had a good service you won’t be insulting anyone.