If a child was never exposed to a particular primary colour, say blue would they intuit that it was missing from the spectrum?

1 Answer

Answer :

It depends on how much other information was kept from the child, and how smart the child was…

Related questions

Description : Do you have any memories, as a child, of any incidents when your parent(s) let you down so badly you never forgot it?

Last Answer : Just when my Mother left my father for a younger man,when I was 14 . Other than that my parents were pretty cool.

Description : Do you have a gut feeling about the case of the missing 8 month old baby in Kansas City?

Last Answer : My gut says the parents are involved but then again I always thought the parents of Madeleine McCann were involved in her disappearance which it now seems apparent that they weren't. It's ... missing or murdered children as they could also be covering up for other family members including siblings.

Description : I'm looking for music with child laughter.

Last Answer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFu6BGIfllY

Description : Question about leaving dog, or child in your hot (or not hot) car to go shopping etc., and the legal consequences?

Last Answer : Loose ones custody and or losing ones drivers licence. Maybe jail time or fine. Having to sit in a hot car to let the parent know what its like.

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Last Answer : CPS would help the child find a safe environment. Usually in foster care.

Description : At what age would a child know enough to be scared of a poisonous snake etc.?

Last Answer : It needs to be bitten.

Description : At what age does a child start to actually have thoughts?

Last Answer : At birth. They may not be complicated, well thought out, or deep, but I have never seen a baby that wasn’t thinking.

Description : Did you have any funny misconceptions as a child?

Last Answer : That being an adult would be cool.

Description : If someones adulthood status can be removed then can a child be granted adulthood status?

Last Answer : answer:Well, children can be tried as adults in the US. Brother and sister, ages 12 and 13, are about to be freed after serving something like 18 years for killing their dad's girlfriend ... consequences of their adult actions, or they are hospitalized for not being safe for society or themselves.

Description : What poisonous thing could the child have eaten off the wall that he mistook for white cotton candy?

Last Answer : mould?

Description : How are you going to tell your child about his father if you had insemination?

Last Answer : If it was me, I'd focus on the idea that you chose to have your child. That you know they're perfect for you because you decided who would provide the sperm that would go into making ... stress the love that led to them existing. As they get older, provide more scientific and detailed explanations.

Description : What about you now would your child self have been happy/disappointed with?

Last Answer : I would be delighted that I was so much fun.

Description : When was the last time something happened to you that you reacted to with child-like delight?

Last Answer : answer:Last night. I only had 10 bucks to my name and I was tired of sitting inside so I went and got 2 beers and watched a show alone at a cool bar. I ended up meeting some people and had ... still a apart of me that gets super excited when people interact with me because I'm used to being alone.

Description : If you conceived a daughter by rape, would you hate the child because of the father or love the goodness of you in the child?

Last Answer : answer:I don't get it. This makes as much sense as blaming the kid for the rape in the first place. It's misplaced anger, and hating the child only would serve to permanently damage another innocent human ... place, and I believe it would be abuse, which in the US is supposed to be against the law.

Description : What does it signify when a child chooses to role play a "neutral" character?

Last Answer : R2D2 is a popular character. It doesn’t mean anything.

Description : Would you get a toy predator drone for your child?

Last Answer : That thing looks horribly cheap, so no. And in any case, I would only buy plastic models that you have to assemble with glue and then have to paint yourself (airfix/revell), because the building and painting is where all the fun is.

Description : When a child under the age of 18 works, does the money legally belong to the child or the parents?

Last Answer : I would have thought not. As far as I’m aware, there is no law to stipulate that a child earning money should not be or is not entitled to the money they themselves earn. Don’t you think that would be slavery by proxy?

Description : How does a child, of mixed origin, decide which race to associate with?

Last Answer : answer:He incorporates everything..viz: my mom is Namibian/ Irish and my dad is Equadorian/ Ukrainian. Why is this a bouchy subject rather than descriptive.

Description : What are your thoughts on having one child vs. more than one child?

Last Answer : I understand some people want a boy and a girl; that seems fair, but I honestly don’t see the point of a third kid. Maybe some parents can provide some insight on the whole third kid thing.

Description : As a child, you had a Christmas wish list. As an adult, how has your list changed?

Last Answer : answer:As a child I use to wish my parents weren't so poor so that they could give us a gazillion toys and presents (instead of the Goodwill package that we actually received). As an ... myself over the retailer's holiday many years ago. But my everyday wishes are similar to yours @john65pennington.

Description : On a lifeboat, there is room for only two people. Which would you choose to leave behind....your partner or your child ?

Last Answer : If I had one, I’d leave my partner behind because he would be so damn awesome he’d be able to take care of himself just fine till I could come back for him ; )

Description : How do you discipline a child who is autistic?

Last Answer : answer:I hope you mean discipline = teach and not punishment. With an autistic child, you must exercise a tremendous amount of patience, and supervision. Each child is a unique situation, but for the most ... by the amount of spam entries they have - they are not monitored, and will not be useful.

Description : Could someone give me some helpful hints on modifying child support?

Last Answer : answer:Without a lot of emotion, list those issues and show how they cost you more. For instance, if you have to drive your child to his house, and he has moved beyond a reasonable agreed ... an obstacle in your finding if support should be increased because of his presumed higher wages. Good luck!

Description : What documents do I need to file a motion to change a child support order?

Last Answer : I don’t know the exact details, for that, you’re going to have to ask your counties court. But you have to either type up the motion, or have a lawyer do it, and submit it. Then comes the service process to whoever the defendant is, then you get a court date.

Description : As a parent, how do you think you would you cope with your child committing murder or some other heinous crime?

Last Answer : I think I’d be very disappointed. I don’t think I’d stop loving them . I wouldn’t like it but it would be very hard us, since we raised him/her. Even though his life experiences are his/her own we’d think it’s our fault.

Description : How would you have handled this "nude child" situation?

Last Answer : answer:To arrest the parent for the action of a six year-old seems harsh, even if she was advised the first time it happened. Kids do the darnedest things all on their own. It seems like it ... in Child Protection Services to have them investigate. But to arrest the mother? I wouldn't have done it.

Description : Anyone got any Idea's for indoor games with colour's for an autistic child?

Last Answer : How old is he? What are his strengths and weaknesses?

Description : How to explain a medical test to a seven year old child?

Last Answer : Poor little boy, I’d offer new toys for being brave.

Description : Considering a cosmetic surgery for a child; wrong, or done with good intention?

Last Answer : answer:I think it really depends on what it is. I’m generally opposed to making permanent changes, but some things have a good reason. A sixth finger or a tail? Yeah, go ahead and take it off. A nose job? no.

Description : When is a child old enough to decide for themselves?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t! I’d tell him happily that Oh Boy, it’s New Haircut Day! If he doesn’t know what the difference is, why would it be in his best interest to be asked this puzzling question? (You are nicer than I can imagine being.)

Description : How do you deal with a boss that acts like a child?

Last Answer : answer:I’d go with C find a new job. edited after I got round to reading all the way to the bottom of the details section

Description : What are the benefits and drawbacks of letting your child skip a grade?

Last Answer : My son skipped 4th grade - We have to pay college tuition one year early now. This is a weighty decision. I decided to let him decide. I was really worried he would not fit in. At that age it didn't ... uncertain, but I think we all did the best we could. What more can any parent or child hope for?.

Description : Which scenerio is worse: the death of a parent or a parent forgetting about the existance of his or her child (due to a coma or some other cause)?

Last Answer : There would always be hope if the parent is alive.

Description : Is it illegal to look at naked photos of yourself as a child?

Last Answer : Um. No? I don’t even..

Description : What would do if your child was convicted of being a child molester?

Last Answer : Keep him away from himself.

Description : How do we stop illegal child labor?

Last Answer : Its better then them getting paid nothing right?

Description : How would you feel about someone making silly faces with your child?

Last Answer : I don’t have a child personally but it has always made me feel uncomfortable when people do this. I would rather them just speak to child not just make faces. Only my opinion though. Like it even matters :)

Description : Can you tell me something profound that your children or child has taught you?

Last Answer : I know it’s cliché, but they taught me that anything is possible. They have no sense of boundaries.

Description : Please help! What are some inexpensive, but effective ways to help my child?

Last Answer : Look into these books: Dr. Frank Lawless Using dietary changes for improving ADD

Description : What would you think if your child told you he was gay/bi through a text?

Last Answer : I would think they were either too embarrassed or scared to tell you in person. I would also think in my head: “Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!” There’s a flobbetty-gillion places to stay in SF.. Hotels.com?

Description : So how exactly does one break-up with a child?

Last Answer : just be totally honest… Tell him you love him lots and that if he needs you, you will be there but you and his mom aren’t getting along right now so you sometime apart from each other.

Description : Is it normal for a child to prefer one parent over another?

Last Answer : The child will always prefer the parent who favors that child above the other children, and blacksheep children should always be proud that they are the least-liked sibling!

Description : Child Lyme Disease

Last Answer : Having a kid is synonymous to having someone to worry about every minute of the day. We do everything just to protect them from harm no matter how small. That's the right attitude. Most of the ... . If you really want to protect your child, you have to make sure by consulting a doctor immediately.

Description : How to Teach Your Child the Alphabet

Last Answer : How to Teach Your Child the Alphabet Before you send your child off to preschool, it's important to teach him a few basic lessons yourself, to give him an advantage over the other students. The ... your kid. Remember these tips, and he'll surely memorize his letters even before he goes to school.

Description : How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike

Last Answer : How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike When your child reaches the age of four or five, he or she should be ready to learn how to ride a bike. While it can be scary at first for any kid ... learn the basics. It may take more than a couple of sessions but the result will definitely be worth your time.

Description : How To Get a Child to Take Medicine

Last Answer : How To Get a Child to Take Medicine Having a sick child at home is a difficult task. Not only do they need to be pampered and made comfortable, they also need to take in certain medications. Kids ... during medicine time. This makes the child less worried, so he'll give in to drinking the medicine.

Description : How to Teach a Child to Read

Last Answer : How to Teach a Child to Read Most children learn how to read when they are four or five years old, but it doesn't hurt to get them started and hooked on reading. Reading and comprehension are ... up a new world of opportunities for your child to explore in the fabulous and magical world of reading.

Description : How to Prepare a Child for Kindergarten ?

Last Answer : How to Prepare a Child for Kindergarten Your toddler's growing up, and soon she will be on her way to kindergarten. It's one of the most important milestones of her life, and chances are she's ... much trouble as you think. Just follow these tips and let your child have a great time at school.

Description : How to choose the right windbreaker for your child?

Last Answer : All caring parents try to ensure that their child does not need anything, so many people pay special attention to the choice of children's clothing. A windbreaker is present in the wardrobe of almost ... the choice will ensure a comfortable and safe stay of the child on the street during a walk.

Description : Clothes for the child. How to choose?

Last Answer : Currently, buyers can purchase clothes at a variety of prices, and its quality is also very different. But we can say about children's clothes that they must meet the highest criteria. By ... cannot withstand such actions without prejudice to its appearance, then it is better not to purchase it.