The security bill for the Pope's upcoming visit to Britain is reportedly around £12 million, why can't he rely on his faith to keep him safe?

1 Answer

Answer :

Good point.

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Last Answer : answer:It might help if you give us some details on what you plan on doing with this pc. For example, are you planning on just browsing the web and email? What other things might you do ... be to stop using Internet Explorer immediately, and start using a modern web browser (Chrome or Firefox).

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Last Answer : answer:Fluther would not be able to stop this from happenning. Whilst it is a breach of copyright law to copy something you see on the internet and post it elsewhere, claiming it's your own, a ... it's not originally yours. Fluther or its staff would not be involved in any stage of the proceedings.

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Last Answer : Police will deal with it!

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Last Answer : answer:@elbanditoroso The cracking programs are using dictionaries of millions of known existing passwords plus algorithms that manipulate the existing ones (substitute O's of 0's, 1's for l's etc.). ... crack that password it'll be worthless to them because it's used nowhere else on the internet.

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Last Answer : Oh dear me. I've never used the People You May Know function, but in looking at it for the first time I see it suggests friends of friends (which makes sense) but also recommends total strangers. I ... sort of alarming. Why would Facebook think he may know me if we have no friends in common. Ew.

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Last Answer : My daughter says that home is wherever she is. In summer, home is camp. Or vacation. And the rest of the year it is home. She keeps on insisting this is the case no matter what I say to her. I’m not quite sure I believe her, but she is sticking to her story.

Description : Any suggestions for a large locking box?

Last Answer : answer:A camp trunk? Here I still have mine from decades agp; it is useful for storage even though I probably lost the key in 1954. Or a foot locker here