How can I fix a problem my dog has with food aggression?

1 Answer

Answer :

When he does that, squirt him with a vinegar and water mix. He won’t like it, but he won’t know it is you so he won’t fear you. Or, if he is on a leash, give it a little jerk when he does it. Again, he won’t like it, but he won’t know it is you

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Last Answer : The younger dog seems to view the older dog as alpha bitch. Big problem, because she will certainly vie for that position if she perceives aging or weakness. Your daughter must be viewed as alpha bitch, with no ... I would relocate one of the dogs. Or, go the shock collar route.. not a good choice.

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Last Answer : answer:I haven't had a dog in years, but, I worked with a trainer once with my high energy, dominant hound dog and she taught me to do the take down , where you push the dog ... are very easy going and not aggressive. Maybe have your brother consult a personal trainer for this particular issue.

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Last Answer : The vid says a mild brain disorder. But that covers a pretty broad spectrum. This is what they say she has: Cerebellar ataxia

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Last Answer : Any of the high quality dog foods have senior formulations and are good foods, although I’ve moved away from Science Diet and more toward Royal Canin for improved palatability.

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Last Answer : Have you tried putting the cats regular food up higher out of his reach either on the counter or top of fridge? It also gives the kitty some exercise.

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Last Answer : If your dog is used to dry food, I really like EVO since it has no grain at all. I think the link may have a list of ingredients. I don’t buy all the hyperbole, but I have gone over the formulation with some very knowledgeable assistance, and it ranks very very high for dry food.

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Last Answer : It could last a few days actually because of the upset in the dog’s normal flora and pancreatitis. If the diarrhea lasts for 2 days I would recommend bringing the dog in. You don’t want her to get dehydrated as well.

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Last Answer : First, teach your dog the down/stay position. When he does that well, prepare his food and place it down. Wait a moment and release him to eat. You can also try hand feeding him his ... If food aggression continues, see an animal behaviorist. Read our article "Fixing Food Aggression" for more tips.

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Last Answer : I hope you don’t mean a Pomeranian. see article(dog) They meet the size and furriness requirements. But they yap terribly, and it is high-pitched and obnoxious to listen to.

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Last Answer : California forced pet shops to stop selling dogs and cats from breeders. They must sell only rescue animals. Puppy mills are bad, I’ve bought AKC dogs directly from the breeder.

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Last Answer : If you bathe her with a flea shampoo and there are not dead fleas in the bath tub then; the conclusion would be maybe no. If you give her Frontline Plus or NexGard the answer would NO fleas or ticks.

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Last Answer : Thank you for the update. If the dog was diagnosed as having distemper by a vet, then you need to read up on how a dog gets distemper. It is likely that it has nothing to do with eating chicken ... that distemper cannot be cured. Ask the vet are the options and decide what would be best for the dog.

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Last Answer : I have experienced this type of transition a number of times in my life, most recently when my old boy dies last fall and now I am have only the almost 3 year old. I can sympathize with you, and only tell you ... do this and I know it's hard. Pats and loves to both of you from me and my young boy.

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Last Answer : To be honest, I’ve never tried. But he lets me get away with most things. So possibly?

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Last Answer : It's pretty hard to dislike a Westie, let alone a puppy, for very long. I bet it's just fear of replacement by something so cute, or something like that. It's only been three days. My ... Keep pampering her and go on walks with her etc without the puppy around, keep the food separate, etc.

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Last Answer : Edit it was over in seconds. It never got close enough for me to kick at it. I was in my swim trunks so I couldn’t defend myself if it attacked my legs.

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Last Answer : Self defense Looked/behaved rabid Thought it was a wolf Thought it was a burgler Wait How big is this dog?

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : answer:Sometimes just washing the rug or mopping with the usual cleaner is not enough to remove all of the odor. It's good enough for our noses, but not the dog's. I have found using some of ... are willing to let her use it, then perhaps placing some puppy training pads will make clean up easier.

Description : Do I really have to take my dog to the vet?

Last Answer : To go the DIY route Infection is your biggest concern. Keep the punctures clean and washed and look for discharge of the wound. DO check with your palm a few times a day for hot spots which is a sure sign ... her rest. I am not a vet or a doctor .just have had a bit of 1st aid/survival training.