Early 90's late night softcore series name?

1 Answer

Answer :

Red Shoe Diaries?

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Description : 90s late night crime tv show on old bravo tv?

Last Answer : answer:What country was this? It looks like the US channel was almost entirely reality TV. In Canada, I’m not sure how many drama series were broadcast in the 90s… they were pretty heavily into the arts or CanCon then. You’re sure this was Bravo, and not Showtime or a different network?

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Last Answer : Poochinski.

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Last Answer : I searched Google and Amazon for you, and found results based on the franchise that VH1 has started, but nothing that met the actual series of episodes that aired on the network. The VH1 message board for one ... (I Love the 70's board) says that they aren't available to own yet. Hope this helps!

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Last Answer : answer:iTunes Smart Playlists let you specify Year. So you could say greater than 1996 and less than 2005, for example. This would limit you to songs on your computer. There are ways to stream your iTunes library, but I haven’t messed around with those.

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Last Answer : It might be "Hold That Sucker Down" by Jerome Isma-Ae released in 1994.

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Last Answer : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sliders

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Last Answer : I don't know about that commercial valdasta, but I know what you mean about scary commercials. When I was a kid, there was a late night commercial on t.v. about blood donation to Red Cross. It was a black ... , and I used to run and hide when it came on. It left me unable to sleep at night. Sigh!

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Last Answer : All I can find is that there were a number of shows like Weeds (Actually called the Corn Snake episode), Fear Factor, Navy NCIS and several others that featured Corn Snakes. The fact that many ... a corn snake featured on a traditional late night program like Letterman or Leno. I'll keep looking.

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Last Answer : Actual show; I remember watching an episode myself and wondering this very same thing some years back. Unfortunately, I can’t help you with the name of the show, the air dates, the station, the producers, the host, nada. Google has not helped.

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Last Answer : They had Nick GAS, which was all of the old 90’s Nick game shows that I used to love, but they stupidly took it off the air on 1/1/08. I remember the day because I cried myself to sleep that night.

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Last Answer : answer:Are you thinking of Toto – Africa “I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had”

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Last Answer : The emotional scarring that came with watching Courage the Cowardly Dog

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Last Answer : I love it. I often stay up all night so I can be alone. Its hard to be alone these days, but late nights are still the best times to find solace.

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Last Answer : B) By convincing him that late night films are not useful for young children 

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Last Answer : Nahh I had a crush on Pamela Anderson, first woman that ever gave me a boner.

Description : How would I dress like the early 90's if I'm a guy?

Last Answer : Look up pictures from Boy Meets World (early years), Growing Pains (later years),and Fresh Prince of Bel Air (all 6 years), The Wonder Years (all years). Basically, any TV show from the ... male main characters in a range of ages. Will Smith/Fresh Prince probably has the most neon accented clothes.

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Last Answer : Watch any Duran Duran/Depeche Mode (or any surviving new wave band) video/interview from that period. British acts had amazing stylists.

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Last Answer : I'm not a fashion expert, but the white and black bike shorts have always been popular colors to wear underneath loose running shorts by men/women worn by active people. As for the neon colors, I don't ... days are over lol, as the neon colors are a blast from the past and were left on the past.

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Last Answer : Heck yeah. Sadly, I kinda miss the 90’s.

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Last Answer : You might be either talking about the King’s Quest series, or perhaps Quest for Glory (originally named Hero’s Quest)?

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Last Answer : Not Paul McDonald his voice is not too good in my (mediocre) opnion. Also, I don’t like Jacob either. My favorite two are Naima and James Durbin. Pia is obviously insanely good aswell, but her voice isn’t as unique as Naima’s and James’s.

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Last Answer : I was disappointed and felt like she was just done. You heard she got mugged didn’t you?

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Last Answer : I did not. My fiancé watched it and thought it was pretty decent.

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Last Answer : answer:Because the Tea Party sponsored the debate and provided the audience (in studio at least). Why else would they laugh and say yes when asked if they should just let an uninsured man in a coma die? The Republican party has been taken over by right wing nut jobs, is what it means.

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Last Answer : This!

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Last Answer : I was actually watching the new Skating With the Stars last night. Love me some Johnny Weir.

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Last Answer : answer:No. TNA is cramming an almost 60 year old barely mobile Hulk Hogan down fans throats. It's not 1985, no one cares about Hogan anymore. And lets not forget the 50 year old, lazy as ... due to suspension of disbelief, the same thing anyone uses when watching tv or movies. Anyway, good topic.

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Last Answer : I know! I saw him and thought “wth?” I have no explanation. Maybe I missed something too. Might be a Bobby in the Shower type o’ thing.

Description : Does your TV provider do a weekly test every night?

Last Answer : That seems a bit much. I do think they are testing several times a week for me, rather than weekly. Try contacting your cable provider.

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Last Answer : Ghosts.

Description : What Bluetooth headset was Jim using last night on the office?

Last Answer : I don’t think it is real because I can’t find it anywhere, or at least any that look like it. Here is the smallest I could find.

Description : Did you see McCain on Letterman last night? Was Letterman rude or what?

Last Answer : You mean that sketch where Letterman insulted McCain and then McCain appeared and insulted Letterman? (I happened to see that one on YouTube) If so, then no: it was obviously staged, and pretty funny IMO. In fact, I was quite surprised to see McCain actually look like a human at certain moments :P

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Last Answer : I Tivo’d it, so no opinion yet.

Description : Did you happen to catch "The Goode Family" on television last night? What did you think of it?

Last Answer : I saw it last week, the only thing that remotely amused me was the kid who was named Ubuntu.

Description : Did anybody else lose CBS last night?

Last Answer : My mom called and said she lost local channels during Dancing with the Stars, but none of the cable channels. They went into their bedroom and were able to watch the show on a different tv that wasn’t hoked up to a cable box.

Description : What is your opinion on the "Cobra Kai" series?

Last Answer : Meh. Like you I enjoyed Season 1, I watched about half of Season 2 and gave up.

Description : I'm looking for a drama/legal/police procedural TV series without bashing, swear words, etc.

Last Answer : Law and Order.

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Last Answer : Do you mean this Euphoria or this Euphoria?

Description : Do you know some TV series where intelligence, facts and logic, although with maybe dramatic license, rule over emotions and bonds?

Last Answer : Kyle XY. Is a good series.

Description : In your opinion, what are the best written TV series of all time?

Last Answer : - Six Feet Under – Better Call Saul – Fargo – Breaking Bad