Which is the best eye cream for under eye dark circles?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sleep…I hear a green cream and Vitamin K works, but I still say, sleep.

Related questions

Description : Will eye cream reduce dark circles?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, eye cream will only moisturize the area beneath the eyes and will not remove the dark circles. Even the best eye creams cannot remove dark circles.

Description : How To Make Skin Cream

Last Answer : This is how to make your own skin cream: Materials: 2 1/2 ounces (weight) beeswax 4 ounces (weight) lanolin 2/3 cup baby or mineral oil 3/4 cup water 1 teaspoon borax (sodium borate, CP) ... forms, stir slowly until the mixture cools to 100 degrees F. Pour the cream into small, wide-mouth jars.

Description : What is the best treatment for under eye dark circles ? ( not a home remedy).

Last Answer : answer:Are you talking about dark circles or ’‘bags’’? The simplest remedy is sleeping and drinking a lot of water. The absence of those two cause the under eye dark circles.

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Last Answer : Cosmetic surgons offer both surgical and non surgical remedies for darkened eyes. However these have different causes and you should first consult a dermatologist who can advise you on why you have dark circles under your eyes and how to fix them.

Description : slight burning under skin?

Last Answer : A blood sucker which looks like a tiny cockroach with elongated structure, might have bitten you. Usually the bitten part has no marks except for warm reddish elevated skin, and very itchy.

Description : Which cream should I use to remove dark circles ?

Last Answer : You can use Pond's White Beauty Cream.

Description : Ladies, do any of you have any good tips for an eye product to reduce dark circles and puffiness?

Last Answer : answer:For natural remedies, slices of cucumber are supposed to work. Also use natural aloe vera. Very good for skin. A product I love is freeman’s stress gel. Soooo good.

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Last Answer : According to my research this is caused by dilated blood, and applying cold compress could help reduce the swelling. This is advisable in the morning and evening, there are more information and videos out ... a lot more information on what to do to solve this problem, so check on google.

Description : How deep do skin creams go into the skin?

Last Answer : Don’t mean to punt on your question, but it sort of depends: • On the cream formula, and • Your skin type Some moisturizing creams penetrate deeply, while some lighter products stay mostly on the surface. It can get pretty technical: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7027575/

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Last Answer : I use Perricone MD Face Finishing & Firming Moisturizer. It’s a bit pricey but a little goes a long way and it’s totally worth it. It’s the only moisturizer I’ve used that I only need to apply once during the day. I was out in 20 degree weather today and my skin still feels soft.

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Last Answer : answer:Different how? A few years back my uncle quit smoking and I swear he looked different a few weeks later. When you smoke, you're basically affecting collagens. Collagens are repsonsible for giving ... function normally which makes your skin looks better. So no, you're not imagining it at all.

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Last Answer : Actually, some things do go through the skin barrier. Water soluble vitamin like vitamin C has been shown to be delivered but it is unstable. It's useful for skin health when applied topically, but you ... had eaten it. Here is a good reference: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3673383/

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Last Answer : answer:In that moment, figure out what it is that is the root cause. Are you feeling anxious? Nervous? Scared? Frustrated? If you can identify your emotion, it may help you read up on how to ... to is more aware of their own insecurities. It is quite possible they do not even notice you blushing.

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Last Answer : answer:Change your diet and you'll change your skin. Often just by choosing to eat lower glycemic foods, your face will clear up. A study published in 2007 in the American Journal of ... that replacing high glycemic index foods with low glycemic index options is an effective way for reducing acne.

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Last Answer : answer:I wouldn't use it for dry hands. Lotrisone is used to treat fungal skin infections. There are a lot of really good over the counter creams that will help you with that. If you really ... on sunburned, windburned, dry, chapped, irritated, or broken skin. http://www.drugs.com/lotrisone.html

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Last Answer : answer:Have you had your blood sugar checked lately? I assume you washed it and disinfected the scrape before you went to bed. Diabetes and PAD are the two most common causes. Unless you picked up some bacteria when you scraped your leg.

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Last Answer : answer:I refuse to buy 1oz of water for $128 Here are the ingredients: Water/Aqua/Eau, Glycerin, Glyceryl Polyacrylate, Butylene Glycol, SD Alcohol 30, Saccharum Officinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract, Vaccinium ... give myself an at home peel along with some others. Overall, serums are a waste of funds.

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Last Answer : White as a piece of paper is better than skin cancer. Don’t worry about it and wear a good SPF sunblock.

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Last Answer : answer:You are allergic to the St. Ives, stop using it. Are they white heads, or just red?

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Last Answer : Yes and I get a perscription dabber medication from my doctor that helps them, when I use the perscription they are gone in a matter of a day or two. I would see your primary care dr and they will be able perscribe what will work best for your type of skin.

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Last Answer : Vitamin E. Best to open the capsule and rub the stuff directly on the skin.

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Last Answer : You might not develop a fever, it just depends on how your body reacts to the infection and how far the infection spreads. If it is red, swollen, and has any kind of drainage, you should have it checked to see if it is, in fact, a staph infection.

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Last Answer : Could it be thrush?

Description : How to deal with stress related acne?

Last Answer : answer:I'm sorry to hear about the stress in your life, and surely the acne isn't helping. I'm no dermatologist, but what seems to help is to focus on resolving the stress, as well as getting into ... her on medication that solved her acne problem. The best of luck to you. Let us know what works.

Description : Facial moisturizer for winters months; which is best?

Last Answer : answer:My two favorites: Olay Total Effects 7 is excellent, thick but not greasy and does not cause breakouts, gives a beautifully soft, almost glowing complexion. (also comes in hint-of-self-tanner) contains UVA/UVB ... to keep damage at bay. I don't work for Olay, I just love their products!! :)

Description : Guys, have you ever used make up to cover a "blemish" on your face?

Last Answer : Nope. What exactly is a blemish?

Description : Bump in my lip and on my finger?

Last Answer : answer:The bump on your finger is probably a callus. I have had one for decades, at the same spot, due to the way in which I held (and still hold) a pen or pencil. You can use a little callus file on it. As for the bump on the inside of your lip, check with your dentist or orthodontist.

Description : Why does my face not tan as nicely as the rest of me?

Last Answer : Freckled faces look younger longer…as do faces that are not overly tanned. I’d say you are a fortunate girl. Unless you’re running around naked, nobody is going to notice your being mis-matched. Enjoy your beautiful self.

Description : How does one get super glue off skin?

Last Answer : answer:White spirit works very well for getting glue of many kinds off. Just make sure you don’t drink any of it or smell it. Very toxic.

Description : If you scratch where it itches, how do you handle getting caught?

Last Answer : I’m not gonna be miserable! I really don’t care what people think.

Description : What is your favorite brand of lotion and why?

Last Answer : Crabtree and Evelyn’s Cocoa Butter. It’s thick, not greasy and has a unique smell. I use it after showering.

Description : Quick cure for dry skin?

Last Answer : Try to drink more water, and use moisturizer daily. If the problem persists, consult a physician.