Lookbook.nu help please?

1 Answer

Answer :

Make sure you avoid link spamming everywhere. Instead you could start a blog where you describe each look in detail – your thoughts and inspirations or maybe tips on where to get the clothes.

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Last Answer : fightfightfight Your link shows that the shoes are no longer available. Either way, a full size bigger that your normal size will probably be significantly too big. A half size would be doable, but your feet would most likely be swimming in a shoe that large.

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Last Answer : Start here : https://deliascatalogs.tumblr.com/page/2 Then go here : https://www.pinterest.com/sophiep1256/alloy-catalog/ And also : https://www.etsy.com/search?q=%20old%20fashion%20catalogs

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Last Answer : My late father had same color..smokey grey

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Last Answer : Why are you asking us this? And why did you take a picture of him down there? Did your friend know you took a picture at all?

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Last Answer : I think it is a horrid clash of styles. A shoulder-padded jacket and high heels paired with frayed hot pants? Come on!

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Last Answer : I can't remember the last time I wore nice clothes or nice shoes!! In the summer I would probably go bare legged and wear dressy sandals but in the winter, I used to wear pantyhose (which are a ... bare legged mainly now. I'm really out of touch with the working or dating world at this point though.

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Last Answer : If you mean native American ones with all the feathers, often they are eagle feathers, and it takes a lot of work.

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Last Answer : Some wear Spanx or something similar, which is basically a girdle. You can tell sometimes. Like when a woman is stuffed like a sausage in a tight fitting dress and can't move easily, good chance she ... or down to the ankles under slacks. Most women don't wear them though. Not in America anyway.

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Last Answer : There is a happy medium where one dresses for comfort yet stylish. Despite the heat today, you could have worn a short skirt, and heels, with maybe a light silk blouse, and been stylish yet comfy.

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Last Answer : White is probably it. Whatever goes with orange will clash with blue, and vice versa. That is why the Denver Broncos and the NY Mets clash with everything. Or, you could go topless.

Description : What exact model are those goggles/sun glasses, that Jack O'Neill often wears on Stargate SG1?

Last Answer : They are Vuarnet GlacierSunglasses or possibly Bolle brand Bugaboo Glacier glasses. Glacier glasses are know for having the leather sideguards that prevent reflected light from coming in.

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Last Answer : Can you rent for a week or so ? Tuxedos are $1000 for shirt, cuff links, tie, jacket, suspenders, pants. (Socks and shoes too.) I’ve got two but only because of formal events that I went to 6 – 10 times a year.

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Last Answer : Look up pictures from Boy Meets World (early years), Growing Pains (later years),and Fresh Prince of Bel Air (all 6 years), The Wonder Years (all years). Basically, any TV show from the ... male main characters in a range of ages. Will Smith/Fresh Prince probably has the most neon accented clothes.

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Last Answer : Watch any Duran Duran/Depeche Mode (or any surviving new wave band) video/interview from that period. British acts had amazing stylists.

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. Men do not wear – have never worn – “workout tops”. However, tee-shirts, muscle-shirts (aka wife-beaters) and even form-fitting shirts of the UnderArmour variety have been popular since that time.

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Last Answer : Of course not. It is difficult and comparatively slow to draw a sword from the back, and it leaves you open to being easily disarmed from behind. Always wear your sword on the opposite side of your sword hand, unless you are expected to be part of a shield wall.

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Last Answer : Back in the 70’s I saw David Bowie in concert. He was wearing black polish. It never bothered me after seeing such a cool guy as David Bowie wearing it.

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Last Answer : Here’s a article about his hair by a former hair stylist on the sets of Apprentice.

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Last Answer : answer:I've got a season of horror/comedy to remember. The year I turned 10, my father told me he'd be giving me the government-issued Baby Bonus money to use for my clothing. It was a quarterly ... can laugh when I look back at the photos from that year. I learned a lot of lessons that summer.

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Last Answer : 69 Boyz: Daisy Dukes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QQlHHYoN3w

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Last Answer : It’s supposed to look “cute”. A few years back crossed ankles was all the rage.

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Last Answer : answer:Mostly arbitrary fashion history, I expect. The pocket thing is a current practical issue. Women's fashion emphasizes shaming fat and trying for competitions of thin-ness, and so big useful pockets are ... products too, but even if that weren't an issue, the others would I think suffice.

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Last Answer : ~When in Rome…

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Last Answer : Go to an approved agency.

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Last Answer : While i’d like to Hammer this trend, i’ve decided i can’t touch this particular issue…so I won’t.

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Last Answer : At dinner, I don’t care if she’s wearing an enormous bib! In fact I would be delighted, since it might lower my resistance to the impulse to deploy my own.

Description : When is it time to wear a dress, and when is it time for wearing pants?

Last Answer : My mood. If I wake in the morning and go I feel like wearing those pants and that top or if I wake and go I feel like wearing that pretty dress . That's about the gist of it. These days ... dress to a formal meeting, so the functions I have to attend won't influence my choice of dress or pants.

Description : What would motivate a younger, modern-day woman, 2015, to paint on eyebrows that look like (forgive the example) giant brown spermatozoa?

Last Answer : Maybe she has no artistic sense. My uncle’s girlfriend painted on her eyebrows, because hers were so light, even though she had brown hair. Hers looked like stock Harley-Davidson handlebars.

Description : Why would one wearing a micro mini and wearing it commando would not be comfortable to some women?

Last Answer : answer:I have never heard of any one wearing a micro mini commando. Pretty stupid thing to do IMO, unless you want some stranger trying to stick his fingers in your vagina. But if a woman ... usually tight and restrict your walking stride and other movement. I don't like restricting things, period.

Description : Ladies, what is your opinion on strapless bras?

Last Answer : A necessary evil at times.

Description : Ladies, how do you normally put on your bra?

Last Answer : That’s how I do it too

Description : Could I be a model?

Last Answer : answer:A model to sell what, exactly? By that picture, we have no way of knowing if you could sell clothes. We can't see your hair, so we don't know if you could sell hair products. ... to answer this with any expertise. I'm sure there are modeling sites that could give you much better information.

Description : If men and boys would not be teased or derogatorily labeled, would short shorts worn by males ever return to the fashion landscape?

Last Answer : I hope not.

Description : Should I buy this dress?

Last Answer : I think it’s cute.

Description : What do you think of the uniforms for the US Olympics team at the Opening Ceremonies?

Last Answer : They’re a little busy for my taste. Not terrible, just too much design on the jacket and the pants should have been a solid shade, no writing.

Description : Are all leggings that are made intended to be worn under clothes or covered by them if manufactured with pockets?

Last Answer : Some leggings are not meant to be covered up, or at minimun can be worn either way. Some leggings are thicker or more sturdy fabric. I have a pair that have a seem down the front of each leg with a top ... basically falls to my hip, so you can see my butt when I wear them, I am not all covered up.

Description : Which women fashion do you hope would be utilized more in 2014, minis, skinny jeans, bra abandonment, yoga pants, or leggings as pants?

Last Answer : answer:I would like women to actually utilize clothing that is appropriate for their body types, regardless of what that is lol No clothes too small and shit hanging out everywhere. I hate that.

Description : What jewelry should I wear?

Last Answer : Gold always looks festive with red.

Description : Skirts and dresses in the US as menswear, would men ever embrace it enough to wear them?

Last Answer : answer:I saw two unrelated guys in kilt at the local market yesterday. I felt proud. Most guys I know would need pockets.

Description : What happens to Lady Gaga's clothes after she wears them?

Last Answer : I am assuming they self-destruct in protest.

Description : Can anybody think of anything positive to say about this creation?

Last Answer : I’m on my iPhone and I just get a black screen when I hit your link.

Description : Be honest with me, I would look like a gang banger huh (see details)

Last Answer : While not unusual, I think you would face some negative vibes from the skinhead look. If you were in your fourties I would say go for it but at twenty-five, you might want to consider some less drastic options. Go with the short and neat.

Description : What does a 23 year old woman dressing her age look like to you?

Last Answer : answer:It would be helpful to have an idea of what you had worn to the meeting, so we could see exactly what it was about that outfit that gave that impression. There are tons of ways to dress one ... you may just have a very young look. Do people frequently think that you are younger than you are?

Description : Men, shouldn't you always wear an undershirt?

Last Answer : Over here in england town it’s called a vest & I haven’t worn one since I was maybe 8/9yrs old…I do have nice nipples though ;-}