My step-mother won't leave me alone and I need some answers, can you help?

1 Answer

Answer :

It appears you have lived a life of torture from this woman. you have used the courts and that also appears not have helped your situation. i assume that since your dad is in his 70s, that you are an adult. my first thought was…...why didn’t you run away many years ago? your dad was trapped with this woman, but not you. most other people would have simply run away from home. thats past, so lets see your future. its time for you to break the chain of torture for yourself. your only answer, in order to avoid a homocide with this woman, is to move. i understand that this is not a choice for you, because of your dad. but, in all honesty, i believe your dad would want it this way. at least one of you could remain living in a normal life. i see moving as your only option and never tell anyone, where you are moving to. move somewhere across the country, completly out of your town and out of your state. she will find you, if you do not.

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Last Answer : B) try to understand the underlying clause 

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