How would it look to a potential employer if I didn't allow them to contact previous employers?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’ve sometimes avoided giving that info to potential employers in the past and it’s never stopped me from getting a job. All you have to do is be honest in the interview and tell them basically what you say above. Others may disagree, but that’s been my experience.

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Last Answer : I stare them down like a rabid badger. answer me right now,!@#$%^!!

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Last Answer : They call usually. If your email might bounce messages do not give your email address as a contact.

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Last Answer : Personally, I prefer Access, since you can have a lot more flexibility when people start to transfer to other departments, departments grow, shrink, emerge and disappear, etc. You won't have to ... reference table information. But if you're not familiar with a database, then Excel might be simpler.

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Last Answer : Just wait a while. She might get a little creep’d!

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Last Answer : is this strictly hypothetical?

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Last Answer : There is nothing to defend against. Choices may be stolen from employers. The business trip was known in advance, there was certainly plenty of time to get a voting card. I do not understand that it is not within ... case, you can fly to Prague. Whoever really wants to vote will find a way.

Description : Is it legal for an employer to allow only lunch after five hours and no other breaks at all?

Last Answer : Employers are required to provide break periods of at least 30 minutes for minors ages 14 through 17 who work five or more consecutive hours. Employers are not required to give breaks for employees ... and it lasts more than 20 minutes. A collective bargaining agreement may also govern this issue.

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Last Answer : Employees look for skill sets they need for their job requirements in college graduates along with their entire course curiculam. Unfortunately, In India, educational courses is quite outdated and ... unskilled youth and companies alike as they get skilled manpower exactly as per their requirements.

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Last Answer : Employers look at the duration of your employment at previous jobs. Many jobs during a short period of time can be a sign of a bad employee. Make sure to emphasize quality over quantity.

Description : On the last day of your weekend, do you look forward to going to work, or do you dread it, or do you have a feeling of indifference, and can you explain why you feel this way?

Last Answer : This is a rather interesting question, I gave you a great question for it, while I like my job for a number of reasons, but I rather dislike my supervisor (dispatcher) who is beyond clueless when it ... the up coming work week, but not happy about it either so I guess I am indifferent about it.

Description : When you look back on all the jobs you have had, which one was the best one, to you?

Last Answer : My current one; teaching ESL.

Description : What are the chances a future employer would contact your current employer without your express consent?

Last Answer : You must be very, very important to them that they would be willing to break the law to punish you for leaving. If I were that important to a firm, I would skip applying for a job elsewhere, and immediately negotiate a large raise and much better benefits.

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Last Answer : It depends on your prospective employer. There are reasons to do so, and reasons not to do so.

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Last Answer : This is usually covered by union rules. If you have no union then you will need to look into the state, county and city work codes.