How amazed are you by your own complexity?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not very much. I’m really pretty simple. It doesn’t take much to keep me happy. What can I say? I’m a guy.

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Last Answer : Jan, I didn’t know there is a day for you :)

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Last Answer : answer:Guess no one’s children did anything amazing yesterday I enjoy when I get a simple text from my nephew saying he misses me.

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Last Answer : The school my kids attend does a wonderful job at traffic control. They have teachers/paras at every cross walk and the principal stands in front guiding all the cars through the parking lot. My kids cross the ... and, well keeps kids safe. At our school at least they have done a great job of it.

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Last Answer : answer:My opinion is that the complexity is not unneeded. (How'd you like that? A double negative-unneeded complexity perhaps?). I think that what people might put forward as unneeded complexity actually ... in other cases it action isn't a negation at all. Confusing, and probably deliberately so.

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Last Answer : answer:Mountains are not cones, clouds are not spheres, trees are not cylinders, neither does lightning travel in a straight line.-Benoit Mandelbrot, who died in October He coined the term fractal to ... book to read is Chaos by James Gleick. Not sure what you mean by opportunity across time.

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Last Answer : Simple enough to be reasonably stress free, complex enough to be interesting. I don't doubt for a second that my life would be simpler if I worked stacking shelves in a supermarket instead of ... of activities outside of work where possible. It does all depend really on how you define complexity.

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Last Answer : remove all the negative people from your life as much as possible just, yes, drop friends and family members if you have to it does wonders

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Last Answer : e. Developing a project execution plan that matches the complexity level of the project

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Last Answer : b. a positive

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Last Answer : e) All of the above may be true.

Description : Using the shortcut method to determine the complexity of a systems project, a very  complex system having 300 unadjusted function points would have 405 adjust function  points.

Last Answer : Ans: True

Description :  A function point is a measure of program size based on the number and complexity of  inputs, outputs, queries, files and program interfaces.

Last Answer : Ans: True

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Last Answer : e. very simple

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Last Answer : b. end-user efficiency, data communications, and reusability

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Last Answer : c. 400

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Last Answer : c. program size

Description : A(n) ____________ is a measure of program size based on the number and  complexity of inputs, outputs, queries, files, and program interfaces.  a. function point  b. line of code  c. project plan  d. standard module  e. workplan

Last Answer : a. function point

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Last Answer : c. industry standards

Description : Political unrest, budget overruns, size and complexity of the project  Answer: B  (8)Decision trees are best used for : 1. Determining the interaction of the amount at stake and the expected ... and the associated events  4. A flow chart which determines the standard deviation of the risk event

Last Answer : 3. An illustration of how to see the interactions between decisions and the associated events

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Last Answer : 2. Regulatory, currency changes, taxation

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Last Answer : b) Inductive learning

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Last Answer : d) Occur check

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Last Answer : d) Both Repeated states & Incompleteness

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Last Answer : c) 3

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Last Answer : b) Conjunct ordering

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Last Answer : a) True

Description : The time and space complexity of BFS is (For time and space complexity problems consider b as branching factor and d as depth of the search tree.) a) O(bd+1) and O(bd+1) b) O(b2) and O(d2) c) O(d2) and O(b2) d) O(d2) and O(d2)

Last Answer : a) O(bd+1) and O(bd+1)

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Last Answer : d) O(bm)

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Last Answer : d) All of the mentioned

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Last Answer : Focalization, proportion, simplicity

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Last Answer : Validity

Description : While assessing the risk of material misstatement, the auditors identity risks, relate risk to what could go wrong, consider the magnitude of risks and: a. Assess the risk of ... Consider the likelihood that the risks could result in material misstatements. d. Determine materiality level.

Last Answer : Consider the likelihood that the risks could result in material misstatements