Will my husband still be sexually attracted to me after I give birth?

1 Answer

Answer :

Of course he will. He adores you and loves you and you are going to be the mother of his child. That might make you more hot! :-)

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Last Answer : There are degrees of everything. In the examples you gave, sexual assault is worse than someone wearing black face, assuming they don’t also assault someone.

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Last Answer : How do you expect to generalize an answer on such a topic? From my own perspective the dismissive answer is that these are matters of self control. But I certainly appreciate the battle ... an impossible variety of variables, how do you predict outcomes in an individual regarding this topic?

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Last Answer : We are not logical beings.

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Last Answer : It is my understanding that counsellors are only required to report ongoing abuse not past abuse but you can check that out with the therapist before revealing details. My abuse harmed me in ways I didn't fully ... - in my 30s and 40s. Don't wait that long but do find a therapist you can trust.

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Last Answer : Not for years now but yes, back in the late 70's and early 80's as a younger women I had many encounters with chauvinistic and armourous men in the work place, back when there was no such thing ... my neck, lean in very close and make little moaning sounds into the back of my neck. Disgusting!

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Last Answer : Context please. To a minor, from a minor. . . . ? Receiving party got a picture of unknown or known individual?

Description : If you were sexually molested (heaven forbid, and may this never happen to any of you), would you report the incident?

Last Answer : As a man, living where I do, I see no inherent risk of this ever taking place.

Description : What percentage of men are abusive physically or sexually?

Last Answer : answer:This link explains most batterers over estimation of battering behaviors. Not quite what you have in mind maybe but, ties in. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100309131800.htm

Description : As someone who's been (perhaps hypothetically) sexually assaulted/raped, what would make things better for you?

Last Answer : Not thinking about it. I could never talk about it, so distracting myself is the best way to make it “better” for me.

Description : Has this happened to you: your partner changed somehow, physically (say, gained a bunch of weight), and you lost the desire to be with them sexually?

Last Answer : As far as physical changes that have made me lose desire, it has never happened to me. Changes in personality or behavior have had that effect, though.

Description : What is the word for men who sexually harass women?

Last Answer : Not sure if there’s an official term, personally i’d say tw@ just about sums those fellas up.

Description : Does some sort of payment coincide with females doing sexually provocative displays?

Last Answer : If the girls are willing to get jiggy in public, they’re most likely doing it for the attention. I have never heard of anyone paying – that’s just ridiculous. Maybe a couple of guys might buy them drinks, but that’s insane. Just weird. I’m baffled.

Description : Is there anyone, a celebrity, an actor, a musician who you find sexually attractive who falls outside of your usual type or falls outside of the usual cultural stereotype for sexiness for some reason?

Last Answer : I am a straight man but I would do John Stamos or the guy who plays erik in true blood if given the opportunity.