Are you capable of murder?

1 Answer

Answer :

If me or a loved one were threatened, yes, without a doubt. But just for revenge, no.

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Last Answer : answer:This will provide you a brief introduction and summary:

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Last Answer : Ashamed I do not know what the Jedi Mind Trick is… off to google This would be very handy- will respond below.

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Last Answer : Preconcieved notions are the locks on the door to wisdom. -Merry Browne I think a lot has to do with perception and perception comes from what we view as facts taken from our own experiences in life ... what you hold dear. I stay away from those who do not demonstrate these very basic human traits.

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Last Answer : Yo, I don’t owe nothing, man! Oh, hypothethical. Sorry.

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Last Answer : i think it's a good idea to have them work with the animals. that's been shown to be a good source of therapy, and they've used it with seniors who are depressed/ill as well. it's better than ... before they come back. i think it's crazy that there's a law that saws prisoners have to have cable.

Description : Because it's not politically correct.

Last Answer : haha april fools all over again.

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Last Answer : I believe in this situation you should be upfront with your teammate – and let him know that it is best to present both ideas. In this way, the larger team [collective] can decide which option is best suited to the project as a whole.

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Last Answer : C. GREEN WASHING.

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Last Answer : A. BOOST UP

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Last Answer : A. CHURNING

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Last Answer : . C. BOTH A AND B

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