Is watching television or or movie a singular focus activity for you?

1 Answer

Answer :

Usually, although with TV that is changing as the commercial breaks lengthen.

Related questions

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Last Answer : answer:Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting both left me feeling like I had to wash. I liked both films but they left a distinct residue and desire to be warm and clean in a bright place. And yeah ... tie herself onto a toilet chair to sleep at night so she wouldn't fall off and suffocate in filth.

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Last Answer : Dying from cancer does it for me. I’m talking about the last moments.

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Last Answer : Probably for the same reasons we can't walk and chew gum at the same time, we're hopelessly uncoordinated. On second thought, I'd better not speak for all guys because I'll probably end up in ... about half the time because I'm a little to left of center and easily distracted by nothing important.

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Last Answer : Watching television isn't something people are ashamed to admit. I think it would depend on the show, really. You should be embarrassed about watching Daisy Of Love . You should not be embarrassed ... . And society will judge a pastime that is out of the norm for that particular society.

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Last Answer : If you want to stream them online you can try Boxee. If you want to watch live TV from a cable you can buy an EyeTV.

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Last Answer : Sorry, forgot the link:

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Last Answer : If I’m bored in the first 15 minutes, I turn the channel. I think I’m generous in giving the movie 15 minutes to perk my interest.

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Last Answer : answer:You’re right – Americans use singular verbs after group nouns, while Brits use plural. An American would say “Congress is…” and a Brit would say “Parliament are…”

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Last Answer : The one in that film where thingy says to whatsherface that something or other is whatever it was. Outstanding performances from cast & crew, especially the scriptwriters.

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Last Answer : Unfortunately, there's such a thing as lost films . These movies were extremely minor and unpopular at the time, so they were never reproduced at the time they were made, so the original copies of ... Film Registry was created in the 80's, so important films can be safely stored and never lost.

Description : Is there a television show or movie that is set in (supposedly) your region? If so, what inaccuracies take you out of the story?

Last Answer : The FX show “Justified” takes place about ten minutes away from where I live. Haven’t seen the show, but I’ve heard it’s really good.

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Last Answer : It’s a Wonderful Life is too common, so I’m going with White Christmas with Bing Crosby.

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Last Answer : You have your TV and then the cable. The TV stays the same, but the cable is set higher. So, when you turn the cable off or go to DVD mode, it goes back to standard TV volume.

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Last Answer : Weeds has some pretty awesome music in that show. Unfortunately they dont do it anymore, but for the first 3 seasons the theme song was preformed by a different musician and in a different style every episode.

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Last Answer : Eric Cartman! Do I really need to explain??

Description : What is a project phase? A. A collection of logically related project activities that culminate in the completion  of one or more deliverables (Ans.)  B. A singular activity that completes a ... that has very similar parts D. A consistent period of time that is used throughout a project

Last Answer : A. A collection of logically related project activities that culminate in the completion  of one or more deliverables (Ans.)

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Last Answer : Because drug companies look for diseases that are common enough to create a market for their product when they decide what to research and develop.

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Last Answer : YES! and yes I don’t know maybe 50% or more not that interested in US politics since the orange menace left.

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Last Answer : Having worked in nuclear power for decades, I saw actual documentaries and film footage of the event. It was quite astounding. So I watched the show as well. They did a pretty good job of capturing the gist of what went on.

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Last Answer : Eating chicken wings. Also listening to YouTube. Phoning family.

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Last Answer : Yes you should. There are two sides to every story and you owe it to yourself, if you really care about the subject, to listen. Too many people make up their minds about some things after hearing one side, and it’s the sort of thing that really pisses me off!

Description : Anyone watching the Showtime series Counterpart? Possible SPOILER ALERT.

Last Answer : I don't think there is a good or bad side. I believe the show is more about how you can have almost the same existence and end up in a differently with just some changes or abuse of government. But in ... be able to escape with her baby. Wait. Clare is the married lady. Right? I'm bad with names.

Description : What shows are you binge watching right now?

Last Answer : Crash Course: Mythology.

Description : Can you stop watching TV for a week or so?

Last Answer : I just went for two weeks without tv during March. I had to see the Bones finale though. It didn't feel like it was over. It was more like a season finale, with lots of lead in for what's to come. When ... , I didn't often watch tv. When I got out, it was more than a year before I even bought one.

Description : Are you watching any Korean Dramas?

Last Answer : If you’re including movies, then yes. Now and then I do. Just three nights ago I watched Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…and Spring. I thought it was quite beautifully done, even though in a few places it seemed to me to be overdone. Heavy-handedness seems to be at odds with a Buddhist theme.

Description : What is your immediate reaction after watching this commercial?

Last Answer : My immediate thought was “Those homophobes are going to have a fit!”.

Description : What do you feel like after watching tv?

Last Answer : Entertained

Description : What is your experience with binge watching a show vs.watching week to week?

Last Answer : answer:Neither. I record (DVR) the show when it airs, but don’t watch it. Then I can view it – sometimes later that night – but fast forward through the ads. I hate advertising. The most I can binge with is to episodes (2 hours) – more than that and the plots all mix together.

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Last Answer : answer:Sherlock. Doctor Who. Watched all of Broadchurch over the past weekend in a marathon. All awesome. The Fall and Peaky Blinders I sat through. Good, but not great. I tried Copper, but that might be BBC America. Started strong, but now I have to talk myself into watching it.

Description : Do any of you enjoy watching fan made videos based on TV shows that you like to watch?

Last Answer : I usually really dislike these… except for the fact that this one about Community’s Jeff and Annie led to an actual scene in the show, which parodied the shipping video. So brilliant. Looks like the better-quality version was taken off YouTube, which is really too bad.

Description : Is anybody watching Siberia?

Last Answer : answer:I looked at it yesterday, I was looking for something interesting and thought maybe it was a documentary or something. After a few minutes, I kept looking.

Description : What is your experience with binge TV watching?

Last Answer : A few times I’ve watched an entire series, several seasons, in a weekend, just because they are so good.

Description : What are you watching?

Last Answer : Half in the Bag.

Description : Will you be watching the new Trapped in the Closet videos by R. Kelly?

Last Answer : Frankly, I’m amazed that they can be parodied – TITC is really fucking out there in the first place.

Description : How can they tell how many people are watching one channel?

Last Answer : answer:You take a sample of the population, say 10% of the total population, and try to keep the demographics of the sample group as close to the population as possible. (So there are the same ... what they are watching they have a little box attached to their TV that keeps track of it all.

Description : What video entertainment do you find yourself watching solely based on a crush for one of the actors/actresses on the show?

Last Answer : I used to watch every move Kevin Costner was in because I crushed on him. But I got bored with his movies and I guess with him, so I stopped watching his movies.

Description : North American jellies, who will not be watching the Superbowl tomorrow?

Last Answer : Me, I don’t watch football and will be working a double shift besides.

Description : I've only just discovered Dr. Who. Can I start watching it from the middle of the 3rd season, or should I look for the first season and start from the beginning?

Last Answer : Me too. GQ. I really like the show.

Description : If I was to start watching Glee tonight having never seen a previous episode would I understand it?

Last Answer : I watched the first season of Glee, and totally lost interest after a while. I think you would have no trouble understanding who the characters are (because they're not particularly complex), but by now there ... of backstory that you might not have the patience to catch up on. I know I wouldn't.

Description : For those of you who use PlayOn.Tv software, what can you tell me about watching Hulu etc on TV through your Wii?

Last Answer : answer: Please make sure you're not being mislead by this company. It doesn't give you access to all those channels as ... can tell, you'd be better off just buying an HDMI cable and connecting your laptop to your TV.

Description : If you have a 3D HDTV, how much time do you spend watching 3d programming?

Last Answer : My sister loves hers…but is disappointed with how slow availability is with 3D programming and DVDs. She’s had hers for about a year now and greedily pre-buys all the 3D DVDs she can.

Description : TV etiquette question: is "I'm enjoying the quiet" equivalent to "I'm watching that" when asked if it's alright to change the channel?

Last Answer : answer:I think that in such a situation, a coin-toss would be appropriate, Now, i there were more people on one side of the quiet vs TV debate then I would go with majority rules. However, I would have ... there is A/C. I also have a smartphone, so I can watch stuff even when I am not inside ;)

Description : Why do wheels always look like they are moving the opposite way when watching TV?

Last Answer : answer:This is how wikianswers explains it: Wheels appear to rotate backwards in movies because of what is called, strobe effect'. When filming, the camera actually takes a series of pictures. ... with Fluorescent lighting. The bulbs flicker at a certain cycle thus causing the illusion. Read more

Description : Are you watching college football today?

Last Answer : answer:Watching Texas-Nebraska right now. Plan to watch Washington-Oregon State later tonight.

Description : What is a good sign you've been watching too much TV?

Last Answer : That’s exactly what TV is for. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Description : What child star did you enjoy watching grow up before your eyes on TV?

Last Answer : Ronny Howard, of course.

Description : What are your thoughts on watching (on the internet)/downloading tv series?

Last Answer : If it has been posted on a legit site that is licensed by the station, I have no problem with it of course. If it is a bootleg, then I consider it unethical.

Description : How is watching TV with my spouse considered together time when he ignores me?”?

Last Answer : OK I am not going to defend your husband’s disconnect with you. But in the interest of the simple minded of us here. Some of us can’t even follow one conversation that is going on let alone 2. So maybe try to talk to him when he isn’t watching TV, hopefully that can happen.

Description : Will you be watching this exciting new season?

Last Answer : Oh yeh baby!!!! Cant wait to see Michael monster all the other drivers again!