Can you dry out a wet matress?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have a few times. Just toss it out in the sun. They actually dry pretty fast.

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Last Answer : Complete chaos (3 kids)

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Last Answer : If you live in the US, then yes, tip if the service meets your expectation. I’d probably tip $10–20 per person, depending upon how helpful they were.

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Description : What household chores are you a bit neurotic about?

Last Answer : Dishes

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Last Answer : answer:Are you renting? If so, yes I would dress nicely. Perhaps take along letters/references from people you have rented from just in case you need them. Even employers or those who can vouch for your ... to see if your furniture fits. Take the measurements of key pieces you need to fit in too.

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Last Answer : If they’re made for cleaning dishwashers…

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Last Answer : answer:Hi @Collegestudent19, welcome to Fluther! Lying to the court is not merely “considered” illegal. And Federal courts handle bankruptcy, not state courts. If the ethics don’t deter enough, keep in mind that Federal prosecutors have a lot more resources than state and local authorities.