Why do dogs know how to swim instinctively and people don't?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:It’s not quite the same instinctual response that dogs have, but I recall reading about how it is often very easy to teach infants and toddlers how to swim. I don’t know anyone who has done this before, but I thought it was interesting. I, however, do not know how to swim and find my panic button kicks in over anything else.

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Last Answer : I didn't learn how to swim until I was like 16. I just wasn't around water or pools all that often as a kid, and then it took me a few years to get used to the idea once we moved to a ... how to do it, it is almost baffling that anyone couldn't. It's pretty natural once you realize how it works.

Description : For those that don't know how to swim: what has prevented you from learning?

Last Answer : I can swim in that I can keep myself afloat and move around and stuff just not gracefully or efficiently. My excuse is cold water! I guess it's because I have almost no body fat, but what ... I really can do involves keeping the head above water. It's functional enough - but pathetic to watch!

Description : Can you swim?

Last Answer : yes

Description : Do you know how to swim?

Last Answer : answer:I learned to swim in elementary school from the Red Cross. Earned my Junior and Senior lifesaving cards too. Swam at a level just below competitive when I was in high school, not quite fast enough to ... But a big part of that is knowing one's limitations, so that one does not out too far.

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Last Answer : Sounds ridiculous.

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Last Answer : I don’t know about Jet Skis, but water temp this time of year is in the 50’s ( F ). Get a wet suit too.

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Last Answer : answer:1. Shark Cage only protects against sharks. 2. She took nourishment in liquid form. 3. I imagine she just lets go.

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Last Answer : It’s a baseline that you can compare yourself to. It doesn’t matter what “average” is. Physical activity for health is about improving from where you started, not comparing yourself to anyone else.

Description : How do you remove a blood stain from a swim suit?

Last Answer : Pre-spot (if you have some of the stain pre-treating stuff) and throw it in the wash according to the bathing suit’s directions (usually cold water / gentle cycle). Most modern detergents are very good at getting blood out..

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Last Answer : answer:The sharks find you wherever you are, especially if you're injured. Here's an account of the USS Indianapolis in WWII. The sharks fed off the extremities of the sailors in the water, attracted by the ... capable of diving up to 9,000 feet, so they don't just hang out in the shallow water.

Description : How do I get my mother to swim?

Last Answer : Why make her? It’s not like not swimming is harmful to her health. If she doesn’t want to, why should she have to? Push her in.

Description : How long should I wait to swim in the ocean after a pierced ear?

Last Answer : if its just a normal ear piercing like the lobe you should be fine. they heal rather quickly, and i really cant see water doing much of anything to it. If it is salt water your swimming in all ... salt. Lobe ear piercings are pretty hard to get infected from my experience. Have fun scuba diving ^_^.

Description : Are there ear plugs for dogs?

Last Answer : I don't think you're going to find any earplugs that are going to be an adequate water barrier. My recommendation would be to use a high quality ear cleaner after each trip to the pool. Some cleaners are ... nice squishy sound, and then let the dog shake his head (no need to use cotton or q-tips).

Description : What should one leave in a locker at the gym/swimming pool, and what shouldn't leave?

Last Answer : Part of it depends on if you have a lock and are going to lock the locker. I go to the gym in my car so I leave my valuables in the car and not in my locker.

Description : Did you enjoy swimming in an endless pool?

Last Answer : Bottom line up front: I'm happy with my EP. I bought an EP 12 years ago. It has helped train for triathlons. I went from being among the last in the ½ mile swim to being among the first ( ... need help with something call or e-mail them and they will help right away with expert advice. Good health!

Description : Have you ever backed down from a high board in the swimning pool?

Last Answer : oh I believe I may have done that once or twice….as old as 13.

Description : Swimming caps, do you wear one?

Last Answer : answer:My hair would get less wet when I wore a swimming cap, and online says that it makes a difference. Two tricks I learned: wet your hair with regular water before going into the pool, and/or put a ... out (it also talks about why pool water can turn hair green I never knew the why before!)

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Last Answer : It's overkill. As the designer has said, women who want to protect their skin (see Nigela Lawson comment here) or who just feel uncomfortable wearing skimpier swimwear also wear these items. And the ... covering the face could be seen as a security risk in some circumstances, but not in this case.

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Last Answer : No. They are part of who you are.

Description : What activites can a single 37 year old do at a public swimming pool?

Last Answer : I would swim back and forth.

Description : Swimmers, What Is Your Favorite Event In A Meet?

Last Answer : My favorite event is the breast stroke. ‘Cause you get to say breast and stroke together w/out getting slapped!

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Last Answer : answer:I can tell you the basic method we used for very young children when I worked as a camp counselor. I don't know of any reason why this wouldn't work for an older child as well. (Ours ... may be helpful for you and your daughter. So, hopefully some of this will be helpful to your daughter.

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Last Answer : answer:It is often the water temperature that matters. 69 degrees feels pretty chilly and 72 degrees fairly comfortable. If you have a robe and towels waiting when you emerge, you don’t need the air temperature to be tropical. The warmer the better, of course. Hgh seventies is a safe starting place.

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Last Answer : Yes you can go swimming. No the water won't get in for the same reason the faeces doesn't come out (assuming you've placed the stoma bag well - there is a bit of knack to that). You would ... get away with a standard one. You can also get special swimwear with a higher waist band to hide the stoma.

Description : What kind of sunblock should I use?

Last Answer : answer:SPF 15 at least, most Dermatologists recommend that or higher. Mileage may vary, depending on driving conditions.

Description : Why do women wear bikinis?

Last Answer : answer:All of the above. It’s hot in the summer – you want to wear as little clothing as possible. A bikini allows you to do that. That’s like asking why men wear swim trunks.

Description : What is the best swimming style to make my chest stronger?

Last Answer : Breast stroke and butterfly

Description : Swimming Precautions before and after?

Last Answer : answer:I am not African-American, but I do like to swim. There are shampoos and conditioners designed to help cleanse chlorine from your hair, so it doesn't dry it out or change the color if ... line is designed for curly hair. Maybe they'll have something else that is suited you your hair texture.

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Last Answer : answer:You might consider getting certified in some sort of water safety or water rescue type thing. Here is some information for your location. Probably most indoor pools near you offer swimming lessons. ... anywhere there is a club with a pool there are people who you can hire for instruction.

Description : Pool safety tips for kids?

Last Answer : Fence your pool. Do not leave furniture or similar close to the fence so your children can use it to access the pool area. Take your children to learn to swim' classes from when they are very ... Do not leave them (or other children) unsupervised even if they've been to swimming lessons. Learn CPR.

Description : Would world class female swimmers log better times if they swam topless?

Last Answer : Doubtful. One of the defining characteristics of boobs is floppiness, which causes drag in the water . . . um . . . but yeah, swimsuits streamline the figure and just generally make you sleeker in the water. I’d assume so anyway . . . I’m female, but not a swimmer.

Description : Why does the motor on my pool pump keep going bad?

Last Answer : Is it being drenched with water? Mine did that after it got royally soaked by a loose connection. It ruined all the grease in the bearings, and froze the motor.

Description : Have you ever heard of a height restriction for lifeguards?

Last Answer : answer:While I can think of possible reasons why there might be a height requirement (mass for one, and longer arms and legs could translate into more powerful or more efficient strokes, and a taller ... touch bottom sooner), I have never heard of such a thing. Perhaps you could ask the instructor?

Description : What can I do on my rest day to help recover?

Last Answer : answer:Swimmings great, but, no disrespect intended, isn’t being physical on a day of rest an oxymoron? lol I’d opt for the physical activity of spooning ice cream into my mouth or tipping a couple of beers while managing the remote. haha

Description : When you go to a pool party, do you get into the pool?

Last Answer : Of course! What’s the point otherwise?

Description : Have you ever tried swimming in one of those resistance pools?

Last Answer : The one I tried was adjustable in terms of speed, so I could set it to meet my speed. Typically my crawl and fly are similar in terms of resistance, but back and breast stroke are a bit slower. I found a setting so I could switch out.

Description : How has your weather been for the Summer, thus far?

Last Answer : Not to shabby, kinda dry. We usually have more afternoon thunderstorms. We’re kinda in a drought. But because it’s dry, it’s not so humid so the heat is actually bearable. Goin to the pool later for a bit of a tan ;)

Description : What is a good swimsuit?

Last Answer : I’m not sure how anyone can offer better advice than what you would find in a fitting room. Some things just need to be tried on.

Description : Is it possible to sweat while swimming?

Last Answer : Sweating is your bodies way of cooling down. If you are working hard, but still cold in the water, I don’t think you would sweat.

Description : Best way to get rid of all my body hair?

Last Answer : I think usually athletes that do this, they wax.. no?

Description : What wetsuit brand is the best?

Last Answer : answer:More information please. What will you be using it for? What climate are you going to be in?

Description : What kind of material for swimsuits is best?

Last Answer : It sounds like you answered your own question…

Description : What is your favorite stroke when swimming?

Last Answer : When I swim, I do them all.

Description : What is your preferred bathing suit and how do you pick it out?

Last Answer : I like one pieces with a plunging back and front and they have to have straps to support my breasts.

Description : What is the most efficient underwater swimming stroke?

Last Answer : I love freediving, hence got my eyes peeled at this question. I just use the breast stroke with leg collapse-whatever you call it. It seems to be the most energy efficient, so I can explore around and go ... last if I kept doing it Lots of free divers go over 10 minutes. Something too strive for :)

Description : Please find me a swimming pool in Manchester (UK)

Last Answer : Anyone? I guess there’s no easy answer to this.

Description : What do I wear to keep me warmer while swimming?

Last Answer : Check out neoprene swimwear. The neoprene was designed by waterfowl hunters to keep them warm in cool water. You can get less protection by going to one of the lighter 3mm suits or warmer by going with 5mm.

Description : What should I bring to my first swimming lesson?

Last Answer : I never use goggles when I swim but many people are more comfortable with them. You don't need to have them for the first lesson; could wait and see how chlorinated the pool is. As far as a bathing ... don't nowadays. It's cheap enough to get one and have it available. Good luck -swimming is great!

Description : Does anyone know of a group training program for triathalons in LA?

Last Answer : You could contact Kaiser Permanente LA Triathlon Training Clinics