What are the most productive strength training exercises?

1 Answer

Answer :

Squats with a weight bar. Total Legs, glutes and abs. Lunges with Dumbells. Legs, abs, glutes and posture. Any exercises that concentrate on your back. Back and Obliques. Incline leg raises. Lower and mid abs.

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Last Answer : My garden has been growing! Like crazy!

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Last Answer : Yes; And I usually blame it on this damn computer.

Description : How productive were you today?

Last Answer : Felt productive. I cleaned, did laundry, went to a home & garden expo, went to lunch with my husband and his friend, did some shopping, cooked chicken and started spaghetti sauce for dinner, ... out that much today was exhausting. Productive, though, maybe not in the classic sense of the word.

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Last Answer : answer:I do my best work (that requires thinking) in the morning. I have a brown-out from 4:00 to 6:00 PM I have a second creative time in the evening.