Do you mark facebook ads as offensive for no reason?

1 Answer

Answer :

Gosh, I didn’t know we could do that. I think I will. Thanks!

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Last Answer : I do act the same way, because my behavior is out in public when I am on Facebook. So I only ask people to be a friend if I have been introduced, and writing on someone’s wall is really like posting a note on postcard – anyone can read it.

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Last Answer : I can detect bullshit at 20 paces.

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Last Answer : I think it's becaus of all the apocalypse news that has been going around recently. Everybody had heard of the world ending in 2012. Even though most didn't believe it, it wasn't unordinary to thin ... trend in the media. Before this, there was a vampire craze that got sparked by the Twilight Saga.

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Last Answer : Not some guy called Bubba that’s for damn sure.

Description : Where will you retire, assuming you have to decide right now?

Last Answer : answer:Putting aside for the moment that I’m fairly certain I’ll never have the opportunity to retire… I would like to retire in Italy. Either the Amalfi Coast or up in Stresa.

Description : Have you ever made a New Year's resolution and actually kept it?

Last Answer : Yes. I decided to not have new years resolutions.

Description : Do you ever get worried about living alone?

Last Answer : It does cross my mind now and then, but I don’t obsess about it. Kind of like a reality I am aware of. I do think it is good for people who live alone to be expected places or to call someone somewhat regularly, etc. So, someone they trust will know their routine has been broken.