What do you think of parents,usually single mothers who have no idea what their daughters are actually doing on the internet?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would confiscate her webcam and give her a lecture.

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Last Answer : If it was completely anonymous, I wouldn’t think it would be a problem. However, if everyone knows who the writer is… I have to agree with you, there. I wouldn’t want to expose my childrens’ lives in such detail.

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Last Answer : Answer: B) Total age of 11 daughters of a family = 11*12 = 132 father age = 14 +mother age total age of the family (11 daughters + father + mother) is, 132+mother +14+ mother = 27 * 13 mother = 102.5 father age = 14+102.5 =116.5years

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Last Answer : First and formost..find a good lawyer. That's a truely sad story. I would definitely look into Canada's laws regarding destitute and/or abandoned children. If an organization or charity has money to ... they should also have funds to hire a good lawyer to help with all the legal mumbo-jumbo.

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Last Answer : Most parents don’t want to reinforce negative behavior by encouraging it with a lot of attention. If there’s a problem, it needs to be spoken of aloud. Acting out confuses parents if their child doesn’t verbalize what’s wrong.

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Last Answer : Playing chess with the 4th daughter!

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Last Answer : We were on the verge of winning community league playoffs, so we could move on to district championships. After two episodes of stupid parents yelling at the coach, the official stepped on the field, blew ... though we were actually wining. Luckily they shut the F up after that, and we did win.

Description : Do Youtube parents abuse their kids?

Last Answer : Some of those parents need to be investigated.

Description : Did you assume the teacher who told children their parents will be deported was racist?

Last Answer : answer:They could be racist or they could hate Trump and be terrified and have said a very stupid thing to their students. Either way, awful, but no I didn't make assumptions. I am hearing ... at Latino children in the cafeteria. Makes me sick. What kind of parent teaches their child that hatred?

Description : When parents complain about their children what do they really want?

Last Answer : Parenting is hard. People complain about things.

Description : To what extent should parents let their children create chaos?

Last Answer : Look at your fourth paragraph. You have three Jane did not approve of’s. Enough said.

Description : How many jellies never told their parents they hated them and why?

Last Answer : answer:I grew out of it before I was deep into my teens, but I recall some unfortunate interchanges when I was maybe 10 – 12 years old. As for “why”, it was stupid, juvenile stuff. I can’t even recall. Maybe they sent me to bed one night before I got to watch The Outer Limits or something.

Description : Why do some parents insist on keeping their children in bubbles?

Last Answer : Because of their own beliefs. I think that children need to experience the world as it is and to be aware that bad things happen, but need to be protected and to fell loved, because that experience of innocence will not last as it is.

Description : Do parents take a belt (spankings) to their kids anymore?

Last Answer : answer:I never knew anyone who was beaten with a belt or anything else while I was growing up; I never knew anyone who beat his kids while I was an active parent and I know no one now who ... or grandkids. That is, of course, my personal experience and doesn't extrapolate into anyone else's world.

Description : Are parents responsible for their children's actions and to what extent should they be responsible? (See details)

Last Answer : answer:I do think parents are responsible for their children. I think we teach them correct principles and then they govern themselves. At what age is a good question because many mature differently. I ... their own. I think some mature sooner than others and should out grow the acting out phase.

Description : The children living next door are being horribly abused by their parents. The only way to stop the abuse is to adopt the children and care for them in your home. Would you?

Last Answer : answer:Absolutely. edited for poor spelling Oh, and also - I'm a survivor myself, and I can't stand seeing other kids suffering. I know I can't save everyone, but in this hypothetical situation, there's ... adopt a few children at some point in the future. My husband and I both want a large family.

Description : Is it ego that drives parents to put their kid in show biz?

Last Answer : You should watch Little Miss Perfect, a TV show about child beauty pageants. It may give you some insight into the inner workings of parents who have gone completely cocoa bananas.

Description : Do you keep secrets for your nieces and nephews from their parents?

Last Answer : The only niece/nephew I have is my little brother's kid, but I haven't seen him since he was 3, so I really have no experience with this type of relationship. However, I do have a much younger sister ... tell my mom, who then figures out a way to not reveal I've told and yet address the situation.

Description : Are parents to be credited &/or blamed for their adult children's general behavior?

Last Answer : My psychology textbook says yes.

Description : If you are not American: Is it surprising to you that young people in America say they hate their parents?

Last Answer : not at all… I think if we British were a lot more outspoken and truthful a lot more of us would say that too… like your new avatar btw

Description : Do children owe their parents?

Last Answer : Yes, they do. They owe them respect as they owe all people. They also owe them to continue putting effort into making the best of their lives and not waist their parents' investments. There is however no ... and in particular for the ones you care about. We're social animals, after all, aren't we?

Description : Why do parents put their children in pageants?

Last Answer : Because they are fucktarded. sorry uber

Description : To what extent are parents responsible for their children's behavior?

Last Answer : In my part of the world, children (regardless of age) reflect upon their parents. So I suppose the answer is to every extent.

Description : Did your parents ever make you think that you were unwanted?

Last Answer : answer:I was unwanted, unplanned and pretty much jacked up my mom and dad's life. For me, I felt love from my mom and the rest of my family, so it wasn't a huge issue. When I got older and ... happened, I'd raise that child with all the love I'm capable of. She may need some therapy or something.

Description : Can you think of an example where it was a good thing your parents were not a united front?

Last Answer : The only favor my mother ever did for me was to leave my father and never come back. I suppose that means they “were not a united front.” LOL!