If I created a character's name and it just so happened there was already the same name used in a movie, can I still use that name?

1 Answer

Answer :

I wish you had more details. Obviously you didn’t “create” the name as it already exists. But most things are machinations of other things, anyway. SO, it depends – would be my answer. Copyright laws DEF do exist! The ‘depends’ part is whether the name you like is, say, “Shrek.” Def copyright issue. “Superman.” “Garfield.” Same thing. However if you’re choosing, “Lola,” say or “Pig,” well…... that’s hardly a ‘stolen’ name. Hope that helps.

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Last Answer : i started once, lost interest and turned it into a short story. took, id say about a solid week. ( really it took a lil more than 3 weeks workin only 2 or so hours a day) before i was ready to turn it in.

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