What does it take to quit smoking cigarettes?

1 Answer

Answer :

Don’t quit. Cut back.

Related questions

Description : Can smoking cigarettes sometimes cause weight loss for emotional snackers?

Last Answer : Your body uses 700 calories a day dealing with the effects of smoking of a pack a day or more.

Description : Can you help me find boutique smoke shops that might sell vintage cigarettes?

Last Answer : They have alot on ebay

Description : Is there any correlation between urinating and cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:Anxiety? Do you smoke to reduce your anxiety, by chance?

Description : If you smoke cigarettes, do you go outside to smoke?

Last Answer : i don't really smoke (a cigar now and then, always outside, but that's about it) but my grandfather did like a chimney and he almost always went outside. I think in his case it was more that ... sometimes). The only times he really smoked inside was when he'd host poker night a couple times a year.

Description : Does keeping cigarettes in the freezer do anything?

Last Answer : Makes for a nice, cold smoke.

Description : Which cigarettes are worse for you?

Last Answer : I don’t think that lung, throat, esophageal or tongue cancer differentiates.

Description : How prevalent is smoking left over cigarette butts?

Last Answer : For what definition of “common”? I’ve seen it done too.

Description : Do you think Big Tobacco has thought of this trick yet ?

Last Answer : I always liked the idea of the half pack. When I was in Belize you could buy a pack of 10 or 20 cigarettes. It wasn't like your example though. A pack was $4 and a half pack was $2. ... would help me cut back on smoking. though I suppose that is kind of the opposite of what tobacco companies want

Description : How much per cigarette do they cost in different cities around the world?

Last Answer : answer:*cigerette I’m not to sure. The prices in the UK have soared up over the past 2 years. A pack of 20 here cost the same, if not more that the minimum hourly working wage. When I go to Spain I can buy them for a fraction of the cost. I hear they are really cheap in Bulgaria.

Description : Have you heard that Big Tobacco is doing this now?

Last Answer : answer:I heard that they were doing that years ago. That’s why when someone smokes, they don’t just smoke any brand, they are addicted to one in particular. Sickening eh? {Edit} Oh, on second glance at your question, there must be something new, hopefully someone else knows..

Description : Have you ever looked inside an unsmoked cigarette?

Last Answer : I would check for you, but I honestly can’t bring myself to do it. Those suckers are expensive! If I accidentally break one, though, I’ll look inside for you.

Description : Is it considered littering when someone throws a cigarette butt on the ground?

Last Answer : Those people are thoughtless a-holes. If I have a cigarette, I squish out the cherry, step on it, and throw the butt in a trash can. How difficult is that?

Description : Why do people not quit smoking no matter how expensive cigarettes become?

Last Answer : answer:Nope. Money is no object when it comes to addiction. Money does keep people from starting the habit, and is a motivator for people to try quitting, but the addiction is stronger than the money in many instances.

Description : Do you think that "cold turkey" is the best way to quit cigarettes? Without nicotine replacements!

Last Answer : I’ve heard it varies by person.

Description : How long does it take when you quit smoking to stop being irritable and bad tempered?

Last Answer : Perhaps you would benefit from creating the half-habit of not smoking. My mother-in-law put three cigarettes in an ashtray every morning, and for every one she didn't smoke at the end of the day, she took ... cold turkey, it seems to take about 30 days for it to kick in. It is okay to be irritable.

Description : Plain packaging for cigarettes - would it change your smoking habit?

Last Answer : Since I am not dumb enough to intentionally inhale poison in the first place, no, my non-existing smoking habits would not change.

Description : Does chain smoking cigarettes impair you mentally or something?

Last Answer : answer:Likely withdraw. Quitting is not easy, but it can be done. I quit over 15 years ago, and have lived with a smoker the past 10. Zyban helped me, in that it curbed my appetite so there was ... had a smoke right now, I would! Thereby making a liar out of yourself, the next cigarette you meet.

Description : Are people in the US so conditioned against smoking they won’t even give quarter to e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : Big tobacco and the FDA don’t want it going mainstream from what I’ve heard.

Description : Ex-Smokers, in what ways did you benefit from quitting smoking cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:I quit many many times before I finally actually quit. Benefits, hmmmm. Food tastes better. I don't smell like an ash tray (clothes, house, furniture, carpets, drapes and the car) and when I ... keep from putting a cig in your mouth for about three weeks you have a chance to quit for good.

Description : People smoking e-cigarettes in restaurants - what do you think?

Last Answer : answer:Don’t hurt me none. Seriously. I can’t smell it, there’s no second-hand smoke, it affects me in no way shape or form. If I thought anything, it would be “How nice of that smoker to keep his nicotine consumption to himself”.

Description : How effective are e-cigarettes for quitting smoking?

Last Answer : answer:It depends in part on how much nicotine you are used to. A casual smoker will have little trouble as e-cigs deliver as much nicotine aa normal cigarette. Since most people smoke less than a ... normal smokers I know who went the e-cig route have managed to quit entirely in pretty short order.

Description : Is smoking Electronic Cigarettes truely safer than smoking regular cigarettes?

Last Answer : hello, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this

Description : Do smoking cigarettes have a negative effect when working out?

Last Answer : Healthy, unhealthy, -Pick a side!

Description : How do you feel about smoking cigarettes?

Last Answer : No and yes.

Description : Well ... why do people smoke despite knowing the dangers of cigarettes or smoking ?

Last Answer : People are so addicted to smoking that they can quit smoking in any way! It has become a bad habit of human beings! It has become a kind of addiction due to which you cannot give up this harmful habit!

Description : A neighbor smokes a cigarette and is pregnant. Isn't that illegal?

Last Answer : It depends on everyone. When she is, the mother irresponsible holt suffers even the baby who is not to blame.

Description : After three years I started smoking again (about 8 a day) and I have diarrhea for several days. Could it be that?

Last Answer : Can - you swallow poison (especially tar) with saliva and the intestinal microflora is "defending".

Description : Is smoking tobacco out of a bong worse than cigarettes?

Last Answer : Yes, smoking tobacco out of bong is worse than cigarettes. Waterpipe tobacco smoking (smoking tobacco out of a bong) is a centuries-old tobacco use method with an ambiguous origin and links ... In addition, waterpipe tobacco smoking may be, for some individuals, a precursor to cigarette smoking.

Description : How does smoking cigarettes impact the red blood cells? A. Decreases their ability to congeal B. Decreases their ability to carry oxygen (Answer) C. Decreases their ability to reach their typical life duration D. Decreases their ability to cleanse wounds

Last Answer : B. Decreases their ability to carry oxygen (Answer)

Description : Ex-smokers, how did you manage to quit smoking?

Last Answer : My wife gave me a blowjob for every day I didn’t smoke for two months. I liked smoking, but I like blowjobs more.

Description : If one person is addicted to alcohol, and another to smoking who should quit ASAP?

Last Answer : Apples and oranges. There isn't any way to compute a fully accurate exchange rate. I'm more averse to smoking (never smoked anything) than drinking in moderation. Though there's no way to equally measure ... help first if they are having behavior problems. Then I'd want the smoker to try to quit.

Description : When I quit smoking it apparently triggered COPD. Why?

Last Answer : Quitting smoking did not trigger COPD. If you do have it, you had it when you smoked. COPD. Smoking is a cause of COPD and emphysema.

Description : Am I really seeing a difference in my skin since I quit smoking, or am I just imagining it?

Last Answer : answer:Different how? A few years back my uncle quit smoking and I swear he looked different a few weeks later. When you smoke, you're basically affecting collagens. Collagens are repsonsible for giving ... function normally which makes your skin looks better. So no, you're not imagining it at all.

Description : If you quit smoking with Chantix, what were some of the side effects?

Last Answer : I have relatives that took it and they said they had very strange, vivid dreams.

Description : Does expressing concern over my partner's smoking help or hinder his journey to quit?

Last Answer : I've never had a girlfriend who told me to quit. BUT when I was 17, my grandmother - God rest her soul - was sat with me in her living room. She smoked like a train. If it wasn't 20 a ... , maybe you could try to persuade him to get an e-cigarette. No stink, just nicotine in water vapor basically.

Description : SSRIs +/- nicotine: Has anyone on SSRIs quit smoking?

Last Answer : answer:I have never quit. In fact, I kind of want to quit, but I've been in a terrible emotional place for a while now, and I have read that quitting smoking can trigger or exacerbate depression ... or find an alternative that would be beneficial to you. Hope that you feel more like yourself, asap.

Description : I think I'm feeling motivated enough to try to quit smoking next week. How can I know if I'm really ready?

Last Answer : Hi. you seem to have the will but the wrong mentality. Please please get Allen Carr’s book or audio book (i will pm you a source)

Description : How many times have you tried to quit smoking (but failed)?

Last Answer : answer:My parents were both chain smokers and I never took up the horrible habit. The both died early, before any of their non-smoking brothers and sisters. I can suggest that you could try hypnosis, ... . I often ask myself what I could have accomplished if not for the poison I was raised with.

Description : Do people who quit smoking become angry because of nicotine withdrawl, or where they always angry only ciggarettes helped them put a lid on it?

Last Answer : My daughter’s nerves are always ajangle when she tries to quit smoking. It’s because of the withdrawl, not her normal character.

Description : What did you do to help you quit smoking?

Last Answer : answer:I used the gum. I could control the urges when I wanted to. It takes 3 days to get over the physical craving and a lifetime to get over the psychological ones. Best of luck to you.

Description : Have you quit smoking? How did you do it?

Last Answer : I'm a little unique in this so what I did personally won't be of much help (I woke up one day and decided cigarettes were gross-mostly from drinking and smoking too much the night before- ... stop. My dad was just hospitalized for pneumonia and hasn't been smoking since. Kinda scared him straight.

Description : How many of the miners, do you think, will now quit smoking for good?

Last Answer : I can’t think of any time “Somebody gimme a smoke” would be a more appropriate request than after being buried alive for two months.

Description : Have any Jellies had success with hypnosis to quit smoking?

Last Answer : I worked for a manager that was hypnotized in order to quit smoking. It worked like a charm for about six months.

Description : What has been people's most effective way to quit smoking?

Last Answer : Cold turkey.Suprisingly enough,I didn’t land in jail ;)

Description : Can I expect to cough more if I've recently quit smoking?

Last Answer : you will feel great!!!! No you will not cough

Description : How did you quit smoking?

Last Answer : Well, some people quit with some good ol’ fashioned dick punching. http://www.fluther.com/disc/20349/i-havent-had-a-cigarette-today-and-want-to-hurt-people/

Description : Ever quit smoking? What can I expect?

Last Answer : You can expect addiction. May you save loots of money.

Description : Have you quit smoking?

Last Answer : I did, but I was a social smoker not so much a pack a day kind of gal. More like a pack every month. Carrot sticks. Pens. Whistling. My cravings only lasted about three days, then it was over. After that it was a mouth thing.

Description : How do you quit smoking and NOT gain weight.

Last Answer : answer:Start exercising. That way, even if you do eat more, you'll be burning more calories, so your weight should remain fairly constant. You might even lose weight. The bonus is that exercise ... and emphysemic. Either way, good luck to you! Best Christmas present you could give your loved ones.

Description : Does Chantix work to quit smoking?

Last Answer : answer:I have a friend that is currently using Chantix and it seems to be working pretty well. I tried patches for a while also, and they were useless. I am not looking to quit right now, but when I finally ... I think I may give Chantix a shot. Good luck with it, let us know how it works for you.