What are some kid-friendly fun facts on Russia?

1 Answer

Answer :

Lake Baikal is the perported deepest in the world.

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Last Answer : It depends on what you mean by kid friendly'. Are they allowed to see people in bikinis? You may want to find a resort because the atmosphere is more tourist and americanized, but you can't ... from it. The bahamas is a regular tourist trap, but outside parts of the atlantis its very ghetto.

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Last Answer : It's easy for an adult (paticularly an older adult) to forget about being a kid. She's probably not around little ones nearly to your extent. She empathizes with the kid because she puts HERSELF in ... to embarrass you. And of course women are more tuned to concern and compassion than we jaded men.

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Last Answer : answer:The mutated Girl Scout song: She wears a G for chewing bubble gum; She wears an I for ignorance; She wears an R for reading comic books; She wears and L for laziness (for laziness!); She wears an S ... : She wears an O U T for out with boys (out with boys!) And that Girl Scout is me!

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Last Answer : Activities are good. “Do you play video games?” “Do you skate?” Then follow up. “Which ones do you like?” “Where do you skate?”

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Last Answer : You think his friends are bad people because they’re not in school? Seriously? Is that the issue..?

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Any age below the legal age of drinking, so below 18.

Description : What makes you feel like a kid?

Last Answer : Working out is the best way. I come out feeling 20 again. 3 or 4 Vicodin will do it, too. Or HGH. But they have some really, really bad side effects. So, I work out.

Description : What would you tell this kid?

Last Answer : I would stay out of it.

Description : Do you ever catch yourself acting like a little kid?

Last Answer : Way too many times—I’m in my own world too much. And believe me, people always catch me.

Description : Should there be mandatory counseling for a kid who kills and mutilates animals?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt anything will happen, but I would contact Child Protective Services. Personally, I would also ask to meet with the parents of the kid so he at least knows someone is ... local animal welfare agency. If no such organization exists, report the incident to the police department.

Description : At what age would you leave your kid with grandparents for a few days?

Last Answer : It all depends on your child and their relationship with the grandparents. I saw my grandchild every day from the day she was born. So when her folks wanted to leave her with me overnight it was just fine (in fact, better than fine) as far as she was concerned. Do it when the child is ready.

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Last Answer : Might forget their names from time to time. But never have I forgotten the presence of a child.

Description : When you were a kid, did you wear shoes in the summer time?

Last Answer : Always, either tennis shoes or flip-flops. I have tender feet. I was envious of the kids that could run across the gravel in bare feet, but I couldn’t do it.

Description : Would you start a collection for your kid?

Last Answer : I can't see any fun in having something still in the package. I guess it would be great to have because of the value. All of the dolls in my collection are out of the package and displayed, even ... care so much for the value. I only collect things that give me happiness to touch, hold and display.

Description : Do you think it's good to set a kid up for disappointment so they can learn the best ways of handling it?

Last Answer : I agree with “Someone else.” It’s not a bad compromise. Has the mother showed the four-year -old any of the litter boxes and explained what is involved in the daily housekeeping chores (that the owner of the kitty is responsible for)?

Description : Has anyone taken their kid to work on Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day?

Last Answer : I did (many times) and it really helped form my boys’ interest in science and engineering. They were able to see and play with all kinds of test equipment, engines, environmental test chambers, wind tunnel, etc. They got a much better understanding of the engineering world. The lessons stuck.

Description : If your kid wanted to go outside without his or her coat on, and it was really cold, would you let them?

Last Answer : answer:I would and I would do exactly what you did make them take it with them. My daughter decided one day to refuse to put on her shoes, mind you it was winter and freezing out so I let her ... times have less struggles when I can remind her of what happened when she didn't listen to me before.

Description : As an adult, have you ever purchased a toy or item that you once had as a kid?

Last Answer : I’ve looked for a specific toy that a childhood friend had… with no success. But I’ve managed to find several well-loved books that I had as a child, in the same editions. I find it funny that I should want to get them back after so long – but I like having them.

Description : So, is THIS kid "cute"?

Last Answer : He’s a mess, but his parents are worse, far worse.

Description : If you were a sh*t disturber as a teen, are you worried that your kid is going to go the same route?

Last Answer : I was a total asshole as a teenager. I never got in trouble outside of the house, but I was a mean, bitchy, pain in the ass. Fortunately my son is a great kid. Unfortunately for my sister, my niece is just like me. lol

Description : How young can a kid go and dress by themselves at a gym?

Last Answer : I don’t know if I’d be “peeved” or “creeped out” by it, but 12–14 is certainly old enough to dress on your own. If you’re old enough to have pubic hair, there’s no reason for mommy to dress you.

Description : Where is the kid saying "worry about yourself I don't need help with my seatbelt" video?

Last Answer : You can watch it here.

Description : Do you teach your kid about bullying?

Last Answer : When my son was scolding his younger sister, I intervened. I told him to go look up the word ‘browbeating.’ He eagerly ran to do that. He got the message. He doesn’t bully.

Description : Were you a cute kid?

Last Answer : answer:I as very cute as a little girl and very awkward and gawky as a young teen. This And this Oddly, I can’t seem to find any pix of me during the awkward phase.

Description : What is that thing you always wanted as a kid but your parents never let you have?

Last Answer : Horseback riding lessons.

Description : Would you name your kid after someone whose professional work you admired, but whose personal life might have been less than exemplary?

Last Answer : Nope

Description : How did you choose the names for your kid(s)?

Last Answer : answer:Being Jewish, we followed the tradition of naming our children for relatives who had died recently. My son was named John after his paternal great-grandfather, Jacob; and my daughter Alison after her great-aunt Ada. We chose the middle names similarly.

Description : Not giving a baseball to a kid... ok or not?

Last Answer : answer:Spoiled little shit. Now, if it had been a struggle, like the other recent video I saw that involved a little girl, I'd say definitely give it to the kid but that wasn't even close. It was so un ... even reached his hand out and looked at his parents as if they were denying him! Ugh. B-R-A-T.

Description : What would you have done if you saw a little kid riding a bike on the sidewalk very inappropriately under dressed for the weather?

Last Answer : answer:You are very observant and you are to be commended for this. Yes, you made the call to the police, but you should have been told by the dispatcher to stay with the child, until the ... agree with this, but this is the future and humans have lost the human touch in just about everything.

Description : How did you feel when your kid/s went away to college?

Last Answer : I know it has to be awful and happy at the same time. My son will be off to college in the next two years I don’t look forward to it. {{{HUGS}}} for you @ANef_is_Enuf .

Description : Why is it that only men get accused of acting like a little kid?

Last Answer : I listen to dozens of men daily complain about women, A-Z topics. Yes they most certainly do complain about women who still act like 12 year olds and worse, speak like 12 year olds.

Description : Would you believe your neighbor or your kid?

Last Answer : I would ask the neighbour if he saw your son doing it. If he did then I would believe him. If not then I wouldn’t.

Description : What is one of the funniest stories that someone has told you about their kid?

Last Answer : I have heard a lot of funny stories about other people's kids. I have a soft spot for kids, though. I think the funniest I've heard recently was about my friend's 2 year old getting into trouble. Her ... replied Me not bad, me PRETTY, mommy. Cracked me up. Where do they come up with this stuff?

Description : Seven year old kid attacked by a leopard at the Wichita Zoo. Who's to blame?

Last Answer : A very unfortunate situation. The person watching the children will have to bear a lot of the fault.

Description : Aside from home schooling, which I already do, what are other ways to save money raising a kid all the while not being neglectful or stifling in any way?

Last Answer : Out of curiosity, how does home schooling save money? I would think it costs money- not only does it remove someone from the workforce, you have to pay for textbooks, etc.

Description : Would you ever just "get rid" of a kid who was proving hard to handle?

Last Answer : No, I don’t think so.

Description : What is the best thing a kid can get / ask for,for christmas?

Last Answer : answer:A brand new list of household chores for 2011? Make it special and have them framed…

Description : What are your childhood memories of the kid who died or got killed?

Last Answer : answer:There was a kid in the wider neighborhood, a little boy named Frankie. His last name sounded like Ma-LINN, and I never could figure out how it was spelled. He was in the other first grade ... was a frightening revelation for me. I think I was too scared even to tell my parents about it.

Description : Is there a benefit to telling a kid they can be or do anything they want off of their efforts alone or does it do them a disservice?

Last Answer : answer:Hard work and effort can get you appointed to things. Hard work includes negotiation, networking and effort. People do not get appointed to things by luck. There's a saying, Reach for the stars, hit the ... to say, Why are you trying to do that? You'll never make it. Don't bother trying.

Description : Parents, What did you think when your kid/kids first started dating?

Last Answer : answer:I hope something comes of it too. Wacka Wacka Wack ;) psst! This question might have been better in the general section!

Description : What would you do if you saw a woman grab her kid/infant/toddler and shake them vigorously in public?

Last Answer : I feel sick about it but never butt into a situation between a parent and his/her child.

Description : Is it ego that drives parents to put their kid in show biz?

Last Answer : You should watch Little Miss Perfect, a TV show about child beauty pageants. It may give you some insight into the inner workings of parents who have gone completely cocoa bananas.

Description : What is the grossest thing your kid has done without knowing how gross it was?

Last Answer : Well, since I don't have any kids I'll share a story about my younger sister. When she was a baby, JUST learning how to crawl, she was booting it around on the floor while my Mum was cleaning well, ... one.. She ate a whole hair-ball and left the liquidly, bile mess behind. I'M gagging now!! Sick!

Description : Did any of you eat your boogers when you were a kid?

Last Answer : No, but my brother did, he didn’t like blowing his nose because he would get a headache.

Description : When you were a kid, in the winter, playing in the snow, playing outside even when it was windy, do you recall cold ever being an issue?

Last Answer : Whooooooaaaaaaa now that you mention it, no, I don’t think I’ve ever really worried about the cold. Well, I remember my fingers used to get cold often, but other than that, I don’t recall anything else.

Description : If your 9 or 12 year old child just wanted to change their gender (assume for this question that there is no underlying medical need for it, the kid just wants to do it,) would you allow it?

Last Answer : Three conditions would have to be fulfilled first. 1. A psychatric evaluation must come to the conclusion that it really is a mind-in-the-body-of-the-wrong-gender case. 2. The condition must be severe ... . lead to depression and/or a higher suicide risk. 3. I need to have enough money for this.

Description : What was your favorite toy as a kid?

Last Answer : Legos! omg, i had a chest full of legos. like, literally millions of them. i would build transformers out of legos and voltron too! holy crap. i really am pissed that the lego stores have taken off since my adulthood. i could have used a place like that!

Description : What websites do you consider to be "kid websites"?

Last Answer : God I hope only Neopets is acceptable for children in your list. Probably things like, Disney.com and the like. :) Then there are some educational ones, museums, and galleries have kids sections or things like lissaexplains.com.

Description : What's the name of this book i loved as a kid?

Last Answer : sorry, doesn’t ring a bell, though it reminded me of a Terry Pratchett book called “Only you can save Mankind” which is fun to read as an adult. But it’s a boy called Johnny and he’s fighting the aliens through his computer game. Do you remember the girl’s name?