A "stop snoring" device that works?

1 Answer

Answer :

Your partner may need a c-pap. It’s not pretty, but it works. After a sleep study, my husband was prescribe one and I have he has gotten the best sleep in the world since then. It was also necessary because he was experiencing sleep apnea. Snoring can be a dangerous disorder and should be checked out by a doctor. Also there are free sleep disorder studies you can look into.

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Last Answer : no no I don't just sleep yawning (drunk)

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Snoring cures can include surgery, weight loss, use of a C-Pap machine or changing your sleeping position. This is something you would want to consult your medical professional for.

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Last Answer : Snoring can be very annoying especially from a spouse. Walgreens and other drug stores sell a band aid type for your nose. It opens the airwaves a bit more to help prevent snoring.

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Last Answer : Hello, sorry to hear about your pain. The amoxicillin you are on is an antibiotic. It will help reduce the swelling and the pain, however he can take longer to take effect. Sometimes a few ... drain the infection in the dentist office to offer relief quickly.Good luck and hope you feel better. .