Is there a Yiddish or Hebrew word for "hangover"?

1 Answer

Answer :

According to Google it is צירי התפכחות

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Last Answer : drink some more baby!

Description : What is your hangover remedy?

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Description : How do I get over a hangover?

Last Answer : Drink lots of water the night of and take tylenol before you go to bed. Always worked like a charm for me. Ive also noticed that darker liquors, beer and wine tend to produce hangovers vs lighter or clear stuff.

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Last Answer : Tapuach.

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Last Answer : break (verb)לִשְׁבּוֹר (lishbor) = break (something), fracture, snap, shatter to pieces, ruin, destroyלִפְרוֹץ (lifrots) = break, break through, break out, burst, break forth, ... fracture, fraction, breaking, break, breakageהִזדַמְנוּת (hizdamnut) = opportunity, chance, occasion, break, occurrence

Description : What is your the worst hangover scenario?

Last Answer : Not the same, but similar. I got food poisoning at work. I was in a manhole in San Francisco. Manholes are basically cement rooms, with a small, circular pit called a sump, to help pump water out. When ... my guts out, unable to climb the ladder to get out. My worst hangover was a lot like that.

Description : Are there any treatments for a hangover that actually help?

Last Answer : If you can, eat something greasy.

Description : You open your window and see Kingkong, Mother Teresa and the cast of Hangover II gawking, what will you say?

Last Answer : “Yuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppp.” then proceed to close the window.

Description : How do you get over a hangover quickly?

Last Answer : answer:Go back to bed and sleep as much of it off as you can. Alka Seltzer might help with the nausea and headache, but it tastes vile so trying to keep it down when you feel rotten is quite tough (I ... just have to sleep it off and wish for the next day to arrive, when you'll feel back to normal.

Description : Any tips for dealing with a hangover?

Last Answer : Practice makes perfect. As I developed into an alcoholic, I noticed that I didn’t suffer from the perpetual hangover any more. When I curbed my drinking recently, I noticed that they returned with a vengeance!

Description : What's the best hangover cure?

Last Answer : More of the same you been drinking. Really.

Description : Truth or Myth: Your hangover will be gone if you exercise?

Last Answer : Myth. It may help a little, but only time ends it. Plus you will feel lousy while doing it.

Description : If this is supposed to be such an awesome new year then why do so many of us start it off with a hangover?

Last Answer : You have to give the old one a proper sending off and start the new one with a bang (interpret that as you wish)! and a day of laziness and hang-over isn’t that big a price to pay (can you tell my headache’s pretty much gone by now?).

Description : How do you prevent a hangover?

Last Answer : Simple – don’t drink too much! :o) or…How to Prevent a Hangover

Description : What are the best remedies to cure a hangover?

Last Answer : Some people eat to get over one. Others prefer to prevent one in the first place. But in general, we appear to like these suggestions. If there isn’t anything there for you, you could try browsing the topic.

Description : Does anyone know a better hangover cure than just water and advil?

Last Answer : There are lots of good ideas from this similar question:

Description : What is the best way to get over a hangover?

Last Answer : In my experience the best way to get over a hangover is two aspirin (cause it thins the blood), a glass of water (cause it dilutes the blood and rehydrates the body) and two hours of sleep (cause it gives the previous two time to work).

Description : Ways to cure a hangover?

Last Answer : Lot’s of water and some Advil or Tylenol helps. Some people like the hair of the dog method, and have a few drinks, but I wouldn’t recommend it. I hope you feel better soon!

Description : What is the best hangover food?

Last Answer : I’ve heard a few people I know say greasy food is the best, though I’ve never tried it.

Description : What do you think about the stock market "getting drunk" and now haveing a "hangover"?

Last Answer : I actually can’t bring myself to read about the economy, simply because it just scares me too much… same goes for just about everything Dubya says, but if he said that, I’m not the least bit surprised. I’m leaving it at that.

Description : A man goes out drinking every night, returning to his home in the wee hours of every morning. No matter how much he drinks, he never gets a hangover. This drink is very well known, but is ... sucker for a free drink, especially since he can't live without it.What is his favorite drink? -Riddles

Last Answer : Blood. The man is a Vampire.