Anybody else having issues with iTunes at the moment?

1 Answer

Answer :

My issue isn’t the same as yours. I cannot get a slideshow with music from itunes to burn to a disc. It’s about to drive me insane. HELP?

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Last Answer : answer:The will most likely categorize it as a clerical error / omission and not as false advertising per se. To prove false advertising, there would have to be some sort display of intent to defraud. Although I sympathize with you, you will not win the argument.

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Last Answer : Tink You answered the question. You need to change the Visa to another card with valid info or your Pay Pal account. The iTunes gift cards can be used but there has to be valid current credit card in their system. Re-read the terms and conditions for app store and iTunes.

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Last Answer : Are you using iTunes 9 with this? It looks like the program is the issue, not you. Now it’s up to Apple to develop a fix for this jolly little error in the next major update.

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Last Answer : Browse, you’ll definitely find some good stuff there.

Description : How should I handle video clips in iTunes?

Last Answer : To iTunes, they’re either movies, tv shows, music videos, or video podcasts. I don’t think there’s an east way to define custom media types.

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Last Answer : What I do: connect a 1TB MyBook external drive & set that as the location of my one and only library, then share it.

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Last Answer : I'm not sure that iTunes will backup a jailbroken iPhone, but if it does, more power to you To maintain the security of the clean backup, you can copy it to a safe location, either on your ... run the dirty backup, knowing that you have a clean backup waiting in the wings, should you need it.

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Last Answer : When faced with a login screen, you should be able to select something like a “Create an Account” etc. Or there may be a “Reset your password” dialogue.

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Last Answer : Internet options and iTunes store should have nothing to do with the iPhone... that's quite peculiar. You uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes? Have you gone to the Apple > Support> Discussions Pages? Run ... get the same message. If not, try posting there too to increase your chances of getting help.

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Last Answer : The word is “later this week”

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Last Answer : answer:- Latest version of iTunes? - Does this behavior continue after reboot? - Is iTunes rigged to startup at login? - Do you employ a third-party app to control playback in iTunes ... sharing some more information will help shake something loose. (obligatory link to Apple Discussions on iTunes.)

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Last Answer : answer:I agree, this is bad practice. All signs point to the fact that Apple wanted to ship ringtones on day one for all iTunes customers, but that licensing issues with the record labels prevented them from ... worth I'm sure it would be free if the labels hadn't have stepped in. Hope this helps.

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Last Answer : sorry but my iphone just completely frose on me about 2 weeks ago and now it wont turn off/on or charge or anything