Who is this guy? (I'm trying to relocate a lecturer on conspiracies)

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Related questions

Description : Who's that guy on youtube?

Last Answer : I cant find it right now, but im pretty sure im thinking about the same video, and if so it was kimbo. His eye wasnt actually knocked out, but just swollen horribly.

Description : I'm running out of YouTube videos can you suggest some for me?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu2DcHzokew You’re welcome.

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Last Answer : Probably has to do with demonetisation (threats).

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Last Answer : That’s just pathetic. He needs to get a real life.

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Last Answer : Yes

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Last Answer : Knot tying! I wish I had learned it decades a go. There are so many different kinds for specific applications but all you really need to know are 7 basic ones. . Not only will you be able to get ... words of Archimedes: Give me a roll of 500 pound paracord long enough, and I shall move the world.

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Last Answer : Sounds like reasonable speculation, but maybe there were no old comments, especially from when they weren’t allowed.

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Last Answer : No, not really.

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Last Answer : I’m going to the hospital in 52 minutes for some nerve conduction studies. I’ll read the details of the question when I get back.

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Last Answer : I’ve been having fun building a blues playlist. I already culled my favorite renditions of the Beethoven piano sonatas. You tube is a fantastic resource.

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Last Answer : No. The big guys with their automated ContentID systems will pay no attention to your copyright notice. They will railroad you.

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Last Answer : The one you linked to recommends becoming a life coach

Description : Can you please find me a Let's Play for B.C. ?

Last Answer : If this is what you meant, it wasn’t hard to do.

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Last Answer : I personally wish that they didn't need to ask at all!!! I have run across a few channels that don't mention the like & subscribe & choose to ad a quick edit at the end of their video with a link ... way I'm showing my appreciation of their work & I don't forget to say Thank You at the end!!!

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Last Answer : Ask for a shout out on other YouTube videos.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Aaron Cleary consulting. Is NSFW. If you can handle American right wing potty mouth than it is sometimes very funny.

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Last Answer : I think it's vital to have an overall general topic for the vlog. I don't think it should be about anything and everything. Choose a general topic and stick to it. Do you have a ... tools or winter sports or cooking Japanese-style curry or underwater basket weaving. We need to narrow it down.

Description : What does "surrounding the bust" mean (read the details)

Last Answer : Had to listen to it twice to get it. I think they mean there was a drug bust of people in her circle and she was one of the few involved who wasn’t jailed.

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Last Answer : 1: Go to YouTube. 2: Register a free account on YouTube. 3. Record a video with your webcam. 4: Upload video to YouTube. 5: Profit?

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Last Answer : Um, why not do this yourself? While you’re at it could you compile a list of cool death metal songs and send it to me? I needed to be kind of a smart ass to show why this response was justifiably snarky.

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Last Answer : Try this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/numberphile

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Last Answer : RedDeerGuy1 I guess you don’t have any other bit of info like approximately when it was, etc.?

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Last Answer : answer:It's just an alternative way to watch YouTube. I assume this is AirPlay in which your tablet is prompting you as an option. It's just an alternative way of watching it. I have similar options ... video for it to stream. Whereas the app has its own interface. I'm assuming Roku is similar.

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Last Answer : PewDiePie closely followed by Kinder Surprise undoing.

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Last Answer : Blocking them, prevents them from communicating with you in any way.

Description : How do you make a YouTube video with a built in Surface tablet camera?

Last Answer : answer:You get a YouTube account with any gmail email address, so that’s easy enough. Your Surface’s camera app likely already has a video capability. You can upload any video you record onto YouTube using these steps.

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Last Answer : Youtube

Description : How can I deal with negativity in social media?

Last Answer : answer:On the Internet, all press is good press. If people hate you, that translates to views. Views, if you’re doing it right, translates to money. Laugh your evil, maniacal laugh all the way to the bank.

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Last Answer : answer:The same question the TV networks ask - how do we get viewers to want to come back? You do so by producing quality videos that are engaging,interesting, leave the viewer curious ... about that also communicate why you are passionate about it and what another person would find interesting.

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Last Answer : Do you mean you use a camera to record the game while playing? I wouldn’t recommend that since it will produce a very poor quality video, and viewers don’t like watching something in so poor quality.

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Last Answer : answer:Make videos that people want to watch - quality, something that tells a story. YouTube is like a giant marketplace. There are zillions of choices. You need to give the viewer a reason to watch your ... . If you make good videos, people will watch them. If you make crap, then no one will.

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Last Answer : The series has built itself off of negativity. So in the eyes of the creators of these videos .. no. There are lots of positives to the jobs they pick on too.. they just don’t mention it because their claim to fame is in the negative spectrum.

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Last Answer : Other than Watson something newer please.

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Last Answer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnoC0o3MOGM

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Last Answer : I would think it would be the doing of it for you rather than if anyone watched it that would be of value. It sounds like a good idea.

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Last Answer : answer:Because the functions available in the app are controlled by the developer of the app. The Internet, of necessity, must be available to as many browsers as possible or the site is limiting their ... for me to justify using an app which cripples functionality. I'm not in that big a rush.

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Last Answer : And no it’s not copy righted ,and said I could if I want, but he nor I know how to do it.

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Last Answer : “A girl and her dawg.” “Knee deep in Medy” “Life is for the dogs.”

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Last Answer : I find that caffeine helps, for pretty much the same reason ADHD people take Ritalin. Aside from chemistry, the only other way is to have someone there to keep you on-track.

Description : What do I need to know before starting a YouTube channel?

Last Answer : If it's between you and your mom than all you really need to know is add each other and turn on the unlisted settings. That way your conversations will be lost in the abyss for no one to find except ... 'd like best but that's what I'd do. You can upload as public, unlisted, private or scheduled.

Description : YouTube limits for private videos?

Last Answer : answer:They told you it is not a proper use of their service. And maybe you can get away with it, and no one will ever know. But it is not morally defensible, and if some day a year after you ... and conditions, and they wipe out your back-up? What then? How about burning DVDs of all your videos?

Description : Will this video show as 720p or 1080p on youtube?

Last Answer : YouTube video quality is a joke. They shouldn’t even claim their videos are 1080p because none of them are.

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Last Answer : First!! YouTube comment section is where the internet goes to die…

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Last Answer : Working fine here.

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Last Answer : I always answer “No” but they still keep asking. I don’t think you can stop those baddies from doing what they want to do with their program.

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Last Answer : answer:Either your monitor or your video player will be down-rez'ing the 1080p version to fit your screen if you use the 1080p version. Why not let the pros do the down-rez and use their 720p version ... someday you'll get a higher rez screen. That would be a worthwhile reason to get the big one.

Description : Is there an easy way of transferring your Youtube playlists to another account?

Last Answer : answer:Awww, look at this lonely answer section. No one responded? Here ya go buddy: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=transfer+youtube+playlists