Any good free anti-virus software?

1 Answer

Answer :

AVG Free

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Description : Does anyone know of any good free antivirus software?

Last Answer : I’ve used AVG forever and it’s worked great for me. It was recommended to me by close friends who work in IT.

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Last Answer : There is a program called Audacity that can do sound editing, I don’t think it transcribes pitch to notes though… :-/

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Last Answer : You could try using Gimp for Mac. I used to use it and it’s a great free alternative to Photoshop.

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Last Answer : Spotify. I also just discovered EverSave :D

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, here is one for Realtime Landscape Plus 2.4: Here is another one for Better Homes and Gardens Software:

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Last Answer : answer:GIMP is an open source program that is supposed to be equivalent to photoshop more or less

Description : Free music editing software for windows xp?

Last Answer : Tell him to try Audacity.

Description : Good free windows video editing software?

Last Answer : Windows movie maker comes preinstalled. Go to ‘Start’ then ‘Accessories’ and you should see it.

Description : Virus protection for Macs?

Last Answer : answer:Never used any in 15 years. But if you must, Clam X is free.

Description : I'm an AVG user, I'm wondering what other free anti virus software is good?

Last Answer : I've used Avira, Avast, AVG and Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE). Currently I'm using MSE, it seems to impact the performance of my laptop less than others. But it seems every 6 months or ... trojan horses/spyware. Even if things aren't acting up, I scan with Malwarebytes every couple of weeks.

Description : What is the best free anti-virus software?

Last Answer : AVG is pretty good….getting a mac is a better option in the long term…

Description : What is the best free anti-virus software?

Last Answer : AVG Antivirus has a 30 day free trial. A company called Freebyte has a really good one that works well. You can download it at

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Last Answer : answer:The answer is not so simple. For most consumers there are free versions of software that will do 95% of what an average user needs. That's what I do on my computer. My entire OS and ... many smartphone apps makers would rather you just use the free version so they can collect the ad revenue.

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Last Answer : Try to Google Blu-Ray software. You will see many choices. Here’s one of about 12 million returned:

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Last Answer : Try Evernote. This is an app as well as a website, and syncs across all your devices. You can set deadlines with this app. Evernote . Evernote is not perfect but is the best I’ve seen so far, IMO. If you want something that is more like a calendar, try the Sunrise app.

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Last Answer : answer:Do Apps count? We bought Apple OS upgrades in the past, and some anti-virus stuff. My fiancé is in IT, so he is in charge of that, and he’s very honorable and doesn’t even torrent movies or pirate music.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. Some ideas off the top of my head: Success to Succession Next in Line Success Tree Responsibilities Reporting Tree

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Last Answer : You could try this one. I’ll keep looking through my notes to see if I’ve flagged any similar websites.

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Last Answer : answer:Photoshop What the heck is mind map?

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Last Answer : answer:Have you tried peer code review? Every couple of days go through and review all the new code publicly with everyone in the group. Have the person who wrote it explain what they did ... much better code and programmers who are able to develop their skills rather than keeping the same habits.

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Last Answer : answer:It would be legal, because you purchase the license not the disk itself. Downloading the software in itself is not a crime, using it without a legally purchased license is.

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Last Answer : answer:The only one I know of is AutoTune. But another fun software is Vocaloid which lets you input digital music and typed lyrics, and the software “sings” the song for you.

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Last Answer : Is the screencast just speech or are there other things on the soundtrack, music, effects, anything like that, particularly over the voices? I've used Dragon Naturally Speaking, and the version for the ... manual tweaking anyway. If you can get major chunks of it that would be something at least.

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Last Answer : answer:I like Harvest, and it sounds like it fits the bill for what you're looking for. The invoicing design options are limited right now, so you may not be able to use that portion, but the time ... use and effective. The reporting features have improved a lot in the last 6 months or so as well.

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Last Answer : Garageband? Just mix several short sample cips and save as one mp3.