What feeling word would you use?

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Last Answer : Being accepted

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Last Answer : Do you have health insurance? If so, I recommend going to talk to a professional. Depression is common, but sometimes it’s something we need help with – professional help. It’s not something to just wait out and hope it goes away. Make an appointment. It can’t hurt.

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Last Answer : Well you need to have peace inside yourself. One way to obtain this while staying awake is to, “Bake.”

Description : What are you feeling and thinking right now?

Last Answer : I just had a bit of movie casting confirmed which made me so happy I could vomit. And almost as soon as I read it, this happened and now I am so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of awesome that I need to go lie down.

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Last Answer : I am very good at saying how I feel XD

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Last Answer : Yes. It happens when I’m right.

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Last Answer : Yes it is a muscle twitch.

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Last Answer : It’s a combination of our innate nature and how we choose to relate to the world and society, combined with our reaction to behavior and conscious and unconscious input from our families, friends, teachers, communities and culture.

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Last Answer : You sound very depressed. Have you talked to your doctor about how you're feeling? There is a way out of this feeling. It may take time and you may need medication to help you, but you can feel ... Acknowledging how you're feeling and that you aren't happy is the first step, and you've taken that.

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Last Answer : answer:In a situation like that, I would think that it would be better to say that the expense of the quality they were looking for, would be to expensive for her since she was just starting out and ... while when my spirit is feeling low. A little white lie can help me muster through a tough day.

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Last Answer : answer:Barry Goldwater used these terms to give conservatism a rational basis when he said: I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue! (Boldface added for illustration.)

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Last Answer : Being a child of the 60's it is strange to me that the civil rights movement was happening right then. I was so idealistic because I didn't know anything but equality and justice and anything else ... . That narrow time between birth control (which was easy to get even as a teenager) and AIDS.

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Last Answer : Maybe. Perhaps you realize people are idiots and rarely change their minds on anything based on a conversation. Or maybe you are an elitist and spoiled by your contemporaries really ‘getting you’.

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Last Answer : I will add that this isn’t the first time I have done this, and on occasion I have avoided trouble because of it.

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Last Answer : Love and hate are closely related, not polar opposites, why would you hate someone if they mean nothing to you? I realise you have not used the word “love” but I’m reading between the lines due to lack of more clarifying information.

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Last Answer : Well Jude’s question confirmed I’m attached to my penis, but my S/O and family would probably be first in line.

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Last Answer : She didn’t say no… unfortunately.

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Last Answer : answer:Let them run their course, really. The easiest way to get over irrational insecurities and intrusive thoughts is to face them head on. Trying to stop thinking about them usually only makes it ... 've discovered while picking things apart, and you might have just enough clarity to let it go.

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Last Answer : answer:I overcame feelings of inadequacy the first time I managed to do something I really thought I could not do. For the first time in my life, instead of over thinking shit, I just closed my eyes ... your worst enemy. The real trick is in knowing which one is talking to you at any given time.

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Last Answer : I am a little down.

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Last Answer : You’re going to meet a rich handsome fella and live happily ever after.

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Last Answer : I don’t give a personality to appliances & machines. I’d just see it gets the maintainance it needs.

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Last Answer : Find other “touchy feely” people and get them together.

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Last Answer : answer:I completely understand where you are coming from. Growing up, my parents have been strict and I have been called everything from stupid to slut to anything else imaginable. I ended up having low ... have to prove it to the world. Turn this entire situation into your motivation to do better.

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Last Answer : Help someone else out, no matter how small the gesture.

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Last Answer : The use of hyperbole is used usually to attract attention or to try to make people laugh.

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Last Answer : answer:There are people who are the victims of chance, and I have compassion for them. There are people who volunteer for their misfortunes, and I have little compassion or sympathy for them.

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Last Answer : No, my gut goes with me! sorry, couldn’t pass it up!