Have you ever been away from your family for the holidays (*********). If so, what was it like?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Last ********* was my first ********* without my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. My husband and son were with me. It was different and I missed the big family dinner that we always had (with aunts and uncles, cousins, and grandparents), but it was still nice in other ways. It was nice to have our little family. This year, we don’t know if my husband will be back in time or not. If not, it will just be me and my son. My son and I already said we would wait to open presents until my husband got home. I really miss the big family dinners and can’t wait to have one again sometime.

Related questions

Description : For those of you who celebrate Christmas (and give gifts), because of the economy and money being tight for some, how would you feel about just getting together with family over the holidays and no gifts?

Last Answer : That’d be fine by me. Christmas is about getting together with loved ones. The kids in the family like the gifts, but I could care less. We exchange ornaments with siblings in my family. No other gifts.

Description : What is the easiest part of the Christmas holidays for you? The hardest part?

Last Answer : The easiest is being away from home so I don’t feel pressured to visit people and do things I don’t want to. The hardest is being poor and not being able to do what I want to do.

Description : If you hang Christmas lights on your house during the holidays, does it bother you if your neighbour chooses not to?

Last Answer : It doesen’t. Well, I don’t put up lights myself. Two people on my street have an impressive set of lights every year though. Looks like a Christmas village up in this bitch. Even if I did have lights, no one would notice as I’d be eclipsed by those two Xmas G’s.

Description : People who celebrate Christmas or other December holidays (Chanukah, Yule): What kind of decorations do you have throughout your house to make it festive?

Last Answer : Nothing I am afraid, although it can look very pretty. Maybe one day I will get into that, in the future.

Description : What do you think about Merry Christmas being changed to Happy Holidays?

Last Answer : I think it makes sense in a way. I mean, during this month there is more than one holiday. I don’t understand why people get upset over it.

Description : Jellies, what are you plans for the Christmas holidays?

Last Answer : Get drunk and eat the whole time!

Description : What was your Christmas gift that got away?

Last Answer : world peace

Description : Considering that Christmas is a week away: are you further behind than last year; about the same place, or futher ahead with your shopping, decorating, wrapping, baking, etc?

Last Answer : Presents bought, wrapped and a few are under the tree. I’m way ahead of myself this year. Last year at this time, I didn’t even have a ⅓ of it done. And, I’m starting Holidays next week. Oh, yeaaaah! I get to kick back and have some Capt. Morgan’s and nogs, manana. :)

Description : What is one thing that you really like about these year-end holidays?

Last Answer : I love the Twilight Zone marathons on TV :P

Description : How are you celebrating the holidays this year?

Last Answer : I’m chugging name brand cola. Adding stuff to my Amazon wish lists. Napping for fun. Trying out my new pillows. Trying every pot roast beef dinners from Skip the Dishes.

Description : Christmukah, etcetera. How do you feel about these hybrid combo holidays?

Last Answer : No. They are completely separate occasions with separate meanings.

Description : If we remove religion from all government sanctioned holidays, but none of the holidays change, isn't that hypocritical?

Last Answer : I think it’s pretty silly, but not necessarily hypocritical. I mean, if the students are celebrating a religious holiday at home, and not at school, does it matter what the school calls the holidays? They can call it “Day Off” as easily as anything else.

Description : Anyone else not excited about the holidays?

Last Answer : I'm the same as always, just another time of year. I like the little Christmas parade my town does, and usually I go to see nutcracker, but not always. I like the decorations around town and the Christmas ... the boringist day of the year. Now at least it is a day of with my husband, vacation day.

Description : Do you celebrate gift exchanges or the holidays earlier than the date on the calendar?

Last Answer : No. I need as much time as I can get to be ready for such things.

Description : Why is it that the holidays suddenly put people in a charitable mood?

Last Answer : The holidays are generally seen as the time of giving.

Description : What do you want for the holidays?

Last Answer : World peace… would be nice.

Description : Are you looking forward to the Holidays or do they make you depressed?

Last Answer : I love the holidays! I can see how they can be depressing for people who have lost a loved one around that time or that they just miss having them around at this time. It can be very depressing for people who feel alone or don’t have family close to them to spend the holidays with.

Description : What's the best thing to do during the holidays?

Last Answer : answer:Well, knowing that the obvious spend time with family doesn't really apply after you are stuck with them for the holidays, I would suggest discovering new things to try out. Maybe do ... entertain myself and I usually involve my favorite websites for that; there is always something to do!

Description : Why do many people get angry if someone says "Happy Holidays"?

Last Answer : I’m old and will offer some advice. Don’t argue with or try to understand stupid. Just nod and smile and walk away.

Description : For those of you who are dreading the holidays, how are you coping?

Last Answer : To me, Christmas is like any other day that just comes and goes. I just prefer to have a bit of quiet contemplation and solitude over the holidays. All the hoopla and high expectations are just human fabrication, and I try not to let if affect me.

Description : How do you decorate for the holidays?

Last Answer : I go a little nuts indoors. Every room is completely decorated.. it usually looks like Rudolph threw up holiday spirit all over my house. I can plainly see two decorated trees from right where I'm ... , so we stick to some basic icicle lights across the roof and garland with lights on the fence.

Description : Are there any jellies who don't celebrate any of the religious or cultural holidays this time of year?

Last Answer : Our family isn’t religious but we gather together over the holidays because that’s the rare time some of us have paid/extra days off work. We celebrate the people in our lives and loved ones that are dead.

Description : What's good about the holidays? How can a scrooge become more excited about them?

Last Answer : I would say give him what he wants for one season and take his wife with you. If he was totally alone with no one around he might think different.

Description : Do you have a favorite Quote about the winter holidays?

Last Answer : “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!” This is not a quote, but this song title just seemed to fit your question, perfectly!

Description : Why do the Holidays stress people out?

Last Answer : I have gifts “under the tree” 24/7/365. If I really want something….I go get it. If I can’t afford it….I do without it.

Description : When will you start getting excited for the holidays?

Last Answer : Excited? Bah, humbug.

Description : Happy Holidays?

Last Answer : AGHHHH WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!! :P thanks, happy holidays to you as well cardinal :)

Description : How to celebrate the holidays.

Last Answer : Don't feel pressured to celebrate. It seems that you need to grieve and heal more. Perhaps instead of celebrating the season you can celebrate your mom by cooking some of her dishes, listening to some ... members share funny memories about your mom. It is OK to laugh and cry at the same time.

Description : I need gift ideas for a family Christmas gift exchange. A unisex gift with a 50 dollar cap. Ideas?

Last Answer : answer:You could make up a gift basket with a theme. For example, if they're coffee drinkers, you could do various coffees (or teas) with a fancy or funny mug, or teapot and various teas and a tea ... put it in a basket, put some celophane on it and a pretty ribbon, make it look professional.

Description : Do you expect a lot of family drama at your Christmas gatherings?

Last Answer : No. I’m very fortunate that my brothers and I are the most laid back people you’d ever want to meet. That’s not to mean that at times we don’t get on each other nerves, because we do, but none of us create or participate in drama.

Description : What Christmas gifts do you buy for your family members this year?

Last Answer : Well, I have a whole list from my family. I’m buying them exactly what they asked for!

Description : Do you have a Christmas tradition that started when you were young and continues today with your family?

Last Answer : My family started the tradition of opening some gifts on Christmas Eve. That evolved when we became adults into the family getting together on Christmas Eve, and then spending Christmas Day in our own ... craziness. It made me feel very happy to hear there was the traditional clam dip and fudge.

Description : Should you spend time this Christmas with family you've not cared about in quite awhile?

Last Answer : Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I can relate to your position.

Description : Man I fail at christmas... could anyone help me with present suggestions for my family?

Last Answer : Mom - Candles? Potpourri? Matching scarf and gloves? If you're considering a candle, look into Woodwick Candles. They have real wood wicks so when they burn they crackle. Sounds pretty. Brother - ... up under while she watches TV? Harry and David has some nice chocolates, jams, and jellies also.

Description : Have you ever been chastised for using, or not using, a particular greeting during the Christmas season?

Last Answer : No. It’s a made up crisis.

Description : What Christmas song have you noticed that you hear often that has been covered by a variety of artists?

Last Answer : answer:One Christmas song I loved from the 80s was Power of Love by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. I've heard another version this year, no idea who sings it (it's a woman). I like it ... Know Its Christmas which seems to get churned out every few years with a different bunch of singers involved.

Description : How many times have you been acting Santa Christmas and what are your techniques for success?

Last Answer : 10–15 beers and you will be the jolliest Santa ever. This secret technique also makes you a great Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Great Pumpkin or whatever else you are in a situation to portray.

Description : So, my Jelly pals, would you care to share your Christmas plans?

Last Answer : Scour the wasteland for scrap and canned dog food.

Description : So how are you coming along with your Christmas shopping?

Last Answer : I have bought 2 big presents so far. Pretty much done.

Description : Why is there so much bad Christmas music out there?

Last Answer : answer:Different strokes for different folks, bro. i’m thinking there’s a tolerance lesson here somewhere . . .

Description : Why are people so upbeat and excited about putting up Christmas trees and displays, but so glum taking them down?

Last Answer : answer:“Taking them down means you are in another year, a new one.” But it’s a whole year, @Hypocrisy_Central! That’s a long time to wait.

Description : How does the outside of your house look in terms of Christmas lights & so forth?

Last Answer : My own is pitiful (one light up Santa and a string of white bulbs), I’m not really into the lights and stuff, I think it’s obnxious.

Description : Merry almost-Christmas everyone!! So who's having a secret Santa this year?

Last Answer : I’m doing a secret santa with my team at work. There are 12 of us on the team, I’ve drawn the new girl that I don’t know at all, so I have no idea what to get her. My favourite Christmas drink is mulled wine

Description : Will you make any of your Christmas gifts this season and if so, what?

Last Answer : answer:I make cookies and candies to give to close friends each year. It’s easy for me since I love baking. Those are the only things I’ll be making to give as gifts (though I don’t really consider them to be gifts, just something nice to do).

Description : Christmas Holiday time is actually a SAD time for me, so I'm starting to dread them ALREADY. Anyone else?

Last Answer : answer:Yea, there's tons of stuff that you can do if you don't want to have a pity party for yourself. Volunteer to collect toys from those toy bins. Volunteer in a soup kitchen. There's a ... myself pretty unavailable on the holidays. It's only a happy time for normal people. I relate to you.

Description : Have you ever known an adult who expected, almost to the point of demanding, a gift for Christmas?

Last Answer : That’s crazy. Christmas is for kiddos anyway. Some people are just shameless and self centered…

Description : [Fluff time] What was the largest amount (as in numbers of bulbs) of Christmas lights you ever hung or arranged in any of the places you ever called home?

Last Answer : For me, personally, I think it’s 1000. Five 200 bulb strands. All inside.

Description : Have you ever had a 'lean' Christmas?

Last Answer : Make good for one hug coupons. Good for one freedom from time out. ect…

Description : Care to share the best Christmas/Chanukah present(s) you've ever gotten?

Last Answer : My best present is being able to spend time with my family. I like that most of all. :)

Description : Christmas presents; at what age did you stop buying for your nieces and nephews (if you ever did buy for them)

Last Answer : I still buy for them, and their all in their 20–30’s